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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

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Volume 535, issue C, 2019

Evaluation of passive and active lattice Boltzmann method for PEM fuel cell modeling Downloads
Hamid Reza Ashorynejad and Koroush Javaherdeh
The strength distribution and combined duration prediction of online collective actions: Big data analysis and BP neural networks Downloads
Peng Lu and Shizhao Nie
Multiple absolute negative mobilities and current reversals induced by flashing potential fluctuations Downloads
Xincui Tian, Hongchun Shu and Chunhua Zeng
Curve-fitting on experimental thermal conductivity of motor oil under influence of hybrid nano additives containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes and zinc oxide Downloads
Huawei Wu, Abdullah A.A.A. Al-Rashed, Azeez A. Barzinjy, Amin Shahsavar, Ali Karimi and Pouyan Talebizadehsardari
Analysis of double diffusive convection in electroosmosis regulated peristaltic transport of nanofluids Downloads
A. Sharma, D. Tripathi, R.K. Sharma and A.K. Tiwari
A dedicated methodology for irreversible compression of Gravitational Waves Sound with high quality reconstruction Downloads
Laura Rebollo-Neira and A. Plastino
An extended car-following model by considering the optimal velocity difference and electronic throttle angle Downloads
Chunyue Yan, Hongxia Ge and Rongjun Cheng
Stationary distribution for stochastic coupled systems with regime switching and feedback control Downloads
Yan Liu, Di Zhang, Huan Su and Jiqiang Feng
Cascading failures on interdependent networks with star dependent links Downloads
Tianqiao Zhang, Yang Zhang, Xuzhen Zhu and Junliang Chen
A novel evolving model of urban rail transit networks based on the local-world theory Downloads
Shumin Feng, Mengwei Xin, Tianling Lv and Baoyu Hu
Stability analysis of an SDILR model based on rumor recurrence on social media Downloads
Yao Yao, Xi Xiao, Chengping Zhang, Changsheng Dou and Shutao Xia
Modeling rumor propagation and mitigation across multiple social networks Downloads
Chenxu Wang, Gaoshuai Wang, Xiapu Luo and Hui Li
A new genetic algorithm for community detection using matrix representation method Downloads
Kaiqi Chen and Weihong Bi
Impacts of group behavior on boarding process at the platform of high speed railway station Downloads
Chuan-Yao Li, Rui-Yu Yang and Guang-ming Xu
Epidemic threshold for the SIRS model on the networks Downloads
M. Ali Saif
The implicit network inferred from users’ residences and workplaces enhancing collaborative recommendation on smartphones Downloads
Yubo Jiang, Yunfang Zhu, Xin Du and Tao Jin
Finite difference scheme for a fractional telegraph equation with generalized fractional derivative terms Downloads
Kamlesh Kumar, Rajesh K. Pandey and Swati Yadav
Persistence in firm’s asset and equity volatility Downloads
Francisco González-Pla and Lidija Lovreta
A three-way clustering method based on an improved DBSCAN algorithm Downloads
Hui Yu, LuYuan Chen, JingTao Yao and XingNan Wang
An improved heuristic-based model to reproduce pedestrian dynamic on the single-file staircase Downloads
Ning Guo, Xiang Ling, Zhongjun Ding, Jiancheng Long and Kongjin Zhu
Time-varying dynamic conditional correlation between stock and cryptocurrency markets using the copula-ADCC-EGARCH model Downloads
Aviral Tiwari, Ibrahim Raheem and Sang Hoon Kang
Measuring the connectedness of European electricity markets using the network topology of variance decompositions Downloads
Binqing Xiao, Ye Yang, Xuerong Peng and Libing Fang
An asymmetric cellular automata model for heterogeneous traffic flow on freeways with a climbing lane Downloads
Liu Yang, Jianlong Zheng, Yang Cheng and Bin Ran
Energy shocks pricing model: A non-linear US sectoral based analysis Downloads
Mobeen Ur Rehman
Greek economic policy uncertainty: Does it matter for Europe? Evidence from a dynamic connectedness decomposition approach Downloads
Nikolaos Antonakakis, David Gabauer and Rangan Gupta
