Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 246, issue 3, 1997
- On the angles of dry granular heaps pp. 301-312

- Y. Grasselli and H.J. Herrmann
- Storage capacity of the Hopfield neural network pp. 313-319

- Jin-Cheng Zheng, Jian-Yong Chen, Jian-Wei Shuai, Shu-Hui Cai and Ren-zhi Wang
- Scaling behavior of a self-affine fractal interface in a cement fracture experiment pp. 320-328

- Soon-Chul Kim, Zi-Hong Yoon and Tai-Hyung Kwon
- Power spectrum scaling in anomalous kinetic roughening of surfaces pp. 329-347

- Juan M. López, Miguel A. Rodríguez and Rodolfo Cuerno
- The two-dimensional disordered Boson Hubbard model: Evidence for a direct Mott-insulator-to-superfluid transition and localization in the Bose glass phase pp. 348-376

- Jens Kisker and Heiko Rieger
- A generalization of spin glass theory in marketing: the coordination of interdependent country markets pp. 377-384

- Jörg Cremer
- Viscous fingering patterns of silica suspensions in polymer solutions: effects of viscoelasticity and gravity pp. 385-398

- Masami Kawaguchi, Kyoko Makino and Tadaya Kato
- Doubly folded random walks for unentangled polymers: a tree percolation model pp. 399-406

- S.S. Manna
- Emergence of cooperation and organization in an evolutionary game pp. 407-418

- Damien Challet and Y.-C. Zhang
- The relationship between the fractional integral and the fractal structure of a memory set pp. 419-429

- Fu-Yao Ren, Zu-Guo Yu, Ji Zhou, Alain Le Mehaute and Raoul R. Nigmatullin
- Price variations in a stock market with many agents pp. 430-453

- P. Bak, M. Paczuski and Martin Shubik
- Coherent and random sequences in financial fluctuations pp. 454-459

- N. Vandewalle and Marcel Ausloos
- Phase transition and scaling in the generalized traffic flow model pp. 460-470

- Takashi Nagatani
- Particle-hopping models of vehicular traffic: Distributions of distance headways and distance between jams pp. 471-486

- Debashish Chowdhury, Kingshuk Ghosh, Arnab Majumdar, Shishir Sinha and R.B. Stinchcombe
- Wavelet analysis and nonlinear dynamics in a nonextensive setting pp. 487-509

- L.G. Gamero, A. Plastino and M.E. Torres
- Spin-reversal transition in Ising model under pulsed field pp. 510-518

- Arkajyoti Misra and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- Survivors in the two-dimensional Potts model: zero-temperature dynamics for Q = ∞ pp. 519-528

- Michael Hennecke
- Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in high-Q micromaser cavity pp. 529-546

- Rui-hua Xie, Rui-bao Tao and Gong-ou Xu
- Kinetic equations for smooth granular systems pp. 547-562

- W.A.M. Morgado and I. Oppenheim
- Monte Carlo study of correlations near the ground state of the triangular antiferromagnetic Ising model pp. 563-575

- Jesper Lykke Jacobsen and Hans C. Fogedby
- Interpolations between Bose and Fermi statistics pp. 576-586

- S. Chaturvedi and V. Srinivasan
- Some exact inequalities for the random field ϕ4 system pp. 587-590

- M. Schwartz
- Generalized curvature expansion for the surface internal energy pp. 591-608

- Leonard M.C. Sagis
- Analyzing exact fractal time series: evaluating dispersional analysis and rescaled range methods pp. 609-632

- David C. Caccia, Donald Percival, Michael J. Cannon, Gary Raymond and James B. Bassingthwaighte
- Monte Carlo study of asymmetric 2D XY model pp. 633-645

- Christian Holm, Wolfhard Janke, Tetsuo Matsui and Kazuhiko Sakakibara
- On the optimization of Monte-Carlo simulations pp. 646-658

- Jaan Kalda
Volume 246, issue 1, 1997
- Statistical properties of galaxy cluster distribution pp. 1-17

- M. Montuori, F.Sylos Labini and A. Amici
- Percolation transition in two-dimensional ±J Ising spin glasses pp. 18-26

- Hitoshi Imaoka, Hideo Ikeda and Yasuhiro Kasai
- Criticality of two- and three-spin Ising model in an external field on a fractal family pp. 27-44

