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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

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Volume 507, issue C, 2018

Core structure: The coupling failure procedure in multiplex networks pp. 1-11 Downloads
Yangyang Liu, Chengli Zhao, Xue Zhang, Dongyun Yi and Wen Chen
Prediction of competitive diffusion on complex networks pp. 12-21 Downloads
Jiuhua Zhao, Qipeng Liu, Lin Wang and Xiaofan Wang
The Blume–Capel model for spins S=1 and 3∕2 in dimensions d=2 and 3 pp. 22-66 Downloads
P. Butera and M. Pernici
Quantum tunneling dynamics in symmetrical driven double well system based on Husimi representation pp. 67-76 Downloads
Feng Xu, Liangjun Zhai and Yujun Zheng
Investigating the time evolution of some parameters describing inflow processes of pedestrians in a room pp. 77-88 Downloads
Liping Lian, Weiguo Song, Kwok Kit Richard Yuen and Luciano Telesca
The pre-history of econophysics and the history of economics: Boltzmann versus the marginalists pp. 89-98 Downloads
Geoffrey Poitras
Analysis on large-scale rating systems based on the signed network pp. 99-109 Downloads
Ke Gu, Ying Fan, An Zeng, Jianlin Zhou and Zengru Di
Forecasting turning trends in knowledge networks pp. 110-122 Downloads
Ádám Szántó-Várnagy and Illés J. Farkas
Automatic image annotation using community detection in neighbor images pp. 123-132 Downloads
Vafa Maihami and Farzin Yaghmaee
Braess paradox in a network with stochastic dynamics and fixed strategies pp. 133-152 Downloads
Stefan Bittihn and Andreas Schadschneider
Comparing permutation entropy functions to detect structural changes in time series pp. 153-174 Downloads
J.S. Cánovas, G. García-Clemente and M. Muñoz-Guillermo
Analytical valuation for geometric Asian options in illiquid markets pp. 175-191 Downloads
Zhe Li, Wei-Guo Zhang and Yong-Jun Liu
Exponential extinction of a stochastic predator–prey model with Allee effect pp. 192-204 Downloads
Beibei Zhang, Hangying Wang and Guangying Lv
Short note on conditional collapse of self-gravitating system with positive total energy pp. 205-209 Downloads
Jaewook Ahn and Jung-Il Choi
Phase transitions and critical phenomena in the antiferromagnetic Ising model on a layered triangular lattice pp. 210-218 Downloads
A.K. Murtazaev, M.K. Ramazanov and M.K. Badiev
Enhancing qubit information with quantum thermal noise pp. 219-230 Downloads
Nicolas Gillard, Etienne Belin and François Chapeau-Blondeau
Application of underdamped Langevin dynamics simulations for the study of diffusion from a drug-eluting stent pp. 231-239 Downloads
Shaked Regev and Oded Farago
Modeling and analyzing malware propagation in social networks with heterogeneous infection rates pp. 240-254 Downloads
Peng Jia, Jiayong Liu, Yong Fang, Liang Liu and Luping Liu
Epidemics of liquidity shortages in interbank markets pp. 255-267 Downloads
Giuseppe Brandi, Riccardo Di Clemente and Giulio Cimini
The importance of chaotic attractors in modelling tumour growth pp. 268-277 Downloads
Sam Abernethy and Robert J. Gooding
Nonlinear analysis for an improved car-following model account for the optimal velocity changes with memory pp. 278-288 Downloads
Zhizhan Jin, Zhipeng Li, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
The milling pattern in animal groups and its dependence on the density and on the number of particles pp. 289-293 Downloads
Dorilson S. Cambui, Edmilton Gusken, Marfa Roehrs and Tarras Iliass
Identifying influencers from sampled social networks pp. 294-303 Downloads
Sho Tsugawa and Kazuma Kimura
Time delay effects of stochastic resonance induced by multiplicative periodic signal in the gene transcriptional regulatory model pp. 304-311 Downloads
Chunyan Bai
A stochastic threshold for an epidemic model with Beddington–DeAngelis incidence, delayed loss of immunity and Lévy noise perturbation pp. 312-320 Downloads
Badr-eddine Berrhazi, Mohamed El Fatini and Aziz Laaribi