Understanding the imbalance of the taxi market: From the high-quality customer’s perspective Downloads
Beibei Hu, Xuanxuan Xia, Huijun Sun and Xianlei Dong
Alternative solution algorithm for winner determination problem with quantity discount of transportation service procurement Downloads
Fang Yang, Yao-Huei Huang and Jun Li
On natural slow time rhythms in economic growth Downloads
James Brannan
Active lane-changing model of vehicle in B-type weaving region based on potential energy field theory Downloads
Yanli Ma, Peng Zhang and Baoyu Hu
Infant mortality across species. A global probe of congenital abnormalities Downloads
Alex Bois, Eduardo M. Garcia-Roger, Elim Hong, Stefan Hutzler, Ali Irannezhad, Abdelkrim Mannioui, Peter Richmond, Bertrand M. Roehner and Stéphane Tronche
Dynamic threshold probe of stochastic SIR model with saturated incidence rate and saturated treatment function Downloads
S.P. Rajasekar, M. Pitchaimani and Quanxin Zhu
Statistical characteristics of international conflict and cooperation network Downloads
Qingyun Wang, Shengyu Cao and Yayuan Xiao
Identification of critical roads in urban transportation network based on GPS trajectory data Downloads
Huifang Feng, Fengshan Bai and Youji Xu
Charge-particles transport in semiconductors characterized by a generalized Langevin equation with a fractional noise Downloads
Guitian He, Yan Tian and Maokang Luo
Practical decoy-state quantum digital signature with optimized parameters Downloads
Jia-Ming Chen, Hao Zhang, Xing-Yu Zhou, Chun-Mei Zhang and Qin Wang
Predicting future stock market structure by combining social and financial network information Downloads
Thársis T.P. Souza and Tomaso Aste
An analysis of Chinese firm size distribution and growth rate Downloads
Yijiang Zou
Analyzing start-up time headway distribution characteristics at signalized intersections Downloads
Qiang Luo, Jie Yuan, Xinqiang Chen, Shubo Wu, Zhijian Qu and Jinjun Tang
Measuring the network connectedness of global stock markets Downloads
Chen Gong, Pan Tang and Yutong Wang
The product demand model driven by consumer’s information perception and quality perception Downloads
Guanghui Yuan, Jingti Han, YaQiong Wang, Hejun Liang and GangYuan Li
A new method for detecting communities and their centers using the Adamic/Adar Index and game theory Downloads
Sajjad Hesamipour and Mohammad Ali Balafar
Stability and stabilization of quaternion-valued neural networks with uncertain time-delayed impulses: Direct quaternion method Downloads
Zhengwen Tu, Xinsong Yang, Liangwei Wang and Nan Ding
A new direction in social network analysis: Online social network analysis problems and applications Downloads
Umit Can and Bilal Alatas
Nonlinear analysis for a modified continuum model considering electronic throttle (ET) and backward looking effect Downloads
Yulei Jiao, Hongxia Ge and Rongjun Cheng
Stochastic stability analysis of evolutionary two-player games on regular graphs Downloads
Zhao Zhou, Haili Liang, Housheng Su, Xinjian Xu and Wenli Du
Comparative analysis of the multifractality and efficiency of exchange markets: Evidence from exchange rates dynamics of major world currencies Downloads
Chenyu Han, Yiming Wang and Ye Ning
Transportation functionality vulnerability of urban rail transit networks based on movingblock: The case of Nanjing metro Downloads
Jianhua Zhang and Meng Wang
Emergence of cooperation in finite populations under biased selection Downloads
C. Xu and P.M. Hui
Onion structure optimizes attack robustness of interdependent networks Downloads
Xiaoxiao Liu, Shiwen Sun, Jiawei Wang and Chengyi Xia
Exponentially decayed double power-law distribution of Bitcoin trade sizes Downloads
Mu-Yao Li, Qing Cai, Gao-Feng Gu and Wei-Xing Zhou
Multi-range percolation model on the square lattice Downloads
C.S. do Amaral, M. Schnabel, B.N.B. de Lima and A.P.F. Atman
Distinct features of Alfvén wave in non-extensive plasmas Downloads
Imran A. Khan, Tajammal H. Khokhar, H.A. Shah and G. Murtaza
