Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 636, issue C, 2024
- Kinetic model for asset allocation with strategy switching

- Chunhua Hu and Huarong Feng
- Activity-based individual travel regularity exploring with entropy-space K-means clustering using smart card data

- Li Sun, Juanjuan Zhao, Jun Zhang, Fan Zhang, Kejiang Ye and Chengzhong Xu
- Modeling the road network capacity in a mixed HV and CAV environment

- Wenhan Zhou, Jiancheng Weng, Tongfei Li, Bo Fan and Yang Bian
- Betweenness centrality can inform stability and delay margin in a large-scale connected vehicle system

- Duo Wang and Rifat Sipahi
- Coordinating last-train timetabling with app-based ride-hailing service under uncertainty

- Jia Ning, Xinjie Xing, Yadong Wang, Yu Yao, Liujiang Kang and Qiyuan Peng
- Modeling the mixed traffic capacity of minor roads at a priority intersection

- Yanyan Qin, Qinzhong Luo, Tengfei Xiao and Zhengbing He
- Exploring parking choices under the coexistence of autonomous and conventional vehicles

- Xinying Zhang, Kelly Pitera and Yuanqing Wang
- Carbon price interval prediction method based on probability density recurrence network and interval multi-layer perceptron

- Mengrui Zhu, Hua Xu, Minggang Wang and Lixin Tian
- Random search processes on complex networks: From a static target to a moving object

- Shiyuan Feng, Tongfeng Weng, Yan Wang, Yubin Xu, Zhuoming Ren and Li Zhan
- A new spectral distance based on adaptive selection algorithm for non-stationary time series

- Fan Zhang, Pengjian Shang and Boyi Zhang
- Uncovering patterns of multichannel mobile communications

- Bo Liu, Xiao-Ke Xu and Linyuan Lü
- Group consensus of fractional-order heterogeneous multi-agent systems with random packet losses and communication delays

- Fenglan Sun, Yunpeng Han, Xiaoshuai Wu, Wei Zhu and Jürgen Kurths
- Generalized weighted permutation entropy analysis of satellite hot-pixel time series in Brazilian biomes

- Tatijana Stosic and Borko Stosic
- A cascading failure model of cyber-coupled power system considering virus propagation

- Xingle Gao, Minfang Peng, Ji Zhang, Hua Shao and Yanchen Liu
- Flocking for leader ability effect and formation obstacle avoidance of multi-agents based on different potential functions

- Chenyang Li, Yonghui Yang, Guanjie Jiang and Xue-Bo Chen
- Simulating cumulus clouds based on self-organized criticality

- Jafar Cheraghalizadeh, Mirko Luković and Morteza N. Najafi
- Time cost estimation for flocking of Cucker–Smale type models with switching protocol

- Jian Zhu, Jingke Xi, Shihan Li, Hongjun Shi and Yongzheng Sun
- An adaptive time series segmentation algorithm based on visibility graph and particle swarm optimization

- Zhipeng He, Shuguang Zhang, Jun Hu and Fei Dai
- Tsallisian non-extensive stars

- H. Moradpour, M. Javaherian, B. Afshar and S. Jalalzadeh
- Modeling and optimization of toll lane selection for connected and automated vehicles at toll plazas

- Qiang Kang, Jun Jing, Qingsong Wan, Yingxuan Han, Yunchao Qu and Jianjun Wu
- Effects of step time and neighbourhood rules on pedestrian evacuation using an extended cellular automata model considering aggressiveness

- Hongpeng Qiu, Xuan Wang, Peng Lin and Eric W.M. Lee
- A complex network analysis on the eigenvalue spectra of random spin systems

- Qiaomu Xue and Wenjia Rao
- Stochastic heat engine using multiple interacting active particles

- Aradhana Kumari, Md. Samsuzzaman, Arnab Saha and Sourabh Lahiri
Volume 635, issue C, 2024
- The impacts of connected autonomous vehicles on mixed traffic flow: A comprehensive review

- Yuchen Pan, Yu Wu, Lu Xu, Chengyi Xia and David L. Olson
- Psychological impatience in pedestrian evacuation: modelling, simulations and experiments

- Wenke Zhang, Zhichao Zhang, Yueyao Ma, Eric Wai Ming Lee and Meng Shi
- Refining the diffusive compressible Euler model

- Magnus Svärd
- A family of nonlinear diffusion equations related to the q-error function

- A.R. Plastino, C. Tsallis and R.S. Wedemann
- Coupled continuous time random walk with Lévy distribution jump length signifies anomalous diffusion?

