Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 374, issue 2, 2007
- Flow through a laboratory sediment sample by computer simulation modeling pp. 501-506

- R.B. Pandey, Allen H. Reed, Edward Braithwaite, Ray Seyfarth and J.F. Gettrust
- Influence of the potential range on the aggregation of colloidal particles pp. 507-516

- A. Videcoq, M. Han, P. Abélard, C. Pagnoux, F. Rossignol and R. Ferrando
- Dynamical pattern formation for diblock copolymer films under stretch by moving walls pp. 517-523

- A. Daud, F.M. Morais, W.A.M. Morgado and S. Martins
- Dynamics of a viscous ball rolling down on a rigid staircase pp. 524-532

- Hua Yan, Qingfan Shi, Decai Huang and Gang Sun
- Transport phenomena in a reactive quaternary gas mixture pp. 533-548

- Adriano W. Silva, Giselle M. Alves and Gilberto M. Kremer
- Colored multiplicative and additive non-Gaussian noise-driven dynamical system: Mean first passage time pp. 549-558

- Gurupada Goswami, Pradip Majee, Pulak Kumar Ghosh and Bidhan Chandra Bag
- One-dimensional non-relativistic and relativistic Brownian motions: a microscopic collision model pp. 559-572

- Jörn Dunkel and Peter Hänggi
- Maximum entropy principle and classical evolution equations with source terms pp. 573-584

- J-H. Schönfeldt, N. Jimenez, A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino and M. Casas
- Stationary and dynamical properties of finite N-unit Langevin models subjected to multiplicative noises pp. 585-599

- Hideo Hasegawa
- Dressed coordinates: The path-integral approach pp. 600-610

- R. Casana, G. Flores-Hidalgo and B.M. Pimentel
- Entanglement concentration for unknown W class states pp. 611-616

- Li-Hua Zhang, Ming Yang and Zhuo-Liang Cao
- Stochastic quantization of (λϕ4)d scalar theory: Generalized Langevin equation with memory kernel pp. 617-630

- G. Menezes and N.F. Svaiter
- Ground-state instabilities and entanglement in the spin-boson model pp. 631-645

- Ru-Fen Liu and Chia-Chu Chen
- Apparent nonuniversality in finite segregated tunneling–percolation models pp. 646-654

- N. Johner, C. Grimaldi and P. Ryser
- The matrix product ansatz for the six-vertex model pp. 655-662

- Matheus J. Lazo
- Geometrical aspects of isoscaling pp. 663-668

- A. Dávila, C.R. Escudero, J.A. López and C.O. Dorso
- The effect of the transverse crystal field on the magnetic properties of a superlattice with disordered interface pp. 669-679

- M. Boughrara and M. Kerouad
- Schematic models for fragmentation of brittle solids in one and two dimensions pp. 680-690

- F.P.M. dos Santos, R. Donangelo and S.R. Souza
- Density fluctuations in lattice-Boltzmann simulations of multiphase fluids in a closed system pp. 691-698

- H. Başağaoğlu, P. Meakin, S. Succi and R. Rotondi
- Wavelet transform analysis of time series generated by the stimulated neuronal activity pp. 699-706

- Dj. Stratimirović, S. Milošević, S. Blesić and M. Ljubisavljević
- The production function pp. 707-714

- Guido Fioretti
- A multi-interacting-agent model for financial markets pp. 715-729

- Sílvio M. Duarte Queirós, E.M.F. Curado and F.D. Nobre
- Hedging LIBOR derivatives in a field theory model of interest rates pp. 730-748

- Belal E. Baaquie, Cui Liang and Mitch C. Warachka
- Fractional diffusion models of option prices in markets with jumps pp. 749-763

- Álvaro Cartea and Diego del-Castillo-Negrete
- The oscillation of stock price by majority orienting traders with investment position pp. 764-772

- T. Yamashita and Y. Itoh
- Does implied volatility of currency futures option imply volatility of exchange rates? pp. 773-782

- Alan T. Wang
- Modeling innovation by a kinetic description of the patent citation system pp. 783-793

- Gábor Csárdi, Katherine J. Strandburg, László Zalányi, Jan Tobochnik and Péter Érdi
- Quantum social game theory pp. 794-820

- Badredine Arfi
- Small-grid analysis of discrete model for evacuation from a hall pp. 821-826