A nonlinear matter-field Hamiltonian analyzed with Renyi and Tsallis statistics Downloads
A.M. Kowalski and A. Plastino
Irrational behavior in the adoption of innovations Downloads
M.F. Laguna, J.R. Iglesias and Sebastián Gonçalves
Fluid flow through a complex array of channels and analogies with electron and spin transport in nanoscale Downloads
F. Rodrigues Santos, G. da Silva Costa, A.R.V. de Melo Filho, I.C. da Cunha Lima and A.T. da Cunha Lima
The impact of oil prices on the stock returns in Turkey: A TVP-VAR approach Downloads
Elif Akay Toparlı, Nazif Catik and Mehmet Balcilar
LTNE modeling of Magneto-Ferro natural convection inside a porous enclosure exposed to nonuniform magnetic field Downloads
Mohsen Izadi, Rasul Mohebbi, Hasan Sajjadi and Amin Amiri Delouei
Shells structure in uncorrelated scale-free networks Downloads
A. Lachgar and A. Achahbar
Present a new multi objective optimization statistical Pareto frontier method composed of artificial neural network and multi objective genetic algorithm to improve the pipe flow hydrodynamic and thermal properties such as pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient for non-Newtonian binary fluids Downloads
Huawei Wu, Seyed Amin Bagherzadeh, D’Orazio, Annunziata, Navid Habibollahi, Arash Karimipour, Marjan Goodarzi and Quang-Vu Bach
Synchronization transmission of the target signal in the circuit network based on coupling technique Downloads
Ling Lü, Fuli Zhang and Changhui Han
Estimation of intraday stock market resiliency: Short-Time Fourier Transform approach Downloads
Joanna Olbrys and Michal Mursztyn
Analysis of a diffusive virus infection model with humoral immunity, cell-to-cell transmission and nonlinear incidence Downloads
Yantao Luo, Long Zhang, Tingting Zheng and Zhidong Teng
Parameter estimation and synchronization in the uncertain financial network Downloads
Ling Lü and Qingtao Wei
Phase synchronization and mode transition induced by multiple time delays and noises in coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo model Downloads
Lulu Lu, Mengyan Ge, Ying Xu and Ya Jia
The stabilization effect of self-delayed flux integral for two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model Downloads
Changqing Liu, Yigang He and Guanghan Peng
Self-stabilizing analysis of an extended car-following model with consideration of expected effect Downloads
Can Chen, Hongxia Ge and Rongjun Cheng
Randomness in flow turbulence around a bridge pier in a sand mined channel Downloads
Abhijit D. Lade, Anja Mihailović, Dragutin T. Mihailović and Bimlesh Kumar
Adaptive anti-synchronization of memristor-based complex-valued neural networks with time delays Downloads
Wei Xu, Song Zhu, Xiaoyu Fang and Wei Wang
Entropy properties of antiferromagnetic model on kagome lattice: Effective-field theory approach Downloads
E. Jurčišinová and M. Jurčišin
Economic risk contagion among major economies: New evidence from EPU spillover analysis in time and frequency domains Downloads
Lan Bai, Xuhui Zhang, Yuntong Liu and Qian Wang
Signature of complexity in time–frequency domain Downloads
Bo Yan, Sanjay K. Palit, Sayan Mukherjee and Santo Banerjee
A hybrid numerical study of bacteria gliding on a shear rate-dependent slime Downloads
N. Ali, Z. Asghar, M. Sajid and F. Abbas
Passive state estimation for fuzzy jumping neural networks with fading channels based on the hidden Markov model Downloads
Xuelian Wang, Jianwei Xia, Jing Wang, Jian Wang and Zhen Wang
Conformally-projectively flat trans-Sasakian statistical manifolds Downloads
Ahmet Kazan
MHD natural convection and thermal control inside a cavity with obstacles under the radiation effects Downloads
M. Usman, Z.H. Khan and M.B. Liu
Statistical analysis on the effect of reduced frequency on the aerodynamic behavior of an airfoil in dynamic physical motions Downloads
Mohammad Hossein Razavi Dehkordi, Mohammad Reza Soltani and Ali Reza Davari
A novel approach to detect volatility clusters in financial time series Downloads
J.E. Trinidad Segovia, M. Fernández-Martínez and M.A. Sánchez-Granero
