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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 190, issue 1, 1992

Collective and tracer diffusion of lattice gases in lattices with site-energy disorder pp. 1-12 Downloads
K.W. Kehr and O. Paetzold
Laplacian growth on a random lattice pp. 13-23 Downloads
C. Moukarzel
Equilibrium polymerization with annealed crosslinks pp. 24-48 Downloads
Jürgen F. Stilck and John C. Wheeler
Faxén theorems in elastostatics pp. 49-62 Downloads
B. Ersfeld
Inflated vesicles: A lattice model pp. 63-74 Downloads
A. Baumgärtner
Crossover behavior of the susceptibility and the specific heat near a second-order phase transition pp. 75-94 Downloads
M.Y. Belyakov and S.B. Kiselev
Universal distribution of masses in a one-dimensional sticky gas pp. 95-103 Downloads
Jaroslaw Piasecki
Formulae for cycles in the Mandelbrot set II pp. 104-116 Downloads
John Stephenson and Douglas T. Ridgway
Formulae for cycles in the Maldelbrot set III pp. 117-129 Downloads
John Stephenson
Multiple measurements realized by a multiple scattering process pp. 130-144 Downloads
M.A. Braun and K. Urbanowski
Dynamics of an Ising ferromagnet at T⩽ Tc from the droplet model approach pp. 145-160 Downloads
Vitaly A. Shneidman
Non-conserved ordering kinetics pp. 161-185 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki
On the relaxation of binary hard-sphere gases pp. 186-202 Downloads
Georg Kügerl and Ferdinand Schürrer

Volume 187, issue 3, 1992

Space filling tiling by random packing of discs pp. 373-377 Downloads
S.S. Manna
Adaptive self-organization during growth of bacterial colonies pp. 378-424 Downloads
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Haim Shmueli, Ofer Shochet and Adam Tenenbaum
Phase transition in the topological properties of the generalized percolation model pp. 425-435 Downloads
Zorica V. Djordjevic
Rotational diffusion of a tracer colloid particle pp. 436-455 Downloads
R.B. Jones and F.N. Alavi
Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere pp. 456-474 Downloads
S. Prestipino Giarritta, M. Ferrario and P.V. Giaquinta
Random sequential adsorption of spheres of different sizes pp. 475-488 Downloads
Paul Meakin and Remi Jullien
The Percus-Yevick approximation for repulsive hard spheres with surface adhesion pp. 489-502 Downloads
G.J.M. Koper and D. Bedeaux
Discrete Boltzmann-like equations: a dynamical formulation pp. 503-518 Downloads
G. Baumann, M. Grmela and T.F. Nonnenmacher
Multidimensional activated rate processes with slowly relaxing mode pp. 519-550 Downloads
A.M. Berezhkovskii and V.Yu. Zitserman
Growth and form in the zero-noise limit of discrete Laplacian growth processes with inherent surface tension pp. 551-574 Downloads
M.T. Batchelor and B.I. Henry
Lie-admissible perturbation methods for open quantum systems pp. 575-588 Downloads
A. Jannussis, R. Mignani and D. Skaltsas
Mixing and equilibrium probability densities in classical statistical mechanics pp. 589-602 Downloads
Josep Español and F.Javier de la Rubia
To the theory of the linear magnetic permeability of a medium pp. 603-624 Downloads
V.B. Bobrov
A new physical interaction picture leading to the solution of the renormalization problem in the nonrelativistic treatment of the Lamb shift pp. 625-639 Downloads
J. Seke

