Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 277, issue 3, 2000
- On the description of the Glauber dynamics of one dimensional disordered Ising chain pp. 261-273

- M.A. Aliev
- Self-organizing height-arrow model: numerical and analytical results pp. 274-292

- Robert Shcherbakov and Donald L. Turcotte
- Critical points of metallic fluids pp. 293-311

- Alexander A. Likalter and Hartmut Schneidenbach
- A model for persistent Levy motion pp. 312-326

- A.v Chechkin and V.Yu Gonchar
- Ordering periodic spatial structures by non-equilibrium fluctuations pp. 327-334

- J.M.g Vilar and J.m Rubı́
- A study of the Fokker–Planck equation of bistable systems by the method of state-dependent diagonalization pp. 335-348

- F. So and K.L. Liu
- A generalized quasi-classical Boltzmann equation pp. 349-358

- A Rossani and G Kaniadakis
- Intermittency exponents and energy spectrum of the Burgers and KPZ equations with correlated noise pp. 359-388

- Mahendra K. Verma
- Hydrodynamic time-correlation functions of a Heisenberg ferrofluid pp. 389-404

- I. Mryglod, R. Folk, S. Dubyk and Yu. Rudavskii
- Magnetic polaritons in Fibonacci quasicrystals pp. 405-414

- E.l Albuquerque and E.s Guimarães
- Fluctuations in the phase-field model of solidification pp. 415-431

- Stanislav G. Pavlik and Robert F. Sekerka
- Inclusion of finite-temperature effects in a nonlinear description of strongly interacting many-body systems pp. 432-454

- J.A. Tuszyński and J.M. Dixon
- Information potential and transition to criticality for certain two-species chemical systems pp. 455-468

- Bernard Gaveau, Michel Moreau and Janos Toth
- Minimal irreversible quantum mechanics. The decay of unstable states pp. 469-495

- Diego G. Arbó, Mario A. Castagnino, Fabián H. Gaioli and Sergio Iguri
- Self-organization, resources and strategies in a minority game pp. 496-501

- Horacio Ceva
- Cooperation in the Minority Game with local information pp. 502-508

- Thomas Kalinowski, Hans-Jörg Schulz and Michael Briese
Volume 277, issue 1, 2000
- The N-steps invasion percolation model pp. 1-11

- Reginaldo A Zara and Roberto N Onody
- Three-sublattice da Costa–Nobre–Yokoi model with spin S pp. 12-24

- Katsuki Katayama and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
- Statistical analysis of successive random additions for generating fractional Brownian motion pp. 25-34

- Donald R McGaughey and George J.M Aitken
- Novel Monte-Carlo lattice approach to rapid directional solidification of binary alloys pp. 35-46

- Massimo Conti and Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi
- Sand as a compressible fluid pp. 47-61

- Tomislav Ivšić, Antun Galović and Davor Kirin
- Dynamics of the expanding DNA nucleoid released from a bacterial cell pp. 62-70

- T Odijk
- Reduction of dimensionality in a diffusion search process and kinetics of gene expression pp. 71-82

- Robert Hoł yst, M Błażejczyk, K Burdzy, G Góralski and L Bocquet
- Dynamic roughening: Nucleation and stochastic equations pp. 83-105

- Ugo Tartaglino and Andrea C Levi
- Short-time behaviour of the two-dimensional hard-disk model pp. 106-114

- A. Jaster
- Application of generalized thermostatistics to fully developed turbulence pp. 115-123

- Christian Beck
- Persistence exponent of the diffusion equation in ε dimensions pp. 124-126

- H.j Hilhorst
- Competition and cooperation between thermal noise and external driving force pp. 127-135

- J.d Bao, Y Abe and Y.z Zhuo
- Information entropy and power-law distributions for chaotic systems pp. 136-145

- A.G. Bashkirov and A.V. Vityazev
- Fisher information and quantum systems with position-dependent effective mass pp. 146-156

- A. Puente, A.R. Plastino, M. Casas, F. Garcias and A. Plastino
- Entropic measure of spatial disorder for systems of finite-sized objects pp. 157-173

- R. Piasecki
- Effects of instability of quantum critical behaviour in systems with quenched impurities pp. 174-182

- I. Rabuffo
- Effect of iodine intercalation on superconductivity in the high-TC series Bi2Sr2CaN−1CuNO2N+4+δ, N=1–3, and in the yttrium doped N=2 compound. A quantitative analysis on the basis of indirect exchange pairing pp. 183-203

- L. Jansen and R. Block
- Ising spins on discrete Regge lattices pp. 204-214

- E. Bittner, W. Janke, H. Markum and J. Riedler
- Sharp peaks in the percolation model for stock markets pp. 215-219

- D. Stauffer and N. Jan
- Company size distribution in different countries pp. 220-227

- Jeremy Ramsden and Gy. Kiss-Haypál
- Indeterminacy in foreign exchange markets pp. 228-238