- JoséArnaldo Redinz and AglaéCristina Navarro de Magalhães
- Thermodynamic properties of a mixture of He and N2 at high pressures determined from speeds of sound pp. 45-52

- Samirendra N. Biswas, Cornelis A. ten Seldam and Jan A. Schouten
- Green's function theory of free electrons in thin films pp. 53-63

- S.B. Lazarev, M. Pantić and B.S. Tošić
- Dynamical theory of icosahedral order parameter in supercooled liquids pp. 64-74

- Kyozi Kawasaki
- Kinetic coefficients connected with magnetic field in case of superfluid 3He B. II pp. 75-77

- Zygmunt M. Galasiewicz
- Linear response theory for nonequilibrium stationary systems pp. 78-96

- Masakazu Ichiyanagi
- Master equation for a quantum system driven by a strong periodic field in the quasienergy representation pp. 97-114

- I. Antoniou, Yu. Melnikov and Bi Qiao
- An analytical approximation to the diffusion coefficient in overdamped multidimensional systems pp. 115-131

- G. Caratti, R. Ferrando, R. Spadacini and G.E. Tommei
- Beyond the classical limit: Correlation effects in the chaotic masermodel pp. 132-144

- F. Camargo, M. Trindade dos Santos and M.C. Nemes
- Entropy production bound in a dense gas pp. 145-156

- M. Mayorga, L. Romero-Salazar and R.M. Velasco
- Studies of traffic flow phenomena using the VEDENS computer code pp. 157-171

- L.D. Howe
- Temporally quantized theory of damped multimodulated fluorescence pp. 172-186

- Sidney Golden
- Boltzmann collision kernels and velocity saturation in semiconductors pp. 187-198

- Christoph Dalitz
- The role of the Manhattan distance in antiferromagnetic ordering pp. 199-220

- G.J. Tielen, T. Lulek, M.R.M.J. Traa, M. Kuzma and W.J. Caspers
- The Seke self-consistent projection-operator approach for the calculation of quantum-mechanical eigenvalues and eigenstates pp. 221-240

- J. Seke, A.V. Soldatov and N.N. Bogolubov
- Renormalization group study of sandpile on the triangular lattice pp. 241-252

- Vl.V. Papoyan and A.M. Povolotsky
- Repulsive particles on a two-dimensional lattice pp. 253-274

- G.I. Watson
- Superfluidity in the new quantum statistical approach pp. 275-287

- V.A. Golovko
- A note on a ferrimagnetic Ising system with decorated magnetic and non-magnetic atoms pp. 288-296

- T. Kaneyoshi
Volume 245, issue 3, 1997
- Buoyancy-driven invasion percolation with migration and fragmentation pp. 217-230

- G. Wagner, P. Meakin, J. Feder and T. Jøssang
- Quantum site-random XY spin glasses in a random field pp. 231-237

- Yu-qiang Ma
- Dimension-invariance, multifractality and complexity in some classical and quantum systems pp. 238-252

- A. Bershadskii
- Long-tailed distributions and non-uniform expansion in the analysis of large-scale structure pp. 253-260

- L.S. Schulman
- Irreversible deposition on disordered substrates: Line segments on a square lattice pp. 261-268

- Lj. Budinski-Petković and U. Kozmidis-Luburić
- Marshall-Peierls sign rule for excited states of the frustrated J1−J2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet pp. 269-275

- Andreas Voigt, Johannes Richter and Nedko B. Ivanov
- The effective interaction between colloidal hard sphere particles in a polymerizing solvent. Application of Wertheim's theory of association pp. 276-296

- D. Henderson, A. Kovalenko, O. Pizio and D. Wasan
- Long-time dynamics of charged colloidal suspensions: hydrodynamic interaction effects pp. 297-336

- Gerhard Nägele and Peter Baur
- Thin film growth of incompatible materials pp. 337-354

- Sang Bub Lee,, J.G. Amar and F. Family
- Island density in homoepitaxial growth: improved Monte Carlo results pp. 355-360

- H. Jeong, B. Kahng and D.E. Wolf
- Metastability in Monte Carlo simulation of 2D Ising films and in Fe monolayer strips pp. 361-365

