Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 230, issue 3, 1996
- A sandpile model with dip pp. 329-335

- Jan Hemmingsson
- Statistical analysis of the Perseus-Pisces redshift survey: spatial and luminosity properties pp. 336-358

- F. Sylos Labini, M. Montuori and L. Pietronero
- Lévy statistics of water wave forces pp. 359-363

- Bruce J. West
- Lyapunov instability, local curvature, and the fluid-solid phase transition in two-dimensional particle systems pp. 364-387

- Ch. Dellago and H.A. Posch
- Effect of higher-order electric and magnetic multipolar transitions on Rayleigh light scattering in liquids pp. 388-408

- Krzysztof Knast
- Fluid-fluid phase separation in colloid-polymer mixtures studied with small angle light scattering and light microscopy pp. 409-436

- Nynke A.M. Verhaegh, Jeroen S. van Duijneveldt, Jan K.G. Dhont and Henk N.W. Lekkerkerker
- The surface shear viscosity of a planar liquid-vapor interface I. Theory pp. 437-454

- Leonard M.C. Sagis and Dick Bedeaux
- Scaling properties for ordered/disordered 2-D dry froths pp. 455-466

- H.J. Ruskin and Y. Feng
- Effect of pressure and of oxygen content on superconductivity in the cuprate HgBa2CuO4+δ. A quantitative analysis based on indirect-exchange pairing pp. 467-483

- L. Jansen and R. Block
- Transformation kinetics in 1-D processes with continuous nucleation: comparison of shielding and phantom effects pp. 484-498

- Dunbar P. Birnie and Michael C. Weinberg
- Aggregating pattern dynamics in a chemotaxis model including growth pp. 499-543

- Masayasu Mimura and Tohru Tsujikawa
- Scaling properties in temporal patterns of schizophrenia pp. 544-553

- R.M. Dünki and B. Ambühl
- Random walks in a closed space pp. 554-562

- N. Lemke and I.A. Campbell
- Analytic study of the effect of persistence on a one-dimensional biased random walk pp. 563-576

- Noëlle Pottier
- Analysis of the mean values and fluctuations in the chaotic maser model pp. 577-599

- F. Camargo and K. Furuya
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of multicomponent systems pp. 600-630

- K. Miyazaki, K. Kitahara and D. Bedeaux
- Quasi-variational principle for interface kinematics pp. 631-638

- Serge Yu. Potapenko
- The phase diagram of the 2D Ising model with anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor and four-spin interactions pp. 639-650

- Fugao Wang and Masuo Suzuki
- Study of cluster fluctuations in the two-dimensional q-state Potts model pp. 651-657

- Meral Aydin, Yiğit Gündüç and Tarik Çelik
- Hierarchy of equations for reduced density matrices in the case of thermodynamic equilibrium pp. 658-702

- V.A. Golovko
- Tricritical behaviour of the ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model with first- and second-neighbour interactions pp. 703-712

- A. Bobák, S. Mockovčiak, M. Jurčišin and M. Jaščur
- Geometrical approach to the thermodynamical theory of phase transitions of the second kind pp. 713-728

- A.K. Kanyuka and V.S. Glukhov
- Nonrelativistic calculation of the Lamb shift to order α5 pp. 729-735

- J. Seke
Volume 230, issue 1, 1996
- Exact solution of the dynamic epidemic model on the Bethe lattice pp. 1-10

- N. Vandewalle and Marcel Ausloos
- Fractals in isotropic systems generated with attracting spheres pp. 11-18

- E.P. Stoll, Christian Stern and Peter Stucki
- Critical behavior of nonlinear random conductance networks: Real-space renormalization group approach pp. 19-26

- Wing-Hon Siu
- Optical properties of plane and rough interfaces in the electrostatic approximation pp. 27-52

- J. Meunier
- Cluster-size distribution in colloidal aggregation monitored by single-cluster light scattering pp. 53-74

- A. Fernández-Barbero, A. Schmitt, M. Cabrerizo-Vílchez and R. Martínez-García
- T-matrix representation and long time behavior of observables in the theory of migration-influenced irreversible reactions in liquid solutions pp. 75-117

- A.A. Kipriyanov and A.B. Doktorov
- Hydrodynamic effects in the optically induced reorientation of nematic liquid crystals pp. 118-131

- R.F. Rodríguez, P. Ortega and R. Díaz-Uribe
- Scaling solutions and finite-size effects in the Lifshitz-Slyozov theory pp. 132-148

- Dieter W. Heermann, Li Yixue and Kurt Binder
- Isotropization time for non-Markovian CTRWs pp. 149-155

- Marián Boguñá, Josep M. Porrà, Jaume Masoliver and George H. Weiss
- Mutation load and the extinction of large populations pp. 156-173

- A.T. Bernardes
- Fragmentation versus stability in bimodal coalitions pp. 174-188

- Serge Galam
- Enskog-Landau kinetic equation. Calculation of the transport coefficients for charged hard spheres pp. 189-201

- A.E. Kobryn, V.G. Morozov, I.P. Omelyan and M.V. Tokarchuk
- Thermodynamical path choice model in steady-state urban commuter traffic pp. 202-218

- H. Lehmann
- Semiclassical theory of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors pp. 219-248

- M.J.M. de Jong and C.W.J. Beenakker
- Global mean-field phase diagram of the spin-1 Ising ferromagnet in a random crystal field pp. 249-256

- M.E.S. Borelli and C.E.I. Carneiro
- Renormalization group approach as an approximate solution of diophantine system of equations: Application to the Ising model pp. 257-265

- Savely Rabinovich
- An unorthodox analysis of the Frenkel-Kontorova model pp. 266-284

