Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 143, issue 3, 1987
- Dynamical theory of polymer melt morphology pp. 349-413

- Kyozi Kawasaki and Ken Sekimoto
- Field-transverse spin response of degenerate normal and neutral Fermi liquids in dc magnetic fields pp. 414-440

- J. Czerwonko
- Hydrodynamic interactions in Brownian dynamics pp. 441-467

- E.R. Smith, I.K. Snook and W. Van Megen
- Theory of low field resonance and relaxation I pp. 468-493

- Fumiaki Shibata and Itsuko Sato
- Interference effects in the long-time tail of the velocity autocorrelation function for a dense one-component plasma in a magnetic field pp. 494-506

- L.G. Suttorp and A.J. Schoolderman
- Statistical mechanics of a large dynamical system interacting with an external time-dependent field: generalised correlation subdynamics pp. 507-534

- P.V. Coveney
- A Monte Carlo simulation of coagulation pp. 535-546

- Alejandro L. Garcia, Christian van den Broeck, Marc Aertsens and Roger Serneels
- The correlation function for a quantum oscillator in a low-temperature heat bath pp. 547-567

- E. Braun and P.A. Mello
Volume 141, issue 2, 1987
- The spin-1 Heisenberg chain with uniaxial anisotropy and its classical counterpart pp. 295-317

- U. Glaus
- Fractal properties of model trajectories with exponential velocity autocorrelation functions pp. 318-334

- J.G. Powles and R.F. Fowler
- Approximations for a frustrated Ising model pp. 335-351

- T. Morita
- Procedure of quasi-averaging for heterophase mixtures pp. 352-374

- V.I. Yukalov
- The simple quadratic Ising model with crossing bonds pp. 375-402

- H.W.J. Blöte, A. Compagner and A. Hoogland
- On the time-dependent formulation of analytical continuation in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 403-426

- P.V. Coveney and Cl. George
- Van der Waals theory of wetting with exponential interactions pp. 427-465

- T. Aukrust and E.H. Hauge
- The surface free energy of crystalline solids pp. 466-474

- L. Kornblit and A. Ignatiev
- On the memory function for the dynamic structure factor of interacting brownian particles pp. 475-488

- Bogdan Cichocki and Walter Hess
- On the group-theoretical formulation for the time evolution of stochastic processes pp. 489-508

- R.D. Levine and C.E. Wulfman
- Joint distribution function for position and rotation angle in plane random walks pp. 509-523

- L.T. Wille
- Fluid-fluid, fluid-solid and three-phase equilibria in the system helium-hydrogen at pressures up to 75 kbar pp. 524-538

- L.C. Van Den Bergh, J.A. Schouten and N.J. Trappeniers
- Nonequilibrium Green's functions and kinetic equations for highly excited semiconductors pp. 539-555

- V. May
- The continuous distribution function of the effective fields of the Ising spin glass of the ±J model pp. 556-562

- Shigetoshi Katsura
- Some identities in isoperimetric problems in statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics pp. 563-569

- Yasushi Takahashi
- Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system: The noninteracting-blip approximation pp. 570-574

- H. Dekker
- Scattering of electromagnetic waves by a plane of spheres-formalism pp. 575-588

- A. Modinos
- Electrical conductivity of a fully ionized plasma at low frequencies pp. 589-601

- H.H. Brouwer and P.P.J.M. Schram
- A quantum nonlinear resonance with account of relaxation processes pp. 602-612

- G.P. Berman and A.R. Kolovsky
- The charged Boson gas in an homogeneous magnetic field pp. 613-624

- I.M. Davies and A. Truman
- On the fluctuation theory of De Gennes for nematics pp. 625-630

- E. Govers and G. Vertogen
Volume 141, issue 1, 1987
- Collective modes and generalized transport coefficients for a dense one-component plasma in a magnetic field pp. 1-23

- L.G. Suttorp and A.J. Schoolderman
- Feynman propagator and space-time transformation technique pp. 24-32

- Antônio B. Nassar
- The polarizability of a truncated sphere on a substrate I pp. 33-57

- M.M. Wind, J. Vlieger and D. Bedeaux
- Diffusion to a slowly growing truncated sphere on a substrate pp. 58-72

- P.A. Bobbert, M.M. Wind and J. Vlieger
- On the relaxation of an N-level system under gauss noise pp. 73-80

- I.B. Khriplovich and V.V. Sokolov
- On the consistent description of quantum relaxation processes: The harmonic oscillator pp. 81-110

