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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 252, issue 3, 1998

Log-periodic oscillations for biased diffusion on random lattice pp. 271-277 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer and Didier Sornette
On superconductivity in (YBa2Cu3O7−δ)m/(PrBa2Cu3O7−δ)n superlattices. A quantitative analysis based on indirect-exchange pairing pp. 278-294 Downloads
L. Jansen and R. Block
Mean field theory for ordinary and hot sandpiles pp. 295-307 Downloads
Guido Caldarelli
Kinetic equations for smooth granular systems II. The non-homogeneous gas pp. 308-324 Downloads
W.A.M. Morgado and I. Oppenheim
A model of population dynamics pp. 325-335 Downloads
Andrzej Pȩkalski
Evolution under stabilizing selection through gene flow pp. 336-344 Downloads
Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron and A Pȩkalski
On the inverse problem of statistical physics: from irreversible semigroups to chaotic dynamics pp. 345-361 Downloads
I. Antoniou, K. Gustafson and Z. Suchanecki
Rigged Hilbert spaces associated with Misra–Prigogine–Courbage theory of irreversibility pp. 362-376 Downloads
Adolfo R Ordóñez
New hierarchies of isospectral and non-isospectral integrable NLEEs derived from the Harry–Dym spectral problem11The Project Partly Supported by NNSFC and PMTPPC pp. 377-387 Downloads
Zhijun Qiao
Numerical simulations for traffic-flow models on a decorated square lattice pp. 388-404 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Horiguchi and Takehito Sakakibara
Optimization of non-linear gravity models through generalized simulated annealing pp. 405-416 Downloads
K.c Mundim, T.j Lemaire and A Bassrei
Stochastic system with colored correlation between white noise and colored noise pp. 417-427 Downloads
Y. Jia and J.R. Li
Quantitative characterization of spatiotemporal chaos pp. 428-449 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
Five-loop expansion for a universal combination of critical amplitudes of the 3D dilute Ising model pp. 450-460 Downloads
I Mayer
Dissipationless states in dissipative systems pp. 461-476 Downloads
Benjamin Fain and Sheng H. Lin
Magnons in the Heisenberg model with a dynamical scaling symmetry pp. 477-487 Downloads
W.J. Caspers, M. Kuźma, B. Lulek and T. Lulek
Microfields and fusion rates for dense plasmas pp. 488-504 Downloads
M.Yu Romanovsky and W Ebeling
Chromatic polynomials for families of strip graphs and their asymptotic limits pp. 505-546 Downloads
Martin Roček, Robert Shrock and Shan-Ho Tsai
The Landauer conductance of generalised Fibonacci superlattices. Numerical results pp. 547-564 Downloads
Włodzimierz Salejda and Paweł Szyszuk
Analytic Bethe ansatz and functional equations associated with any simple root systems of the Lie superalgebra sl(r+1∣s+1) pp. 565-585 Downloads
Zengo Tsuboi
On localized “X-shaped” Superluminal solutions to Maxwell equations11Work partially supported by INFN, MURST and CNR (Italy), and by CAPES, CNPq (Brazil). This paper first appeared in preliminary form as Report INFN/FM–96/01 (I.N.F.N.; Frascati, 1996), its number in the electronic LANL Archives being # physics/9610012; Oct. 15, 1996; cf. Ref. [24] pp. 586-610 Downloads
Erasmo Recami

Volume 252, issue 1, 1998

Rigidity percolation on aperiodic lattices pp. 1-9 Downloads
A. Losev and F. Babalievski
The origin of an increasing or decreasing multifractal spectrum pp. 10-22 Downloads
Joost H.J.van Opheusden
Measurements of fractal dimension by box-counting: a critical analysis of data scatter pp. 23-34 Downloads
Stéphane Buczkowski, Patrice Hildgen and Louis Cartilier
Numerical analysis of the bond-random antiferromagnetic S=1 Heisenberg chain pp. 35-47 Downloads
Yoshihiro Nishiyama
Distributions of triplets in genetic sequences pp. 48-60 Downloads
Yu Shi, Ido Kanter and David Kessler
Dimensions of a plectonemic DNA supercoil under fairly general perturbations pp. 61-66 Downloads
Theo Odijk and Job Ubbink
The microphysical effects in nonisothermal nucleation pp. 67-84 Downloads
F.m Kuni, A.p Grinin and A.k Shchekin
Wetting of curved surfaces pp. 85-137 Downloads
T. Bieker and S. Dietrich
Again, linearizable mappings pp. 138-150 Downloads
A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos, K.M. Tamizhmani and S. Lafortune
Zero-temperature dynamic transition in the random field Ising model: a Monte Carlo study pp. 151-158 Downloads
Muktish Acharyya
Macroscopic current in fractional anomalous diffusion pp. 159-164 Downloads
Damián H. Zanette
Ballistic coalescence model pp. 165-172 Downloads
S Ispolatov and P.l Krapivsky
Survivors in the two-dimensional Potts model: zero-temperature dynamics for finite Q pp. 173-177 Downloads
Michael Hennecke
The marriage problem and the fate of bachelors pp. 178-198 Downloads
Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
Numerical simulations of a two-dimensional lattice grain boundary model pp. 199-210 Downloads
A. Jaster and H.H. Hahn
High-temperature series expansions of susceptibility of the square-lattice Ising model with first- and second-neighbour interactions pp. 211-216 Downloads
Yueh-Ching Hsiao and Keh-Ying Lin
Exact results for a decorated Ising model pp. 217-224 Downloads
Michal Jaščur
Exact solution of a decorated ferrimagnetic Ising model pp. 225-237 Downloads
A. Dakhama
Relativistic corrections for a classical one-component plasma with Darwin interactions pp. 238-268 Downloads
Walter Appel and Angel Alastuey