Improve the performance of lattice Boltzmann method for a porous nanoscale transient flow by provide a new modified relaxation time equation Downloads
Amir Zarei, Arash Karimipour, Amir Homayoon Meghdadi Isfahani and Zhe Tian
Estimate the shear rate & apparent viscosity of multi-phased non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluids via new developed Support Vector Machine method coupled with sensitivity analysis Downloads
Zhe Tian, Hossein Arasteh, Amir Parsian, Arash Karimipour, Mohammad Reza Safaei and Truong Khang Nguyen
Distributed event-triggered protocols with Kx-functional observer for leader-following multi-agent systems Downloads
Long Jian, Jiangping Hu, Jun Wang and Kaibo Shi
On magnetized liquid stream statistics in grooved channel: A finite element visualization Downloads
Khalil Ur Rehman, R. Mahmood, N. Kousar, S. Bilal and I. Zehra
Theoretical method for calculation of effective properties of composite materials with reconfigurable microstructure: Electric and magnetic phenomena Downloads
Andrei A. Snarskii, Denis Zorinets, Mikhail Shamonin and Viktor M. Kalita
On Lie symmetry mechanics for Navier–Stokes equations unified with non-Newtonian fluid model: A classical directory Downloads
Khalil Ur Rehman and M.Y. Malik
Quadratic convective transport of dusty Casson and dusty Carreau fluids past a stretched surface with nonlinear thermal radiation, convective condition and non-uniform heat source/sink Downloads
B. Mahanthesh, I.L. Animasaun, Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji and Ibrahim M. Alarifi
Occlusions in dendritic flow networks Downloads
A.F. Miguel
A differential game analysis of multipollutant transboundary pollution in river basin Downloads
Huiquan Li and Genlong Guo
Statistical analysis of pulsating non-Newtonian flow in a corrugated channel using Lattice-Boltzmann method Downloads
Hamid Hassanzadeh Afrouzi, Majid Ahmadian, Abouzar Moshfegh, Davood Toghraie and Ashkan Javadzadegan
Sequential topology recovery of complex power systems based on reinforcement learning Downloads
Jiajing Wu, Biaoyan Fang, Junyuan Fang, Xi Chen and Chi Tse
An efficient hybrid deep learning approach for internet security Downloads
Fatih Ertam
Classical and contemporary fractional operators for modeling diarrhea transmission dynamics under real statistical data Downloads
Sania Qureshi, Ebenezer Bonyah and Asif Ali Shaikh
Eigenspectra and statistical properties of the Klein–Gordon equation with Cornell potential: Unequal mixings of scalar and time-like vector potentials Downloads
F. Tajik, Z. Sharifi, M. Eshghi, M. Hamzavi, M. Bigdeli and S.M. Ikhdair
Communication on partially heated Aluminum 6063-T83 enclosure: Finite element visualization Downloads
Khalil Ur Rehman
Augmented variational superposed Gaussian approximation for Fokker–Planck equations with rational polynomial functions Downloads
Xingyan Chu and Yoshihiko Hasegawa
Portfolio strategy of International crude oil markets: A study based on multiwavelet denoising-integration MF-DCCA method Downloads
Pengfei Zhu, Yong Tang, Yu Wei and Yimin Dai
Generalized collision-free velocity model for pedestrian dynamics Downloads
Qiancheng Xu, Mohcine Chraibi, Antoine Tordeux and Jun Zhang
A new fractional modelling and control strategy for the outbreak of dengue fever Downloads
Amin Jajarmi, Sadia Arshad and Dumitru Baleanu
Infection promotes species coexistence: Rock–paper–scissors game with epidemic on graphs Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Pore-scale heterogeneity, flow channeling and permeability: Network simulation and comparison to experimental data Downloads
Y.B. Tang, M. Li, X.J. Liu, W.S. Zhang, T. Qi and M.J. Wei
Performance enhancement of a multi-effect desalination plant: A thermodynamic investigation Downloads
Iskander Tlili, M. Osman, I. Alarifi, H. Belmabrouk, Ahmad Shafee and Zhixiong Li
Automatic detection and classification of leaf spot disease in sugar beet using deep learning algorithms Downloads
Mehmet Metin Ozguven and Kemal Adem
Page updated 2025-03-31