Nonstationary transition to phase synchronization of neural networks induced by the coupling architecture pp. 321-334 Downloads
R.C. Budzinski, B.R.R. Boaretto, K.L. Rossi, T.L. Prado, J. Kurths and S.R. Lopes
The time delay restraining the herd behavior with Bayesian approach pp. 335-346 Downloads
Guang-Yan Zhong, Jiang-Cheng Li, George J. Jiang, Hai-Feng Li and Hui-Ming Tao
An extended car-following model considering the self-stabilizing driving behavior of headway pp. 347-357 Downloads
Jufeng Wang, Fengxin Sun, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
Response analysis of the archetypal smooth and discontinuous oscillator for vibration energy harvesting pp. 358-373 Downloads
Tao Yang, Jiye Liu and Qingjie Cao
A new lattice model of traffic flow considering driver’s anticipation effect of the traffic interruption probability pp. 374-380 Downloads
Guanghan Peng, Hua Kuang and Li Qing
Uniform-scale assessment of role minimization in bipartite networks and its application to access control pp. 381-397 Downloads
Liuyi Wu, Lijun Dong, Yi Wang, Feng Zhang, Victor E. Lee, Xiaojun Kang and Qingzhong Liang
Life time of catch bond clusters pp. 398-405 Downloads
Tal Robin, Igor M. Sokolov and Michael Urbakh
Using strain dynamics for fracture warning of shaft lining pp. 406-413 Downloads
Minghui Ren, Guangsi Zhao, Guoqing Zhou, Xianhao Qiu, Qinghua Xue and Meiting Chen
Evacuation dynamics with smoking diffusion in three dimension based on an extended Floor-Field model pp. 414-426 Downloads
Ying Zheng, Xingang Li, Nuo Zhu, Bin Jia and Rui Jiang
Evolutionary of online social networks driven by pareto wealth distribution and bidirectional preferential attachment pp. 427-434 Downloads
Bin Zhou, Xiao-Yong Yan, Xiao-Ke Xu, Xiao-Ting Xu and Nianxin Wang
Efficient disintegration strategy in directed networks based on tabu search pp. 435-442 Downloads
Yang Yu, Ye Deng, Suo-Yi Tan and Jun Wu
Pricing the American options using the Black–Scholes pricing formula pp. 443-445 Downloads
Moawia Alghalith
The dynamic impact of uncertainty in causing and forecasting the distribution of oil returns and risk pp. 446-469 Downloads
G. Bonaccolto, Massimiliano Caporin and Rangan Gupta
New versions of evolutionary models with lethal mutations pp. 470-477 Downloads
Tatiana Yakushkina and David B. Saakian
Knowledge transmission model with differing initial transmission and retransmission process pp. 478-488 Downloads
Haiying Wang, Jun Wang and Michael Small
Complex phase transition of DNA condensation under crowding confinement conditions pp. 489-498 Downloads
Lingyun Gu, Qian Zhou, Haiping Zhou, Qingqing Gao, Yixue Peng, Xiaoyi Song, Yong Liu, Xun Zhou and Yanhui Liu
Collective behavior of cryptocurrency price changes pp. 499-509 Downloads
Darko Stosic, Dusan Stosic, Teresa B. Ludermir and Tatijana Stosic
Polarization in the social sciences: Assortative mixing in social science collaboration networks is resilient to interventions pp. 510-523 Downloads
Philip Leifeld
The changing economic regimes and expected time to recover of the peripheral countries under the euro: A nonparametric approach pp. 524-533 Downloads
Bruno Damásio, Francisco Louçã and João Nicolau
Dynamic conditional relationships between developed and emerging markets pp. 534-543 Downloads
Wonho Song, Sung Y. Park and Doojin Ryu

Volume 506, issue C, 2018

Classical infrared spectra of ionic crystals and their relevance for statistical mechanics pp. 1-10 Downloads
Andrea Carati, Luigi Galgani, Alberto Maiocchi, Fabrizio Gangemi and Roberto Gangemi
Fast ranking nodes importance in complex networks based on LS-SVM method pp. 11-23 Downloads
Xiangxi Wen, Congliang Tu, Minggong Wu and Xurui Jiang
Dynamic analysis of rumor spreading model for considering active network nodes and nonlinear spreading rate pp. 24-35 Downloads
Huo, Liang’an, Yingying Cheng, Chen Liu and Fan Ding