Volume 187, issue 1, 1992

Simplified diffusion-limited aggregation models pp. 1-17 Downloads
Paul Meakin
Models of permeability and conductivity of porous media pp. 18-54 Downloads
J.L. McCauley
Microstructural sensitivity of local porosity distributions pp. 55-70 Downloads
F. Boger, J. Feder, T. Jøssang and R. Hilfer
A computer-simulation study of sticks percolation pp. 71-76 Downloads
Jeffrey Becklehimer and Ras B. Pandey
Breakdown of diffusive motion in an interacting lattice gas pp. 77-86 Downloads
Ras B. Pandey
Morphology transitions during non-equilibrium growth pp. 87-111 Downloads
Ofer Shochet, Klaus Kassner, Eshel Ben-Jacob, S.G. Lipson and Heiner Müller-Krumbhaar
Dilute spin glass with finite connectivity pp. 112-125 Downloads
Mário J. de Oliveira
Simulation of Widom model kinetics for microemulsions pp. 126-132 Downloads
Dieter Morawietz, Debashish Chowdhury, Stefan Vollmar and Dietrich Stauffer
Dynamic computer simulation of concentrated hard sphere suspensions pp. 133-144 Downloads
B. Cichocki and K. Hinsen
About entropy and correlations in a fluid of hard spheres pp. 145-158 Downloads
P.V. Giaquinta and G. Giunta
Molecular dynamics simulations of hard sphere granular particles pp. 159-171 Downloads
D.C. Hong and J.A. McLennan
Theory of turbulent shear flow pp. 172-190 Downloads
Jürgen Piest
Thermal transport properties in a square lattice gas pp. 191-209 Downloads
Shankar P. Das and M.H. Ernst
Mode coupling and tagged particle correlation functions: the Stokes-Einstein law pp. 210-242 Downloads
Jeremy Schofield and Irwin Oppenheim
Microcanonical simulation of self-avoiding surfaces pp. 243-248 Downloads
A. Baumgärtner and A. Romero
On lambda and internal time operators pp. 249-266 Downloads
Zdzislaw Suchanecki
Numerical analysis of diffusion of a quasiparticle in a dynamically fluctuating medium based on the path integral method I pp. 267-281 Downloads
Hiromi Ezaki and Fumiaki Shibata
Coherent-anomaly method applied to the eight-vertex model pp. 282-307 Downloads
Kazuhiko Minami and Masuo Suzuki
Some remarks on the eigenvalue problem for Zn symmetric vertex and face models pp. 308-328 Downloads
Y.K. Zhou and B.Y. Hou
Decay of metastable states pp. 329-352 Downloads
A.N. Drozdov
Resistance of one-dimensional quasicrystals pp. 353-368 Downloads
B. Iochum, L. Raymond and D. Testard

Volume 186, issue 3, 1992

Exact analysis of the self-avoiding random walks on two infinite families of fractals pp. 329-345 Downloads
Sava Milos̆ević and Ivan Z̆ivić
Behaviour of weak waves in the non-uniform state of gas flow pp. 346-358 Downloads
Arisudan Rai
Theory of morphological evolution in Ostwald ripening pp. 359-387 Downloads
Tatsuhiro Imaeda and Kyozi Kawasaki
The probability of the quantum-diffusion-controlled reaction of a species pair pp. 388-404 Downloads
B.V. Bondarev
Symbolic dynamics of fully developed chaos III. Infinite-memory sequences and phase transitions pp. 405-440 Downloads
R. Kluiving, H.W. Capel and R.A. Pasmanter
Möbius, Mellin, and mathematical physics pp. 441-481 Downloads
Barry W. Ninham, Barry D. Hughes, Norman E. Frankel and M. Lawrence Glasser
Phase diagrams and tricritical behavior of a spin-one transverse Ising model in a random field pp. 482-494 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Differential operator technique for higher spin problems pp. 495-512 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi, J.W. Tucker and M. Jaščur
Discrete quantum phase spaces and the mod N invariance pp. 513-523 Downloads
D. Galetti and A.F.R. Toledo Piza
Phase diagrams of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model: real-space renormalization group investigation and finite size scaling analysis pp. 524-533 Downloads
A. Bakchich, A. Benyoussef and M. Touzani
Test-particle motion in a relativistic plasma III. Collective effects pp. 534-548 Downloads
Ph. de Gottal and J. Gariel
Solitons in a three parallel chains system pp. 549-562 Downloads
B.S. Tošić, Lj. Mašković, D.V. Kapor, G. Knežević and D. Ćirić
Influence of the temperature changing regime on phase separation processes I. Case of the nonconserved order parameter pp. 563-577 Downloads
A. Margolina, A.F. Izmailov and K. Levon
On the extinction of Dickman's reaction- diffusion processes pp. 578-590 Downloads
Makoto Katori and Norio Konno
Thermodynamical properties of the spin-one transverse Ising model pp. 591-607 Downloads
I.P. Fittipaldi, E.F. Sarmento and T. Kaneyoshi