- W. Eckhardt
- Sum rules and perfect screening conditions for the 2d one-component plasma pp. 111-124

- P. Vieillefosse
- High-temperature expansions in continuum quantum field theory pp. 125-139

- K. Dietz and Th. Millack
- First-order transitions in percolation models pp. 140-150

- Fulvio Peruggi
- Phase diagrams of the q-state potts model on Bethe lattices pp. 151-186

- Fulvio Peruggi, Francesco di Liberto and Gabriella Monroy
- Phase transitions in a confined lattice gas: Prewetting and capillary condensation pp. 187-210

- E. Bruno, U.Marini Bettolo Marconi and R. Evans
- Light scattering studies of disparate mass gas mixtures: Helium-xenon pp. 211-219

- H.M. Schaink and G.H. Wegdam
- Spatial correlations for temperature fluctuations from surface noise pp. 220-232

- J.M. Rubí, A. Díaz-Guilera and Ll. Torner
- Absolute measurement of the thermal conductivity of helium and hydrogen pp. 233-248

- M. Mustafa, M. Ross, R.D. Trengove, W.A. Wakeham and M. Zalaf
- Cooperative and dipole-dipole effects in the fluorescent spectra of two identical three-level atoms at high photon densities pp. 249-276

- Constantine Mavroyannis
- Cooperative and dipole-dipole effects in the fluorescent spectra of two identical three-level atoms at high photon densities pp. 277-294

- Constantine Mavroyannis
Volume 140, issue 3, 1987
- Thermodynamical and Green function many-body Wick theorems pp. 433-449

- B. Westwanski
- The short-range van Hemmen model in a simple Kikuchi approximation: Comparison with the mean-field model and with spin-glasses pp. 450-477

- Ph. De Smedt, J.O. Indekeu and L. Zhang
- Domain growth in systems with multiple-degenerate ground states pp. 478-505

- Shigetoshi Ohta, Takao Ohta and Kyozi Kawasaki
- Dynamics of a polymer chain in an array of obstacles pp. 506-520

- S.K. Nechaev, A.N. Semenov and M.K. Koleva
- Critical dynamics of a localized moment system coupled to conduction electrons pp. 521-553

- K.W. Becker
- Solitons in collisionless cold plasma pp. 554-566

- Yu.B. Movsesyants
- The relativistic fermi gas in a nonuniform velocity field pp. 567-584

- Hannelore Heinz, Berndt Müller and Walter Greiner
- Monte Carlo and coarse graining renormalization studies for the XY model with cubic anisotropy pp. 585-596

- G.Y. Hu and S.C. Ying
- Projection operator formulation for second order response pp. 597-611

- G. Sauermann, W. Just, K.-P. Karmann and Zhang Yu-mei
- On the theory of dense exciton systems pp. 612-628

- C.I. Ivanov, H. Barentzen and M.D. Girardeau
- Critical dynamics of the Potts model in several dimensionalities pp. 629-636

- E.J.S. Lage
- Electrodynamics and thermodynamics of a paramagnetic system in a metallic resonator pp. 637-646

- A.F. Sadreev and Yu.V. Sukhinin
Volume 140, issue 1, 1986
- From dynamical systems to statistical mechanics and back pp. 1-8

- D. Ruelle and Ya.G. Sinai
- Towards a scaling theory of drag reduction pp. 9-25

- P.G. De Gennes
- Hamiltonian and phenomenological models of microemulsions pp. 26-34

- B. Widom, K.A. Dawson and M.D. Lipkin
- Decay of metastable and unstable states: Mechanisms, concepts and open problems pp. 35-43

- K. Binder
- Recent developments in the theory of pattern formation pp. 44-50

- J.S. Langer
- Multifractal structure of clusters and growing aggregates pp. 51-61

- Antonio Coniglio
- Diffusion limited aggregation and its response to anisotropy pp. 62-69

- R.C. Ball
- Some rigorous results for random and quasi-periodic potentials pp. 70-77

- Thomas Spencer
- Rigorous renormalization group at work pp. 78-84

- K. Gawȩdzki
- Symbolic dynamics and systematics of periodic windows pp. 85-95

- Bai-lin Hao
- How do oscillating fronts form? pp. 96-104

- P. Collet and J.-P. Eckmann
- Equilibrium structure and rigidity of alumina polymers pp. 105-113