The transmission of fluctuation among price indices based on Granger causality network pp. 36-49 Downloads
Qingru Sun, Xiangyun Gao, Shaobo Wen, Zhihua Chen and Xiaoqing Hao
Systems of frequency distributions for water and environmental engineering pp. 50-74 Downloads
Vijay P. Singh
On the Prony series representation of stretched exponential relaxation pp. 75-87 Downloads
John C. Mauro and Yihong Z. Mauro
Coupling between death spikes and birth troughs. Part 2: Comparative analysis of salient features pp. 88-96 Downloads
Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
Coupling between death spikes and birth troughs. Part 1: Evidence pp. 97-111 Downloads
Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
Asymptotic behavior for a long-range Domany–Kinzel model pp. 112-127 Downloads
Shu-Chiuan Chang and Lung-Chi Chen
A computational study of liquid–solid interfacial free energy (γ) for SW-Ge potential model pp. 128-134 Downloads
Arvind K. Gautam and Avinash Chandra
Suspension concentration distribution in turbulent flows: An analytical study using fractional advection–diffusion equation pp. 135-155 Downloads
Snehasis Kundu
Comparative analysis of grey detrended fluctuation analysis methods based on empirical research on China’s interest rate market pp. 156-169 Downloads
Cao Guangxi, Min Jiang and Ling-Yun He
Sampling from complicated and unknown distributions pp. 170-178 Downloads
Wendy K. Tam Cho and Yan Y. Liu
Economic growth based in carbon dioxide emission intensity pp. 179-185 Downloads
Tanja Vujović, Zdravka Petković, Miloš Pavlović and Srdjan Jović
On the applicability of the Lead/Lag Ratio in causality assessment pp. 186-196 Downloads
Massimiliano Zanin and Seddik Belkoura
Impact of network randomness on multiple opinion dynamics pp. 197-207 Downloads
Vivian Dornelas, Marlon Ramos and Celia Anteneodo
Entropy of high-order Markov chains beyond the pair correlations pp. 208-216 Downloads
S.S. Melnik and O.V. Usatenko
Power-laws in art pp. 217-220 Downloads
Federico Etro and Elena Stepanova
Wavelet multiresolution complex network for decoding brain fatigued behavior from P300 signals pp. 221-228 Downloads
Zhong-Ke Gao, Zi-Bo Wang, Yu-Xuan Yang, Shan Li, Wei-Dong Dang and Xiao-Qian Mao
Effect of bypasses on vehicular traffic through a series of signals pp. 229-236 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Microscopic events under high-density condition in uni-directional pedestrian flow experiment pp. 237-247 Downloads
Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Wei Wei, Dawei Li and Ning Guo
The mutual information based minimum spanning tree to detect and evaluate dependencies between aero-engine gas path system variables pp. 248-253 Downloads
Keqiang Dong, Linan Long, Hong Zhang and You Gao
SPIR: The potential spreaders involved SIR model for information diffusion in social networks pp. 254-269 Downloads
Xiaobin Rui, Fanrong Meng, Zhixiao Wang, Guan Yuan and Changjiang Du
An extended macro model accounting for acceleration changes with memory and numerical tests pp. 270-283 Downloads
Rongjun Cheng, Hongxia Ge, Fengxin Sun and Jufeng Wang
Workplace accidents and self-organized criticality pp. 284-289 Downloads
John C. Mauro, Brett Diehl, Richard F. Marcellin and Daniel J. Vaughn
Humans are able to self-paced constant running accelerations until exhaustion pp. 290-304 Downloads
Véronique Billat, Nicolas J-B. Brunel, Thomas Carbillet, Stéphane Labbé and Adeline Samson
The effect of dedicated exit on the evacuation of heterogeneous pedestrians pp. 305-323 Downloads
Qian Liu
A class of generalized Ginzburg–Landau equations with random switching pp. 324-336 Downloads
Zheng Wu, George Yin and Dongxia Lei
Dynamic efficiency of European credit sectors: A rolling-window multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 337-349 Downloads
Chaker Aloui, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Rania Jammazi