Volume 186, issue 1, 1992

Fractal landscapes in physics and biology pp. 1-32 Downloads
H. Eugene Stanley
Modelling neural networks pp. 33-48 Downloads
Bikas K. Chakrabarti and Prabir K. Dasgupta
Neural network modeling of associative memory: Beyond the Hopfield model pp. 49-60 Downloads
Chandan Dasgupta
Statistical physics of immune networks pp. 61-81 Downloads
Debashish Chowdhury and Dietrich Stauffer
Sandpiles and self-organized criticality pp. 82-87 Downloads
Deepak Dhar
Effects of gelation on morphology of spinodal decomposition and viscous fingering pp. 88-96 Downloads
Jyotsana Lal and Rama Bansil
The cellular automata approach to simulating fluid flows in porous media pp. 97-108 Downloads
G.A. Kohring
Effects of surface relaxation on NMR pulsed field gradient experiments in porous media pp. 109-114 Downloads
Partha P. Mitra and Pabitra N. Sen
Nuclear magnetization relaxation by diffusion in a parabolic magnetic field pp. 115-120 Downloads
Pierre Le Doussal and Pabitra N. Sen
Real sandpiles: dilatancy, hysteresis and cooperative dynamics pp. 121-153 Downloads
Anita Mehta
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics of the dilute lamellar phase pp. 154-159 Downloads
Sriram Ramaswamy
Brittle fracture in disordered media: from reservoir rocks to composite solids pp. 160-182 Downloads
Muhammad Sahimi
Directed walks and vertex models: renormalization, multicriticality and beyond pp. 183-196 Downloads
Somendra M. Bhattacharjee
Kinetics of clusters in Ising models pp. 197-209 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer
Size-dependent diffusion coefficient in a myopic random walk on a strip pp. 210-219 Downloads
S. Revathi, M.C. Valsakumar, V. Balakrishnan and G.H. Weiss
Hysteresis as rate competition: a Landau model example pp. 220-230 Downloads
Mangal C. Mahato and Subodh R. Shenoy
Monte Carlo study of hysteretic response for the two dimensional Ising system: scaling behavior pp. 231-236 Downloads
Muktish Acharyya, Bikas K. Chakrabarti and Asok K. Sen
Bursting of soap films pp. 237-249 Downloads
Debashish Chowdhury and Dietrich Stauffer
Strange interfacial waves in stratified flows of immiscible fluids pp. 250-257 Downloads
B. Roy, B.K. Chatterjee, M.H. Engineer and Pradip Roy
Quantum percolation and breakdown. Absence of the delocalisation transition in two dimensions pp. 258-269 Downloads
Abhijit Mookerjee, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Indra Dasgupta and Tanusri Saha
Electronic transport and resonances in two random dimer models in one dimension - any relevance to conducting polyaniline? pp. 270-284 Downloads
Asok K. Sen and S. Gangopadhyay
Aspects of non-ergpdicity in Hermitian systems pp. 285-297 Downloads
Surajit Sen
Quantum antiferromagnets with disordered ground states pp. 298-305 Downloads
Indrani Bose
Ground state properties of a one dimensional frustrated quantum XY model pp. 306-313 Downloads
Parongama Sen
Search for a thermodynamic basis for the glass transition pp. 314-326 Downloads
Chandan Dasgupta and Sriram Ramaswamy
Page updated 2025-03-31