- D.W. Schaefer, R.A. Shelleman, K.D. Keefer and J.E. Martin
- Pattern growth and fluid displacements through porous media pp. 114-123

- Roland Lenormand
- Fractal viscous fingering: Experiments and models pp. 124-133

- Johann Nittmann
- Transition of growth form from dendrite to aggregate pp. 134-141

- Yasuji Sawada
- Kinetics in chemically reactive liquids pp. 142-149

- Frank H. Stillinger
- The two-dimensional coulomb gas: A fixed ion model and the dynamic characterization of the dielectric-plasma transition pp. 150-159

- J.P. Hansen
- Quantum statistics of coulomb systems: Thermodynamic functions and phase transitions pp. 160-168

- W. Ebeling, W.D. Kraeft, D. Kremp and G. Röpke
- Universal conductance fluctuations in disordered metals pp. 169-174

- Patrick A. Lee
- The Aharonov-Bohm effect in normal metals-non-ensemble averaged quantum transport pp. 175-182

- R.A. Webb, S. Washburn, C.P. Umbach, F.P. Milliken, R.B. Laibowitz and A.D. Benoit
- Localization of light: The quest for the white hole pp. 183-190

- Ad Lagendijk, Meint P. Van Albada and Martin B. van der Mark
- Crystallization of amorphous metal-insulator mixtures pp. 191-197

- G. Deutscher and Y. Lareah
- Experimental studies of the dynamics of fluid phase transitions in two dimensions pp. 198-203

- Charles M. Knobler
- Shear flow problems in critical binary mixtures pp. 204-209

- Akira Onuki
- Some exact results for polymer models pp. 210-211

- Deepak Dhar
- Levy walks with applications to turbulence and chaos pp. 212-218

- Michael F. Shlesinger, Joseph Klafter and Bruce J. West
- Conformal invariance and critical behavior pp. 219-224

- John L. Cardy
- Rigorous studies of critical behavior pp. 225-231

- Michael Aizenman
- Microscopic origin of hydrodynamic equations: Derivation and consequences pp. 232-239

- J.L. Lebowitz
- A model for crystallization: A variation on the Hubbard model pp. 240-250

- Elliott H. Lieb
- Some open questions in the elasticity of polymer networks pp. 251-260

- J. Bastide and F. Boue
- Kinetics of phase transition in polymer gels pp. 261-268

- Toyoichi Tanaka
- Effective rigidity of membranes pp. 269-277

- L. Peliti
- Liquid structure and short-range forces between surfaces in liquids pp. 278-284

- J.N. Israelachvili and H.K. Christenson
- Phase transitions and metastable states in the presence of random fields pp. 285-290

- R.A. Cowley, R.J. Birgeneau and G. Shirane
- On the Ising model in a random magnetic field pp. 291-297

- John Z. Imbrie
- Formation of quasicrystals pp. 298-305

- Leonid A. Bendersky and Robert J. Schaefer
- Origins of quasicrystal ordering pp. 306-311

- Christopher L. Henley
- Spin glasses theory pp. 312-318

- Giorgio Parisi
- How to measure self-generated complexity pp. 319-325

- Peter Grassberger
- Lattice gas automata for fluid mechanics pp. 326-335

- D. D'humières and P. Lallemand
- A critical phenomenon approach of biogenesis pp. 336-348

- Constantino Tsallis and Ricardo Ferreira
- Spin slips and lattice modulations in holmium: A magnetic x-ray scattering study pp. 349-358

- Jacob Bohr, Doon Gibbs, D.E. Moncton and K.L. D'Amico
- Exotism around the smectic a state in associated liquid crystals pp. 359-367

- F. Hardouin
- Molecular tail lengths, dipole pairings, and multiple reentrance mechanisms of liquid crystals pp. 368-375

- J.O. Indekeu and A.Nihat Berker
- Synchrotron x-ray studies of liquid-vapor interfaces pp. 376-389

- J. Als-Nielsen
- Systematic density expansion of transport properties of random lattices pp. 390-396

- Matthieu H. Ernst
- Fractons pp. 397-404

- S. Alexander
- What statistical mechanics has to say to computer scientists pp. 405-409

- P.W. Anderson
- Hierarchical model of memory pp. 410-415

- Viktor S. Dotsenko
- Aggregation phenomena and fractal structures pp. 416-420

- M. Kolb
- Special purpose computers in statistical physics pp. 421-427

- Hans J. Herrmann
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