A new Eulerian model for viscous and heat conducting compressible flows pp. 350-375 Downloads
Magnus Svärd
Analysis of time-varying characteristics of bus weighted complex network in Qingdao based on boarding passenger volume pp. 376-394 Downloads
Xiaolei Zhang, Yibin Ren, Baoxiang Huang and Yong Han
Rumor and authoritative information propagation model considering super spreading in complex social networks pp. 395-411 Downloads
Yaming Zhang, Yanyuan Su, Li Weigang and Haiou Liu
The impact of group propagation on rumor spreading in mobile social networks pp. 412-423 Downloads
Ebrahim Sahafizadeh and Behrouz Tork Ladani
Effects of investors’ power correlations in the power-based game on networks pp. 424-432 Downloads
Hedong Xu, Cunzhi Tian, Wenxing Ye and Suohai Fan
Intraday return inefficiency and long memory in the volatilities of forex markets and the role of trading volume pp. 433-450 Downloads
Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Jose Areola Hernandez, Waqas Hanif and Ghulam Mujtaba Kayani
Abnormal phenomenon in robustness of complex networks with heterogeneous node functions pp. 451-461 Downloads
Jiajing Wu, Wei You, Taocheng Wu and Yongxiang Xia
On the learning control effects in the cancer-immune system competition pp. 462-475 Downloads
Léon Masurel, Carlo Bianca and Annie Lemarchand
Excess tuberculosis-mortality in young women: High accuracy exploration pp. 476-485 Downloads
Sylvan Berrut, Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
Fuzzy entropy complexity and multifractal behavior of statistical physics financial dynamics pp. 486-498 Downloads
Yiduan Wang, Shenzhou Zheng, Wei Zhang, Guochao Wang and Jun Wang
Hysteresis loops and dielectric properties of a mixed spin Blume–Capel Ising ferroelectric nanowire pp. 499-506 Downloads
Y. Benhouria, I. Essaoudi, A. Ainane, R. Ahuja and F. Dujardin
Statistical properties and multifractality of Bitcoin pp. 507-519 Downloads
Tetsuya Takaishi
Investigation of the logarithmic-KdV equation involving Mittag-Leffler type kernel with Atangana–Baleanu derivative pp. 520-531 Downloads
Mustafa Inc, Abdullahi Yusuf, Aliyu Isa Aliyu and Dumitru Baleanu
Traffic state prediction using ISOMAP manifold learning pp. 532-541 Downloads
Qingchao Liu, Yingfeng Cai, Haobin Jiang, Jian Lu and Long Chen
Long-time behaviors of a stochastic cooperative Lotka–Volterra system with distributed delay pp. 542-559 Downloads
Wenjie Zuo, Daqing Jiang, Xinguo Sun, Tasawar Hayat and Ahmed Alsaedi
Investigating the interaction between rough surfaces by using the Fisher–Shannon method: Implications on interaction between tectonic plates pp. 560-565 Downloads
Lucia Rebeca Moreno-Torres, Armando Gomez-Vieyra, Michele Lovallo, Alejandro Ramírez-Rojas and Luciano Telesca
Inferring driving trajectories based on probabilistic model from large scale taxi GPS data pp. 566-577 Downloads
Jinjun Tang, Jian Liang, Shen Zhang, Helai Huang and Fang Liu
Dust dressed solitons in a dusty plasma: The effect of polarization forces pp. 578-586 Downloads
Moufida Benzekka and Mouloud Tribeche
Self-organized pattern dynamics of somitogenesis model in embryos pp. 587-601 Downloads
Linan Guan and Jianwei Shen
Quantum gravity modifications of the relativistic ideal gas thermodynamics pp. 602-612 Downloads
M. Mirtorabi, S. Miraboutalebi, A.A. Masoudi and L. Farhang Matin
On the mechanism of phase transitions in a minimal agent-based macroeconomic model pp. 613-624 Downloads
Ye Sun and Yu Chen
Natural time analysis: On the deadly Mexico M8.2 earthquake on 7 September 2017 pp. 625-634 Downloads
Nicholas V. Sarlis, Efthimios S. Skordas, Panayiotis A. Varotsos, Alejandro Ramírez-Rojas and E. Leticia Flores-Márquez
Synchronization between uncertain time-delayed networks with multi-link and different topologies pp. 635-643 Downloads
Ling Lü, Chengren Li, Suyuan Bai, Gang Li, Zhe Yan, Tingting Rong and Yan Gao