- W.G. Weng, L.L. Pan, S.F. Shen and H.Y. Yuan
- The effect of restricted velocity in the two-lane on-ramp system pp. 827-834

- Feng Li, Xiu-Yuan Zhang and Zi-You Gao
- Microscopic Abrams–Strogatz model of language competition pp. 835-842

- Dietrich Stauffer, Xavier Castelló, Víctor M. Eguíluz and Maxi San Miguel
- Effects of superspreaders in spread of epidemic pp. 843-852

- Ryo Fujie and Takashi Odagaki
- Leader-following coordination of multi-agent systems with coupling time delays pp. 853-863

- Jiangping Hu and Yiguang Hong
- Gaining scale-free and high clustering complex networks pp. 864-868

- Shouliang Bu, Bing-Hong Wang and Tao Zhou
- Ordered bursting synchronization and complex wave propagation in a ring neuronal network pp. 869-878

- Qing Yun Wang, Qi Shao Lu and Guan Rong Chen,
Volume 374, issue 1, 2007
- A fractional-order Darcy's law pp. 1-14

- J. Alberto Ochoa-Tapia, Francisco J. Valdes-Parada and Jose Alvarez-Ramirez
- Simultaneous statistical description of a crystal and fluid pp. 15-32

- V.A. Golovko
- Transport coherence in coupled Brownian ratchet pp. 33-40

- Hai-Yan Wang and Jing-Dong Bao
- ε-expansion and the fractional oscillator pp. 41-45

- A. Tofighi and H. Nasrolah Pour
- Stochastic resonance in an extended FitzHugh–Nagumo system: The role of selective coupling pp. 46-54

- Claudio J. Tessone and Horacio S. Wio
- Derivation of a decorrelation timescale depending on source distance for inhomogeneous turbulence in a convective boundary layer pp. 55-65

- Gervásio A. Degrazia, Jonas C. Carvalho, Davidson M. Moreira, Marco T. Vilhena, Débora R. Roberti and Sergio Garcia Magalhães
- Fermi statistics applied to a weakly excited column of granular particles in a vibrating bed pp. 66-76

- Holly Kokstein and Paul V. Quinn
- Remarks on the Nyquist and Callen–Welton theorems pp. 77-84

- S.A. Trigger, G.J.F. van Heijst, A.A. Rukhadze and P.P.J.M. Schram
- Order–disorder separation: Geometric revision pp. 85-102

- Alexander Gorban
- Scheme for cloning an unknown single qutrit state with assistance pp. 103-108

- Zhang-yin Wang, Hao Yuan and Shou-hua Shi
- Effects of temperature on the relaxation to equilibrium and stationary nonequilibrium states of some Langevin systems pp. 109-118

- Humberto C.F. Lemos and Emmanuel Pereira
- Scheme for implementing quantum information sharing via tripartite entangled state in cavity QED pp. 119-126

- Zheng-Yuan Xue, You-Min Yi and Zhuo-Liang Cao
- The transverse spin-12 Ising order-disorder superlattice pp. 127-138

- M. Saber, I. Lukyanchuk, M. Madani, A. Tabyaoui and A. Ainane
- Dynamics of moving agents with memory pp. 139-151

- Carmen P.C. Prado and F. Bosco
- Phase transitions of the energy-relative enstrophy theory for a coupled barotropic fluid–rotating sphere system pp. 152-164

- Xueru Ding and Chjan C. Lim
- Re-entrant phase transitions of the Blume–Emery–Griffiths model for a simple cubic lattice on the cellular automaton pp. 165-172

- N. Seferoğlu and B. Kutlu
- Thermodynamic properties of a uniform and nonuniform spin-12 chain as a model for the oxalate-bridged Cu(II) complexes pp. 173-178

- Y.C. Li, K.L. Yao and Z.L. Liu
- Thermodynamic properties at constant volume around the solid–liquid phase transition in single metals by using molecular dynamics pp. 179-186

- Gonzalo Moroyoqui-Estrella, Efraín Urrutia-Bañuelos and R. Garibay-Alonso
- Dynamic behavior of non-uniform granular gases system with the fractal characteristic in one dimension pp. 187-202

- Duan-Ming Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Chen, Yan-Ping Yin, Rui Li, Xiang-Ying Su, Wen-Jing Yang, Ming-Tao Huang, Hong-Ying Zhu and Ling Zhang
- Superradiant dissipative tunneling in a double p–i–n semiconductor heterostructure with thermal injection of electrons pp. 203-210

