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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 113, issue 3, 1982

The phase diagram of simple metamagnets as determined by the cluster variation method pp. 351-366 Downloads
Paul H.E. Meijer and Servet Ekmekci
Exact solutions for Ising model odd-number correlations on the honeycomb and triangular lattices pp. 367-387 Downloads
J.H. Barry, C.H. Múnera and T. Tanaka
An integrable SU(3) spin chain pp. 388-400 Downloads
R. Sasaki and Th.W. Ruijgrok
A completely solvable model of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation pp. 401-416 Downloads
Th.W. Ruijgrok and Tai Tsun Wu
A self-consistent approach to linear and nonlinear transport in an electric field pp. 417-440 Downloads
H. Moraal
Thermodynamics of stiff macromolecules in the two-dimensional lattice model pp. 441-450 Downloads
A.M. Kosevich, A.S. Kovalev and M.L. Polyakov
Generalization of the Yvon-Born-Green theory to polyatomic liquids pp. 451-476 Downloads
I. Pardowitz
Covariant Wigner function approach to the relativistic charged gas in a strong magnetic field pp. 477-490 Downloads
R.Dominguez Tenreiro and Rémi Hakim
Covariant Wigner function approach to the relativistic charged gas in a strong magnetic field pp. 491-505 Downloads
Ph. Adam and Rémi Hakim
Second-order ellipsometric coefficients pp. 506-520 Downloads
John Lekner
Group structure optimalization for cell-spin transformations in multi-dimensional interaction spaces pp. 521-534 Downloads
J.O. Indekeu and D. Roekaerts
Correlated effective field approximation for the Ising model pp. 535-545 Downloads
G.Bruce Taggart
Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional Coulomb systems pp. 546-558 Downloads
S.W. de Leeuw and J.W. Perram
Power-like decreasing solutions of the linearized Boltzmann equation and conservation of mass or energy pp. 559-586 Downloads
H. Cornille and A. Gervois
A simple molecular statistical treatment of a model for cholesterics pp. 587-595 Downloads
P.M.L.O. Scholte and G. Vertogen
Capillary waves on free liquid surfaces: A study of the role of the intermolecular potential in the dispersion pp. 596-606 Downloads
Peter Jewsbury and J. Mahanty
Molecular dynamics studies of metastability and nucleation in a non-equilibrium chemical system with multiple steady states pp. 607-618 Downloads
J. Boissonade
Do turbulent crystals exist? pp. 619-623 Downloads
David Ruelle

Volume 113, issue 1, 1982

The thermal conductivity of mixtures of carbon dioxide with three noble gases pp. 1-26 Downloads
J. Kestin, Y. Nagasaka and W.A. Wakeham
Relation between the viscosity and specific heat approaches to the sound propagation in critical fluids pp. 27-43 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki and Yasuhiro Shiwa
Multicomponent spin models with transitive symmetry groups pp. 44-66 Downloads
H. Moraal
Multicomponent spin models with transitive symmetry groups pp. 67-76 Downloads
H. Moraal
Remarks on the hypernetted chain approximation in the case of simple fluids pp. 77-89 Downloads
A. Weyland
Creeping flow about a spherical particle pp. 90-102 Downloads
R. Schmitz and B.U. Felderhof
Friction matrix for two spherical particles with hydrodynamic interaction pp. 103-116 Downloads
R. Schmitz and B.U. Felderhof
Kinetics of crystalline configurations pp. 117-125 Downloads
C.M. Van Baal
Elastic constants for liquid crystals of disc-like molecules pp. 126-132 Downloads
K. Sokalski and Th.W. Ruijgrok
A unified microscopic description of the smectic-A, nematic and isotropic phases of liquid crystals pp. 133-144 Downloads
K. Sokalski
A theory for nematic liquids with biaxial molecules pp. 145-167 Downloads
B.M. Mulder and Th.W. Ruijgrok
Comments on “perturbation theory of quantum fluids at high temperature” pp. 168-172 Downloads
S.K. Sinha and Y. Singh
A new approach to the problem of disordered harmonic chains pp. 173-202 Downloads
T.M. Nieuwenhuizen
Linear systems with Lévy fluctuations pp. 203-216 Downloads
Bruce J. West and V. Seshadri
Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuation theory for a charged two component fluid in equilibrium pp. 217-234 Downloads
J.M. Rubí and W. Van Saarloos
Fundamental diode-noise pp. 235-252 Downloads
Alexis De Vos
Effect of statistical fluctuations of concentration on the critical temperature in a diluted magnetic system pp. 253-260 Downloads
B. Fechner
A new transform theorem for stochastic processes with special application to counting statistics pp. 261-276 Downloads
Carel M. Van Vliet and Peter H. Handel
Variational approach to equations of motion in driven systems pp. 277-285 Downloads
G. Sauermann and Y.M. Zhang
Sublimation pressure of Xe and zero temperature cohesion energy of Ar, Kr and Xe from sublimation pressure and heat capacity data pp. 286-292 Downloads
C. Tessier, A. Terlain and Y. Larher
Microscopic theory of a dimer in random potential pp. 293-314 Downloads
Zhaoqing Zhang, K.A. Chao, S. Robaszkiewicz and R. Micnas
Application of group theory to the calculation of the configurational entropy in the cluster variation method pp. 315-337 Downloads
D. Gratias, J.M. Sanchez and D. De Fontaine
Crystalline symmetry and surface tension pp. 338-342 Downloads
Charles Radin
Generalized cluster expansion for real fluids pp. 343-349 Downloads
F. Iglói and J. Kollár