Synchronization analysis for fractional order memristive Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with state feedback and impulsive control pp. 644-660 Downloads
Lingzhong Zhang, Yongqing Yang and Xianyun Xu
Investigation of difference of fundamental diagrams in pedestrian flow pp. 661-670 Downloads
Shuchao Cao, Liping Lian, Mingyi Chen, Ming Yao, Weiguo Song and Zhiming Fang
Changing value detrended cross correlation coefficient over time: Between crude oil and crop prices pp. 671-678 Downloads
Subrata Kumar Mitra, Vaneet Bhatia, R.K. Jana, Parikshit Charan and Manojit Chattopadhyay
A trust-based recommendation method using network diffusion processes pp. 679-691 Downloads
Ling-Jiao Chen and Jian Gao
Quantum Brownian motion in a magnetic field: Transition from monotonic to oscillatory behaviour pp. 692-701 Downloads
Urbashi Satpathi and Supurna Sinha
Information system for wind energy trade and gross domestic product (GDP) estimating from small wind farm pp. 702-706 Downloads
Sladjana Vujicic, Zorana Nikitović, Aleksandra Golubović-Stojanović, Nenad Ravić and Milan Djuričić
Scaling of average weighted shortest path and average receiving time on the weighted Cayley networks pp. 707-717 Downloads
Min Niu and Shuaishuai Song
A survey of internet marketing by small and medium-sized enterprises for placing wine on the market pp. 718-727 Downloads
Nebojša Denić, Dalibor Petković, Vuk Vujović, Boban Spasić and Igor Vujičić
Social contagions on multiplex networks with different reliability pp. 728-735 Downloads
Yang Zou, Zhongyang Xiong, Pu Zhang and Wei Wang
Unitary–scaling decomposition and dissipative behaviour in finite-dimensional unital Lindblad dynamics pp. 736-748 Downloads
Fattah Sakuldee and Sujin Suwanna
Robustness of sentence length measures in written texts pp. 749-754 Downloads
Denner S. Vieira, Sergio Picoli and Renio S. Mendes
Investigation on structural and spatial characteristics of taxi trip trajectory network in Xi’an, China pp. 755-766 Downloads
Yu Yang, Ze He, Zouying Song, Xin Fu and Jianwei Wang
Newton’s gravitation-force’s classical average proof of a Verlinde’s conjecture pp. 767-772 Downloads
A. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
Spin glass transition in a simple variant of the Ising model on multiplex networks pp. 773-790 Downloads
A. Krawiecki
Ionic fluids with association in dipoles and quadrupoles pp. 791-801 Downloads
Paulo Sérgio Kuhn
Power iteration ranking via hybrid diffusion for vital nodes identification pp. 802-815 Downloads
Tao Wu, Xingping Xian, Linfeng Zhong, Xi Xiong and H. Eugene Stanley
Conversion time to heat of the vortices injected only initially is much longer than the ones in a well-developed equilibrium turbulence pp. 816-827 Downloads
Yasuji Sawada
Complexity and disequilibrium as telltales of superconductivity pp. 828-834 Downloads
F. Pennini and A. Plastino
Condensate of μ-Bose gas as a model of dark matter pp. 835-843 Downloads
A.M. Gavrilik, I.I. Kachurik, M.V. Khelashvili and A.V. Nazarenko
Towards a coherence-oriented complex search experience management method pp. 844-856 Downloads
Yin Zhang, Bin Zhang, Kening Gao, Pengfei Li, Yuli Zhao and Changsheng Zhang
Radial distribution function within the framework of the Tsallis statistical mechanics pp. 857-867 Downloads
Seyed Mohammad Amin Tabatabaei Bafghi, Mohammad Kamalvand, Ali Morsali and Mohammad Reza Bozorgmehr
Geometrical properties of interior segments of two-dimensional lattice polymer confined in a square box pp. 868-872 Downloads
Jae Hwan Lee, Seung-Yeon Kim and Julian Lee
Constraints and phase transitions: Phase transition in infinite compound Atwood’s machine pp. 873-879 Downloads
Amir Aghamohammadi
Incomparability, entropy, and mixing dynamics pp. 880-887 Downloads
William Seitz and A.D. Kirwan
Oscillating entropy and spin precession in the ensemble of qubits interacting with thermal systems pp. 888-892 Downloads
Xiaoyu He, Zain H. Saleem and Vladimir I. Tsifrinovich