- Parongama Sen, D. Stauffer and U. Gradmann
- The interface tension of the three-dimensional Ising model in the scaling region pp. 366-378

- M. Hasenbusch and K. Pinn
- Spin waves in quasi-periodic magnetic superlattices pp. 379-392

- C.G. Bezerra and E.L. Albuquerque
- Analytical treatment of the fused hard-sphere chain model. 0.5 < L < 1 pp. 393-410

- Yurij Duda, Eduard Vakarin, Yurij Kalyuzhnyi and Myroslav Holovko
- Large financial crashes pp. 411-422

- Didier Sornette and Anders Johansen
- Scaling in currency exchange pp. 423-436

- Stefano Galluccio, G. Caldarelli, M. Marsili and Y.-C. Zhang
- Correlations in economic time series pp. 437-440

- Yanhui Liu, Pierre Cizeau, Martin Meyer, C.-K. Peng and H. Eugene Stanley
- Volatility distribution in the S&P500 stock index pp. 441-445

- Pierre Cizeau, Yanhui Liu, Martin Meyer, C.-K. Peng and H. Eugene Stanley
- Bifurcation scenarios and quasiperiodicity in coupled maps pp. 446-452

- Karl E. Kürten and Grégoire Nicolis
- Self-organised criticality in some dissipative sandpile models pp. 453-460

- H.J. Ruskin and Y. Feng
- One-dimensional cellular automata characterization by the roughness exponent pp. 461-471

- J.A. de Sales, M.L. Martins and J.G. Moreira
- Transients in a one-dimensional probabilistic cellular automaton pp. 472-484

- Pratip Bhattacharyya
- The short-time behaviour of a kinetic Ashkin-Teller model on the critical line pp. 485-493

- Z.B. Li,, X.W. Liu,, L. Schülke and B. Zheng
- The boundary of “life” for a self-organized critical evolution: the role of the interaction range pp. 494-502

- N. Vandewalle and Marcel Ausloos
- Matricial formulation of transient stochastic dynamics driven by Gaussian colored noise pp. 503-516

- J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
- Stochastic dynamics of constrained systems pp. 517-522

- M. Schwartz and Y. Navot
- Exact solutions for a partially asymmetric exclusion model with two species pp. 523-533

- Anatoly B. Kolomeisky
- Deadlocks and waiting times in traffic jam pp. 534-542

- Sutapa Mukherji and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee
- A quantum field theory of diffusion near the liquid-glass transition pp. 543-559

- Toyoyuki Kitamura
- Groundstate threshold in triangular anisotropic +/−J Ising models pp. 560-574

- J. Bendisch
Volume 245, issue 1, 1997
- Spontaneous formation of onion phases in a single surfactant system and their salt-induced transformation towards ordinary lamellar phases pp. 1-10

- E. van der Linden and C.J. Buytenhek
- Mode competition in a system of two parametrically driven pendulums; the dissipative case pp. 11-48

- E.J. Banning, J.P. van der Weele, J.C. Ross, M.M. Kettenis and E. de Kleine
- Mode competition in a system of two parametrically driven pendulums with nonlinear coupling pp. 49-98

- E.J. Banning, J.P. van der Weele, J.C. Ross and M.M. Kettenis
- Dynamical properties of the Penna aging model applied to the population of wolves pp. 99-112

- Danuta Makowiec
- The effect of sexual cannibalism on the evolution of large populations pp. 113-123

- N. Vandewalle
- A Navier-Stokes-like traffic model pp. 124-138

- C. Wagner
- Exact results for one-dimensional cellular automata with different types of updates pp. 139-144

- N. Rajewsky and M. Schreckenberg
- The transition between immune and disease states in a cellular automaton model of clonal immune response pp. 145-163

- Michele Bezzi, Franco Celada, Stefano Ruffo and Philip E. Seiden
- Does the structure of an oscillating chemical system oscillate? pp. 164-180

- Jerzy Gorecki and Kazuo Kitahara
- Fluctuations around Nash equilibria in game theory pp. 181-188

- Matteo Marsili and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- Emergence of a Wiener process as a result of the quantum mechanical interaction with a macroscopic medium pp. 189-211

- Raffaella Blasi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Mikio Namiki and Saverio Pascazio
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