Volume 112, issue 3, 1982

Mode coupling theory of hydrodynamics and steady state systems pp. 361-392 Downloads
Jonathan Machta and Irwin Oppenheim
Random Ising model in the magnetic field at T = 0 pp. 393-404 Downloads
Shigetoshi Katsura and Nahomi Miyamoto
Critical behaviour of the two-dimensional Potts model with a continuous number of states; A finite size scaling analysis pp. 405-465 Downloads
H.W.j Blöte and M.p Nightingale
Direct proof of the H-theorem for the (two-body) Bogolubov-Green-Cohen equation pp. 466-478 Downloads
Shigeru Shinomoto
Nuclear magnetic spin-rotational relaxation times for symmetric molecules pp. 479-487 Downloads
James McConnell
Nuclear magnetic spin-rotational relaxation times for linear molecules pp. 488-504 Downloads
James McConnell
Stress-strain fluctuations in non-linear hydrodynamics pp. 505-513 Downloads
Ronald Forrest Fox
Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuations around equilibrium pp. 514-516 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, P. Mazur and W. van Saarloos
High-frequency power spectra of systems described by non-linear Langevin equations pp. 517-522 Downloads
B. Caroli, C. Caroli and B. Roulet
Random walks with ‘spontaneous emission’ on lattices with periodically distributed imperfect traps pp. 523-543 Downloads
W.Th.F. den Hollander and P.W. Kasteleyn
Reflection of long waves by interfaces pp. 544-556 Downloads
John Lekner
A cumulant expansion for the time correlation functions of solutions to linear stochastic differential equations pp. 557-587 Downloads
J.B.T.m Roerdink
Diffusion on the fluctuating random surface pp. 588-596 Downloads
A.S. Makhailov and I.V. Uporov
On the relation between the normal fluid density and the one particle Green function for Bose fluids pp. 597-604 Downloads
Richard J. Creswick
Liquid-crystalline ordering in the solution of partially flexible macromolecules pp. 605-614 Downloads
A.R. Khokhlov and A.N. Semenov
Path integral approach to polaron mass and radius at finite temperatures pp. 615-630 Downloads
V.K. Fedyanin and C. Rodriguez

Volume 112, issue 1, 1982

On the validity of non-Markov reduced equations of motion in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 1-17 Downloads
David Ronis and Shaul Mukamel
A classical dynamics study of rotational relaxation in nitrogen gas pp. 18-28 Downloads
A.F. Turfa, H.F.P. Knaap, B.J. Thijsse and J.J.M. Beenakker
Heat conduction in a nearly collisionless molecular gas pp. 29-43 Downloads
H.F.P. Knaap, J.J.M. Beenakker and I. Kuščer
An upper limit for thermoelectric birefringence in polar molecules pp. 44-50 Downloads
P. Oudeman, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
The asymptotic form of the cluster partition function in a two-dimensional lattice gas pp. 51-64 Downloads
R. Dickman and W.C. Schieve
Exact differential renormalization group equations for Ising models on square lattices pp. 65-100 Downloads
Wim Van Saarloos
The Boltzmann equation for persistent scattering models pp. 101-118 Downloads
E.M. Hendriks and M.H. Ernst
Transition kernels for the nonlinear Boltzmann equation pp. 119-145 Downloads
E.M. Hendriks and M.H. Ernst
Fluctuations in the limit cycle state and the problem of phase chaos pp. 146-166 Downloads
P. Szépfalusy and T. Tél
Statistical theory of nonuniform systems and reduced description in the density fluctuation theory pp. 167-192 Downloads
I.I. Narkevich
Coherent state propagation in open systems pp. 193-213 Downloads
B. Remaud, C. Dorso and E.S. Hernandez
Diffusion in helium-noble gas mixtures pp. 214-224 Downloads
A.S.M. Wahby, M. Abdel-Rahman and J. Los
Diffusion in helium-noble gas mixtures pp. 225-234 Downloads
A.S.M. Wahby, M. Abdel-Rahman and J. Los
Antiferromagnetic long-range order in the anisotropic quantum spin chain pp. 235-255 Downloads
Josef Kurmann, Harry Thomas and Gerhard Müller
Energy balance of crystallization front pp. 256-264 Downloads
F. Vodák
A hydrodynamic theory for fluctuations around equilibrium of a liquid-vapour interface pp. 265-286 Downloads
B.J.A. Zielinska and D. Bedeaux
Boltzmann equation approach to polymer statistics pp. 287-302 Downloads
Siegfried Hess
Direct estimates for η from series analysis for several lattice models pp. 303-314 Downloads
J. Rogiers
The kinetic boundary layer for the Fokker-Planck equation: A Brownian particle in a uniform field pp. 315-330 Downloads
M.A. Burschka and U.M. Titulaer
Relativistic Boltzmann theory for a plasma pp. 331-342 Downloads
H. Van Erkelens
A stochastic description of longitudinal dispersion in uniaxial flows pp. 343-352 Downloads
C. Van Den Broeck
“Crystal fields” in metals and coefficients of fractional parentage pp. 353-358 Downloads
J.M. Dixon, R. Chatterjee and R.S. Wardlaw
Rigorous proof that the low-frequency spectrum of a fluctuating rate n(t) IS 2 var n pp. 359-360 Downloads
A. Van Der Ziel
Page updated 2025-03-31