- Ralf Nasilowski
- Statistical description of segregation in a powder mixture pp. 285-299

- Alexander A. Shapiro and Erling H. Stenby
- Superfluidity of the Bose-Hubbard model: su (1,1) linearization scheme pp. 300-312

- Luigi Amico, Mario Rasetti and Riccardo Zecchina
- Exclusively combinatorial invariance aspects of a non-J model (reg.-t) polyhedral 13C-fullerene: Cayleyan [A]24 (SU(2 ⩽ m) × L24↓O) NMR (R-V) spin symmetries and their correlative mappings pp. 313-323

- F.P. Temme
Volume 229, issue 3, 1996
- Domain growth and thermal relaxation in spin glasses pp. 259-272

- Jan-Olov Andersson and Paolo Sibani
- Physical approach to the ergodic behavior of stochastic cellular automata with generalization to random processes with infinite memory pp. 273-294

- Birgitt Schönfisch and Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
- Industrial replacement, communication networks and fractal time statistics pp. 295-311

- Marcel Ovidiu Vlad and Michael C. Mackey
- Evolution towards ergodic behavior of stationary fractal random processes with memory: application to the study of long-range correlations of nucleotide sequences in DNA pp. 312-342

- Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, Birgitt Schönfisch and Michael C. Mackey
- Self-similar potentials in random media, fractal evolutionary landscapes and Kimura's neutral theory of molecular evolution pp. 343-364

- Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, Birgitt Schönfisch and Michael C. Mackey
- Statistical-mechanical analogies for space-dependent epidemics pp. 365-401

- Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, Birgitt Schönfisch and Claude Lacoursière
- Critical behavior of resistivity and Hall resistivity in percolating ferromagnetic metal-insulator films pp. 402-409

- A.B. Pakhomov and X. Yan
- Hard ellipsoid rod-plate mixtures: Onsager theory and computer simulations pp. 410-427

- Philip J. Camp and Michael P. Allen
- Surface structure and catalytic CO oxidation oscillations pp. 428-443

- R. Danielak, A. Perera, M. Moreau, M. Frankowicz and R. Kapral
- The characteristic times of the transient stochastic dynamics with time-dependent control parameters distributed initial conditions pp. 444-460

- J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
- Mean-field theory of avalanches in self-organized critical states pp. 461-477

- Makoto Katori and Hirotsugu Kobayashi
- Critical properties of the one-dimensional forest-fire model pp. 478-500

- A. Honecker and I. Peschel
- Rotational Brownian motion of spherical molecules the Fokker-Planck equation with memory pp. 501-514

- A.p Blokhin and M.f Gelin
- Front formation in a ballistic annihilation model pp. 515-529

- Jarosław Piasecki, Pierre-Antoine Rey and Michel Droz
- Dynamical models of earthquakes pp. 530-539

- Hiizu Nakanishi
- Dynamical phase transition in a lattice gas model with aggregation and self-organization pp. 540-551

- Yuriy G. Gordienko and Elena E. Zasimchuk
- Universality class of a reentrant phase transition in a frustrated Ising model pp. 552-562

- Hitoshi Asakawa and Masuo Suzuki
- The spin-32 Blume-Emery-Griffiths model pp. 563-573

- A. Bakkali, M. Kerouad and M. Saber
Volume 229, issue 2, 1996
- Dynamics of a neural network model with finite connectivity and cycle stored patterns pp. 147-165

- Daoyun Ji, Beilai Hu and Tianlun Chen
- Ferrimagnetism in a decorated Ising model pp. 166-180

- T. Kaneyoshi
- Mean-field renormalization group for the q-state clock spin-glass model pp. 181-187

- Shyh-Tzer Chen
- To the theory of kinetic properties of polar nematics pp. 188-202

- A.Yu. Zubarev and L.Yu. Iskakova
- Statistical thermodynamics of ferronematic pp. 203-217

- A.Yu. Zubarev and L.Yu. Iskakova
- Two-stream theory of diffusing light spectroscopies pp. 218-235

- D.J. Durian
- Reentrant oscillation in kinetic thin-film deposition pp. 236-243

- Rong-Fu Xiao
- Dynamic behaviours of 2∞ attractor and q-phase transitions at bifurcations in logistic map pp. 244-254

- P. Philominathan and S. Rajasekar
Volume 229, issue 1, 1996
- Random walks in a simple percolation model with two jump frequencies pp. 1-4

- A.V. Plyukhin
- Universal fragment size distribution in a numerical model of impact fracture pp. 5-25

- Hajime Inaoka and Hideki Takayasu
- Spatial scaling in fracture propagation in dilute systems pp. 26-35

- P. Ray and G. Date
- Slow dynamics of self-diffusion in metastable colloidal fluids pp. 36-46

- Michio Tokuyama,
- Critical interface in two dimensions pp. 47-52

- M. Robert, I. Reaney and P. Stadelmann
- An invariance property of the repton model pp. 53-60

- Anatoly B. Kolomeisky and B. Widom
- On the critical behaviour of a surface interacting linear polymer chain pp. 61-71

- Sanjay Kumar and Yashwant Singh
- Domain growth in weakly disordered magnets pp. 72-92

- B. Biswal, Sanjay Puri and D. Chowdhury
- Correlation regimes in systems of soft spherical particles studied by their Lyapunov exponents pp. 93-108

- István Borzsák, András Baranyai and Harald A. Posch
- Exact solution of Kramers' problem for piecewise parabolic potential profiles pp. 109-126

- A.N. Malakhov and A.L. Pankratov
- Real processing (RP) I: The principle of minimal entropy production (PME) of irreversible thermodynamics and the principle of minimal deformation (PMD) of hydrodynamics, their dependence and applications pp. 127-142

- Bernhard Reiser
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