Volume 251, issue 3, 1998

The maximum entropy principle and the nature of fractals pp. 291-302 Downloads
R Pastor-Satorras and J Wagensberg
An inhomogeneous self-organized critical model for earthquakes pp. 303-308 Downloads
A.S. Elgazzar
Replica symmetry breaking in the critical behavior in the m-component ferromagnetic spin systems with a short-range disorder pp. 309-319 Downloads
Xin-tian Wu
Fluctuating hydrodynamics in the Burnett regime pp. 320-331 Downloads
M. Romero-Bastida and R.M. Velasco
Nucleation stage of ferrocolloid phase separation induced by an external magnetic field pp. 332-347 Downloads
Andrej Yu Zubarev and Alexey O Ivanov
Non-linear evolution of a system of elongated droplike aggregates in a metastable magnetic fluid pp. 348-367 Downloads
Alexey O. Ivanov and Andrej Yu. Zubarev
Memory correlation effect on thermal ratchets pp. 368-381 Downloads
C.M. Arizmendi and Fereydoon Family
Brownian motors possessing internal degree of freedom pp. 382-388 Downloads
Yu-Xiao Li
Monte Carlo simulation of the reaction–diffusion process of a complex chemical scheme on a fractal lattice pp. 389-398 Downloads
Hongli Wang and Houwen Xin
Activated rate processes in many dimensions: energy diffusion with slow adjustment of a nonreactive mode pp. 399-429 Downloads
A.M. Berezhkovskii, V.Yu. Zitserman, D.-Y. Yang, J. Kuo and S.H. Lin
A computer simulation study of cell population in a fuzzy interaction model for mutating HIV pp. 430-438 Downloads
Aaron Mielke and R.b Pandey
Failure of universal finite-size scaling above the upper critical dimension pp. 439-451 Downloads
X.S. Chen and V. Dohm
Differential kinetic equations for a Rayleigh gas with inelastic collisions pp. 452-468 Downloads
Leonardo Ferrari and Albino Carbognani
Influence of the finite duration and efficiency of collisions on the orientational relaxation times of non-spherical molecules in the hindered rotation limit pp. 469-484 Downloads
A.P. Blokhin and M.F. Gelin
Finite-temperature properties of one-dimensional chiral XY model under an external field and a uniaxial potential pp. 485-506 Downloads
Horiguchi, Michinari Momma, Tsuyoshi
Realization of the which-path detector and quantum eraser through the Raman atom–field interaction pp. 507-511 Downloads
Shi-Biao Zheng and Guang-Can Guo

Volume 251, issue 1, 1998

Avatars of the gyroid pp. 1-11 Downloads
M. Schick
Star–triangle approach to boundary behavior in the two-dimensional Ising model pp. 12-26 Downloads
Theodore W. Burkhardt and Ihnsouk Guim
Fluctuations in the structure of three-phase lines pp. 27-39 Downloads
Dirk Jan Bukman and B Widom
Equilibrium shapes of droplets across grain boundaries pp. 40-51 Downloads
R.K.p Zia
Real-space renormalization from a geometric fractal perspective pp. 52-69 Downloads
Marcel den Nijs
Numerical analysis of the non-universal continuous wetting transition in a type-I superconductor pp. 70-80 Downloads
F. Clarysse and J.O. Indekeu
Wetting and drying of a rigid substrate under variation of the microscopic details pp. 81-94 Downloads
C. Bruin
Collapse of a polymer in two dimensions pp. 95-103 Downloads
H.W.j Blöte, M.t Batchelor and B Nienhuis
Critical correlation functions of the Potts model pp. 104-114 Downloads
Bernard Nienhuis
Derivation of the Kač formula in the Coulomb gas picture pp. 115-131 Downloads
Hubert J.F. Knops and Paul J.M. Bastiaansen
Surface operator content of the AL face models pp. 132-142 Downloads
Murray T. Batchelor
Fixed-node Monte Carlo calculations for the 1d Kondo lattice model pp. 143-161 Downloads
H.J.M.van Bemmel, W.van Saarloos and D.F.B.ten Haaf
Ordered states in the disordered Hubbard model pp. 162-178 Downloads
P.J.h Denteneer, M Ulmke, R.t Scalettar and G.t Zimanyi
Wilson renormalization of a reaction–diffusion process pp. 179-201 Downloads
F. van Wijland, K. Oerding and H.J. Hilhorst
The dimension dependence of gel electrophoresis pp. 202-210 Downloads
Jan A. Leegwater
Universal Ising dynamics in two dimensions pp. 211-223 Downloads
M.P. Nightingale and H.W.J. Blöte
Cluster dynamics and universality of Ising lattice gases pp. 224-234 Downloads
J.R. Heringa and H.W.J. Blöte
Crossover kinetics of asphaltene aggregation in hydrocarbon solutions pp. 235-244 Downloads
I.k Yudin, G.l Nikolaenko, E.e Gorodetskii, E.l Markhashov, V.a Agayan, M.a Anisimov and J.v Sengers
Lattice covering by two random walkers in one dimension pp. 245-250 Downloads
P.c Hemmer and S Hemmer
Viscosity and diffusion in hard-sphere-like colloidal suspensions pp. 251-265 Downloads
E.G.D. Cohen, R. Verberg and Schepper
Ring kinetic theory for an idealized granular gas pp. 266-283 Downloads
T.P.C.van Noije, M.H. Ernst and R. Brito
Page updated 2025-03-31