Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 228, issue 1, 1996
- Interacting dimers on the honeycomb lattice: an exact solution of the five-vertex model pp. 1-32

- H.Y. Huang, F.Y. Wu, H. Kunz and D. Kim
- N = 2 supersymmetry and Bailey pairs pp. 33-62

- Alexander Berkovich, Barry M. McCoy and Anne Schilling
- Finitized conformal spectrum of the Ising model on the cylinder and torus pp. 63-77

- David L. O'Brien, Paul A. Pearce and S. Ole Warnaar
- Phase diagram in the generalized chiral clock models pp. 78-101

- Helen Au-Yang and Jacques H.H. Perk
- Effective action for the superfluid Fermi gas pp. 102-114

- P. Brussaard and Ch.G. van Weert
- Analytical approach to the t—t′—J model: Quasi-particle dispersion, Fermi surface and optical conductivity pp. 115-125

- Sergei I. Mukhin and L. Jos de Jongh
- Bäcklund transformations of solutions of nonlinear evolution equations and the Lie Bianchi transformation pp. 126-149

- E.M. de Jager em, S. Spannenburg and M.H. Sitters
- Peakons, r-matrix and Toda lattice pp. 150-159

- O. Ragnisco and M. Bruschi
- Discrete Painlevé equations: coalescences, limits and degeneracies pp. 160-171

- A. Ramani and B. Grammaticos
- On some integrable discrete-time systems associated with the Bogoyavlensky lattices pp. 172-188

- Vassilios G. Papageorgiou and Frank W. Nijhoff
- The interacton equation pp. 189-211

- Benno Fuchssteiner
- Computational chaos in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation without homoclinic crossings pp. 212-235

- M.J. Ablowitz, B.M. Herbst and C.M. Schober
- Order and the ubiquitous occurrence of chaos pp. 236-244

- A.S. Fokas and T. Bountis
- The order—chaos—order sequence in the spring pendulum pp. 245-272

- J.P. van der Weele and E. de Kleine
- Stochastic selfsimilar branching and turbulence pp. 273-291

- René Kluiving and Rubén A. Pasmanter
- How and why some theoreticians try to ride the waves pp. 292-294

- Rubén A. Pasmanter
- Escaping orbits in trace maps pp. 295-325

- John A.G. Roberts
- Spatio-temporal chaos and intermittency in a 1-dimensional energy-conserving coupled map lattice pp. 326-343

- C.I. Christov and G. Nicolis
- Area-preserving dynamics that is not reversible pp. 344-365

- Jeroen S.W. Lamb
Volume 227, issue 3, 1996
- Networks and multifractal asymptotics in turbulence pp. 165-172

- A. Bershadskii
- Experimental study of the roughness of crumpled surfaces pp. 173-182

- Franck Plouraboué and Stéphane Roux
- Anomalous multifractal spectrum of aggregating Lennard-Jones particles with Brownian dynamics pp. 183-196

- Joost H.J. van Opheusden, Martin T.A. Bos and Gert van der Kaaden
- A model of pair aggregation pp. 197-205

- David Iñiguez and Amalio F. Pacheco
- Transmission fingerprints of quasi-periodic chains pp. 206-212

- P.M.C. de Oliveira, E.L. Albuquerque and A.M. Mariz
- Critical exponents of surface-interacting self-avoiding walks on a family of truncated n-simplex lattices pp. 213-233

- Sunčica Elezović-Hadžić and Milan Knežević
- A two-species surface reaction model of the mixing type pp. 234-238

- Pan Hui-Yun and Wang Hai Jun
- Simulation of diffusion in 2-D heterogeneous systems: comparison with effective medium and percolation theories pp. 239-247

- Lutz Schlicht and Georg Ilgenfritz
- Memory effects in the spin relaxation within and without rotating wave approximation pp. 248-261

- L.D. Blanga and M.A. Despósito
- Self-organized criticality and the lattice topology pp. 262-268

- Alberto Saa
- Exact differential equations for diffusion limited aggregation pp. 269-276

- S.F. Edwards and Moshe Schwartz
- AC conductivity in dispersed ionic conductors: the effective medium approximation pp. 277-290

- Manuel O. Cáceres and Eduardo R. Reyes
- Coherent anomaly method for classical Heisenberg model pp. 291-300

- Krishna G. Chakraborty
- Quantum fluctuations at metal-insulator transitions of doped systems pp. 301-313