- Eliade Stefanescu and Werner Scheid
- Quantum description of spin tunneling in magnetic molecules pp. 211-228

- D. Galetti
- Particle mobility and metabasin exploration in model glass-formers pp. 229-238

- G.A. Appignanesi, M.A. Frechero and L.M. Alarcón
- Percolation processes in monomer-polyatomic mixtures pp. 239-250

- M. Dolz, F. Nieto and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor
- Approach to equilibrium of the hydrogen atom at low temperatures pp. 251-262

- N.M. Oliveira-Neto, E.M.F. Curado, F.D. Nobre and M.A. Rego-Monteiro
- Nonextensive treatment of nucleation and growth in a thin layer pp. 263-271

- Hakan Cetinel and Ozhan Kayacan
- On retrial queueing model with fuzzy parameters pp. 272-280

- Jau-Chuan Ke, Hsin-I Huang and Chuen-Horng Lin
- Surrogate analysis of volatility series from long-range correlated noise pp. 281-288

- Radhakrishnan Nagarajan
- The role of time scale separation in a nonequilibrium roughening transition pp. 289-292

- M. Llas, A. Díaz-Guilera, J.M. López and P.M. Gleiser
- Detection of ganglioside clustering in DOPC bilayers by 1H-NMR spectroscopy pp. 293-303

- D’Emiliano, D., C. Casieri, M. Paci and F. De Luca
- Quantum Bohmian model for financial market pp. 304-314

- Olga Al. Choustova
- Nonextensive statistical features of the Polish stock market fluctuations pp. 315-324

- R. Rak, S. Drożdż and J. Kwapień
- Power laws and Gaussians for stock market fluctuations pp. 325-330

- Çağlar Tuncay and Dietrich Stauffer
- Empirical investigation of a field theory formula and Black's formula for the price of an interest-rate caplet pp. 331-348

- Belal E. Baaquie and Cui Liang
- Controlling chaos in an economic model pp. 349-358

- Liang Chen and Guanrong Chen
- Three phases of the minority game pp. 359-368

- Sy-Sang Liaw, Chia-Hsiang Hung and Ching Liu
- How fair is an equitable distribution? pp. 369-379

- Elena Ramírez Barrios, Juan G. Díaz Ochoa and Johannes J. Schneider
- Extracting quantitative dynamics in Earth's apparent resistivity time series by using the detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 380-388

- Marianna Balasco, Vincenzo Lapenna, Gerardo Romano, Agata Siniscalchi and Luciano Telesca
- Statistical linguistic characterization of variability in observed and synthetic daily precipitation series pp. 389-402

- C. Primo, A. Galván, C. Sordo and J.M. Gutiérrez
- On the structure of complicated turbulent spectra pp. 403-408

- E. Golbraikh and A. Eidelman
- Traffic dispersion induced by noise in off-lattice model pp. 409-418

- Takashi Nagatani
- Jam formation in traffic flow on a highway with some slowdown sections pp. 419-430

- Hirotoshi Hanaura, Takashi Nagatani and Katsunori Tanaka
- Nonlinear-map model for split effect on vehicular traffic through periodic signals pp. 431-440

- Takashi Nagatani
- Scaling and correlations in three bus-transport networks of China pp. 441-448

- Xinping Xu, Junhui Hu, Feng Liu and Lianshou Liu
- Cascade dynamics of complex propagation pp. 449-456

- Damon Centola, Víctor M. Eguíluz and Michael W. Macy
- Theory of rumour spreading in complex social networks pp. 457-470

- M. Nekovee, Y. Moreno, G. Bianconi and M. Marsili
- Survivor statistics and damage spreading on social network with power-law degree distributions pp. 471-477

- Z.Z. Guo and K.Y. Szeto
- Stability of a complex dynamical network model pp. 478-482

- Wu-Jie Yuan, Xiao-Shu Luo, Pin-Qun Jiang, Bing-Hong Wang and Jin-Qing Fang
- Identification of overlapping community structure in complex networks using fuzzy c-means clustering pp. 483-490

- Shihua Zhang, Rui-Sheng Wang and Xiang-Sun Zhang
- Models for random graphs with variable strength edges pp. 491-500

- A. Wyld and G.J. Rodgers
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