Thermal properties of an electron gas with non-standard dispersion relation: Left-handed and right-handed systems pp. 893-899 Downloads
L. Palma-Chilla, P. Vega-Jorquera, J. Astudillo and J.C. Flores
Effects of speed deviation and density difference in traffic lattice hydrodynamic model with interruption pp. 900-908 Downloads
Changtao Jiang, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
Outer synchronization between uncertain networks with adaptive scaling function and different node numbers pp. 909-918 Downloads
Ling Lü, Chengren Li, Liansong Chen, Suyuan Bai, Lianjun Ge, Liyu Gao and Changhui Han
Do τ lepton branching fractions obey Benford’s Law? pp. 919-928 Downloads
Aisha Dantuluri and Shantanu Desai
A novel lattice hydrodynamic model considering the optimal estimation of flux difference effect on two-lane highway pp. 929-937 Downloads
Guanghan Peng, Shuhong Yang, Dongxue Xia and Xiaoqin Li
Kinetic theory of ion acoustic waves in a q-nonextensive distributed ions and electrons plasma pp. 938-948 Downloads
Aman-ur-Rehman,, Mushtaq Ahmad, S. Ali Shan and Tariq Majeed
Entropy production, thermodynamic fluxes and transport coefficients of an interface between two electromagnetic fluids with spin pp. 949-968 Downloads
Quentin Vanhaelen
Earthquake prediction based on community division pp. 969-974 Downloads
Yanjie Xu, Tao Ren, Yiyang Liu and Zhe Li
Self-adaptive Louvain algorithm: Fast and stable community detection algorithm based on the principle of small probability event pp. 975-986 Downloads
Ziqiao Zhang, Peng Pu, Dingding Han and Ming Tang
Thermal-induced folding and unfolding of a transmembrane protein (CorA) pp. 987-992 Downloads
Sunan Kitjaruwankul, Panisak Boonamnaj, Sunita Subedi Paudel, Warin Jetsadawisut, Pornthep Sompornpisut and R.B. Pandey
Preferential information dynamics model for online social networks pp. 993-1005 Downloads
Minglei Fu, Hongbo Yang, Jun Feng, Wen Guo, Zichun Le, Dmytro Lande and Dmytro Manko
The impact of executive anticipated regret on the choice of incentive system: An econophysics perspective pp. 1006-1015 Downloads
Qingsong Ruan, Bingchan Yang and Guofeng Ma
Adequacy of deterministic and parametric frontiers to analyze the efficiency of Indian commercial banks pp. 1016-1025 Downloads
Thiago Silva, Benjamin Tabak, Daniel Cajueiro and Marina Villas Boas Dias
The effectiveness of the monetary policy in China: New evidence from long-range cross-correlation analysis and the components of multifractality pp. 1026-1037 Downloads
Jing Qin, Jintian Ge and Xinsheng Lu
Energy consumption investigation for a new car-following model considering driver’s memory and average speed of the vehicles pp. 1038-1049 Downloads
Zhizhan Jin, Zaili Yang and Hongxia Ge
Verlinde’s emergent gravity in an n-dimensional, non-additive Tsallis’ scenario pp. 1050-1059 Downloads
D.J. Zamora, M.C. Rocca, A. Plastino and G.L. Ferri
Time-varying causality between equity and currency returns in the United Kingdom: Evidence from over two centuries of data pp. 1060-1080 Downloads
Patrick Kanda, Michael Burke and Rangan Gupta
Solutions of fractional logistic equations by Euler’s numbers pp. 1081-1092 Downloads
D’Ovidio, Mirko and Paola Loreti
Functional brain connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease: An EEG study based on permutation disalignment index pp. 1093-1103 Downloads
Haitao Yu, Xinyu Lei, Zhenxi Song, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei and Baoqi Yu
Stock market as temporal network pp. 1104-1112 Downloads
Longfeng Zhao, Gang-Jin Wang, Mingang Wang, Weiqi Bao, Wei Li and H. Eugene Stanley
An extended heterogeneous car-following model with the consideration of the drivers’ different psychological headways pp. 1113-1125 Downloads
Jufeng Wang, Fengxin Sun, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
Diversity analysis based on ordered patterns pp. 1126-1133 Downloads
Yali Zhang, Pengjian Shang and Zhenghui Sun
Page updated 2025-03-31