- D. Gandolfo, N.S. Tonchev, A. Verbeure and V.A. Zagrebnov
- Automorphic NMR spin symmetries of cage structures: exclusively combinatorial correlative mappings for specific (Ln ⊃ G ≡ I natural embedding pertinent to higher t−I13C-fullerenes pp. 314-324

- F.P. Temme
- Modified finite-size scaling for anharmonic crystals with quantum fluctuations pp. 325-333

- E.S. Pisanova and N.S. Tonchev
Volume 227, issue 1, 1996
- Transient survival probability of a particle diffusing in a disordered system of perfectly absorbing spherical sinks pp. 1-33

- A. Kauerauf and B.U. Felderhof
- Exact results of AT model on a special kind of Sierpinski carpets pp. 34-42

- Shu Chen and Z.R. Yang
- Free electron distribution in thin films pp. 43-54

- M. Pantić, Lj.M. Ristovski, Lj.D. Mašković and B.S. Tošić
- Response time in electro-rheological fluids as a function of dielectric constant and viscosity pp. 55-65

- V.M. Zamudio, R. Nava, L. Rejón, M.A. Ponce, S. Víquez and V.M. Castaño
- Finite size effects at the Yang-Lee edge singularity and branched polymers in a plate geometry pp. 66-80

- H.K. Janssen and W. Koch
- Balance equations for physical systems with corpuscular structure pp. 81-92

- C. Vamos, A. Georgescu, N. Suciu and I. Turcu
- Interacting Brownian particles in a two dimensional periodic potential pp. 93-107

- M. Mazroui and Y. Boughaleb
- Force, torque, and absorbed energy for a body of arbitrary shape and constitution in an electromagnetic radiation field pp. 108-130

- Ø. Farsund and B.U. Felderhof
- The total space-time of a point-mass when Λ ≠ 0, and its consequences for the Lake-Roeder black hole pp. 131-140

- Leonard S. Abrams
- Spontaneous magnetization probability distribution of a mean-field finite Ising model exhibiting a tricritical point pp. 141-157

- S. Velasco, J.A. White and J. Güémez
Volume 226, issue 3, 1996
- Finite size effects on the galaxy number counts: Evidence for fractal behavior up to the deepest scale pp. 195-242

- F.Sylos Labini, A. Gabrielli, M. Montuori and L. Pietronero
- Mode-coupling approximations, glass theory and disordered systems pp. 243-273

- Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Leticia Cugliandolo, Jorge Kurchan and Marc Mézard
- Clusters and particle segregation in gas-solids flow through a vertical tube through a vertical tube pp. 274-294

- V.L. Zelenko, Y.A. Sergeev, T. Tjin and P.L. Iske
- Statistical description of segregation in a powder mixture pp. 295-309

- Alexander A. Shapiro and Erling H. Stenby
- Wave fronts in a bistable reaction-diffusion system with density-dependent diffusivity pp. 310-323

- D.E. Strier, D.H. Zanette and Horacio S. Wio
- The thermoelectric power, the dark electrical resistivity and the grain boundary potential barrier in CdIn2Se4 thin films pp. 324-329

- D. Abdel Hady, A.A. El-Shazly, H.S. Soliman and E.A. El-Shazly
- A temporally quantized theory of emission and absorption of radiation pp. 330-354

- Sidney Golden
Volume 226, issue 1, 1996
- A theoretical model for the stress distribution in granular matter. I. Basic equations pp. 1-11

- S.F. Edwards and C.C. Mounfield
- A theoretical model for the stress distribution in granular matter. II. Forces in pipes pp. 12-24

- C.C. Mounfield and S.F. Edwards
- A theoretical model for the stress distribution in granular matter. III. Forces in sandpiles pp. 25-33

- S.F. Edwards and C.C. Mounfield
- Scaling properties of disordered multifractals pp. 34-63

- Antoine Saucier
- Two- and four-point Kapitza resistance between harmonic solids pp. 64-116

- Alec Maassen van den Brink and H. Dekker
- Density profiles in the theory of condensation pp. 117-136

- V. Kurasov
- Relaxation from a metastable state due to quantum fluctuation pp. 137-151

- Hiroto Kobayashi, Naomichi Hatano, Akira Terai and Masuo Suzuki
- A simple example of anomalous diffusion pp. 152-167

- Claude Aslangul
- Universal surface-tension and critical-isotherm amplitude ratios in three dimensions pp. 168-180

- Shun-yong Zinn and Michael E. Fisher
- Electrical conductivity and scattering sections of strongly coupled hydrogen plasmas pp. 181-190

- F.B. Baimbetov, Kh.T. Nurekenov and T.S. Ramazanov
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