- W.D. Pu, H. Zhang, G.H. Li, W.Y. Guo and B. Ma
- An extended queueing model for vehicles at signalized intersections considering the platoon correlated arrivals

- Qiaoli Yang and Xue Fu
- Multi-objective coordinated control strategy for mixed traffic with partially connected and automated vehicles in urban corridors

- Changxin Wan, Xiaonian Shan, Peng Hao and Guoyuan Wu
- Modeling and analysis of mixed traffic flow capacity and stability considering human-driven vehicle drivers' trust attitude towards intelligent connected vehicles

- Yingda Chen, Keping Li, Lun Zhang, Yili Chen and Xue Xiao
- Structure characteristics and formation mechanism of the RCEP manufacturing trade network: An ERGM analysis

- Nina Zhu, Yuqing Wang, Shuwen Yang, Lixing Lyu, Kunyao Gong, Xinyue Huang and Siyi Huang
- Simple model of market share dynamics based on clients’ firm-switching decisions

- Joseph Hickey
- Incommensurate fractional-order analysis of a chaotic system based on interaction between dark matter and dark energy with engineering applications

- Haris Calgan
- On the Einstein–Smoluchowski relation in the framework of generalized statistical mechanics

- L.R. Evangelista, E.K. Lenzi, G. Barbero and A.M. Scarfone
- Demand forecasting of shared bicycles based on combined deep learning models

- Changxi Ma and Tao Liu
- Impact of driving prediction on headway and velocity in car-following model under V2X environment

- Sunita Yadav and Poonam Redhu
- Kinetic analysis and numerical tests of an adaptive car-following model for real-time traffic in ITS

- Yu-Hang Yin, Xing Lü, Rui Jiang, Bin Jia and Ziyou Gao
- Lackadaisical discrete-time quantum walk on Johnson graph

- Fangjie Peng, Meng Li and Xiaoming Sun
- A two-stage resilience promotion approach for urban rail transit networks based on topology enhancement and recovery optimization

- Chen Xu and Xueguo Xu
- A multi-grid evacuation model considering the effects of different turning types

- Qimiao Xie, Yaxin Wu, Yitian Wang and Hui Zhang
- Development and experiment of an intelligent connected cooperative vehicle infrastructure system based on multiple V2I modes and BWM-IGR method

- Chunjie Li, Chengcheng Xu, Yusen Chen and Zhibin Li
- Numerical investigation on the impact of obstacles on phase transition in pedestrian counter-flow

- Yulu Liu, Xuechen Ma, Yizhou Tao, Liyun Dong, Xu Ding and Xiang Qiu
- Thermo-inspired model of self-propelled hard disk agents for heterogeneous bidirectional pedestrian flow

- Maricruz Rangel-Galván, Ana L. Ballinas-Hernández and Violeta Rangel-Galván
- Selection-sort-based cooperative driving strategy for CAVs at non-signalized intersections

- Yuan-Hao Xu, Xiao-Kui Guan, Li Li and Mao-Bin Hu
- Impact of beyond-line-of-sight connectivity on the capacity and stability of mixed traffic flow: An analytical and numerical investigation

- Jiakuan Dong, Zhijun Gao, Dongyu Luo, Jiangfeng Wang and Lei Chen
- Lane management for mixed traffic flow on roadways considering the car-following behaviors of human-driven vehicles to follow connected and automated vehicles

- Yuan Zheng, Zhihong Yao, Yueru Xu, Xu Qu and Bin Ran
- Modeling the evolution of membrane during cell adhesion on the nanostructured substrate

- Kun Jin, Fang Yuan, Fengting Wang, Bingqi Zhang, Nanxin Li, Tongsheng Chen and Xinlei Li
- Efficient shallow learning mechanism as an alternative to deep learning

- Ofek Tevet, Ronit D. Gross, Shiri Hodassman, Tal Rogachevsky, Yarden Tzach, Yuval Meir and Ido Kanter
- Exploring entanglement dynamics in an optomechanical cavity with a type-V qutrit and quantized two-mode field

- Miguel A. Medina-Armendariz, L.F. Quezada, Guo-Hua Sun and Shi-Hai Dong
- Implementation of three-qubit Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with pendular states of polar molecules by optimal control

- Jie-Ru Hu, Zuo-Yuan Zhang and Jin-Ming Liu
- Observer-based aperiodically intermittent pinning synchronization of complex-valued dynamical networks with time-varying delay

- Jianchao Liang, Jian Liu, Chi Tse and Mengxuan Liu
- Color-texture classification based on spatio-spectral complex network representations

- Lucas C. Ribas, Leonardo F.S. Scabini, Rayner H.M. Condori and Odemir M. Bruno
- Mixed synaptic modulation and inhibitory plasticity perform complementary roles in metastable transitions

- Xinjia Zhou, Yan Zhang, Tianyi Gu, Muhua Zheng and Kesheng Xu
- A new numerical approach method to solve the Lotka–Volterra predator–prey models with discrete delays

- Jilong He, Zhoushun Zheng and Zhijian Ye
- The generalized Fokker–Planck equation in terms of Dunkl-type derivatives

- R.D. Mota, D. Ojeda-Guillén and M.A. Xicoténcatl
- Phase transition and magneto-caloric properties of perovskites Pr0.55Sr0.45MnO3: Modeling versus experiments

- Yethreb Essouda, Hung T. Diep and Mohamed Ellouze
- Mitigating oscillations of mixed traffic flows at a signalized intersection: A multiagent trajectory optimization approach based on oscillation prediction

- Caihong Gao, Ziyang Wang, Shupei Wang and Ying Li
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