- Michele Pasquini and Maurizio Serva
- Social percolation models pp. 239-247

- Sorin Solomon, Gerard Weisbuch, Lucilla de Arcangelis, Naeem Jan and Dietrich Stauffer
- Dynamic phase transition observed in the Internet traffic flow pp. 248-255

- Misako Takayasu, Hideki Takayasu and Kensuke Fukuda
Volume 276, issue 3, 2000
- Hysteresis in one-dimensional anti-ferromagnetic random-field Ising model at zero-temperature pp. 365-375

- Prabodh Shukla, Ratnadeep Roy and Emilia Ray
- What can be learnt from the analysis of short time series of ion channel recordings pp. 376-390

- Szymon Mercik, Zuzanna Siwy and Karina Weron
- Universality of the threshold in the dynamics of biological cell sorting pp. 391-400

- José C.M Mombach
- Low-frequency Raman study of water isotopes pp. 401-412

- Yuko Amo and Yasunori Tominaga
- A role for a brachistochrone in the broken ergodicity scenario pp. 413-424

- Gustavo A Appignanesi
- Chaotic and stochastic functions pp. 425-440

- Jorge A. González and Ramiro Pino
- Chaos viscosity and turbulent viscosity II pp. 441-447

- Hiroshi Shibata
- Fractional reaction–diffusion pp. 448-455

- B.i Henry and S.l Wearne
- Nonequilibrium phase transition in a lattice prey–predator system pp. 456-464

- Adam Lipowski and Dorota Lipowska
- Convergence to global minima for a class of diffusion processes pp. 465-476

- Jianfeng Feng, Hans-Otto Georgii and David Brown
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamic fluctuations pp. 477-488

- J.M. Rubı́ and P. Mazur
- The Bose–Einstein condensation in random box pp. 489-494

- Jan Karbowski and Łukasz A Turski
- Opto-electronic properties of the ternary alloy Hg1−xCdxTe pp. 495-507

- S. Meçabih, N. Amrane, B. Belgoumène and H. Aourag
- On the decoupling between classical Coulomb matter and radiation pp. 508-520

- Angel Alastuey and Walter Appel
- Statistical mechanics approach to the phase unwrapping problem pp. 521-534

- Sebastiano Stramaglia, Alberto Refice and Luciano Guerriero
- Graphs and concepts of entropy for studying disorder in d-dimensional distributions of points pp. 535-549

- Armin Loeffler and Monique Rasigni
- Characterizing self-organization and coevolution by ergodic invariants pp. 550-571

- Rui Mendes
- Self-organization of value and demand pp. 572-580

- R Donangelo and K Sneppen
- Minimal variance hedging of options with student-t underlying pp. 581-595

- Klaus Pinn
- Temporal patterns of human behaviour: are there signs of deterministic 1/f scaling? pp. 596-609

- Rudolf M Dünki, Elvira Keller, Peter F Meier and Brigitte Ambühl
- Structural stability can shape biological evolution pp. 610-619

- J Fernandez and A Plastino
Volume 276, issue 1, 2000
- The role of space fluctuations in kinetics of recombination of charged particles pp. 1-9

- A.A. Ovchinnikov and V.V. Atrazhev
- Intensity fluctuations in radiation of charged particles moving in disordered media pp. 10-21

- Zh.S. Gevorkian
- Evaluation of interface curvature in complex fluids from scattered intensity pp. 22-29

- Mikihito Takenaka and Takeji Hashimoto
- Evolution of a colloidal soap-froth structure pp. 30-49

- S.j Mejı́a-Rosales, R Gámez-Corrales, B.i Ivlev and J Ruiz-Garcı́a
- Rheology of a dilute emulsion of surfactant-covered spherical drops pp. 50-85

- J. Bławzdziewicz, P. Vlahovska and M. Loewenberg
- Motion of driven interacting particles in a line with traps pp. 86-94

- R. Mulet
- Semiquantum chaos and the uncertainty principle pp. 95-108

- A.m Kowalski, M.t Martin, J Nuñez, A Plastino and A.n Proto
- Tie knots, random walks and topology pp. 109-121

- Thomas M.A. Fink and Yong Mao
- Renormalization group analysis of differential equations subject to slowly modulated perturbations pp. 122-163

- Glenn C. Paquette
- Derivation of Langevin equation from microscopic theory pp. 164-187

- J. Wakou, J. Koide and R. Fukuda
- Stochastic energetics of non-uniform temperature systems pp. 188-200

- Miki Matsuo and Shin-ichi Sasa
- Transition from superparamagnetism to ferromagnetic single-domain in a Heisenberg model for nano-cluster magnetic system pp. 201-214

- C.h Shek, Y.z Shao and Joseph K.L Lai
- Collective surface diffusion of repulsively interacting particles on random alloy surfaces pp. 215-233

- F. Nieto and C. Uebing
- Evolution in minority games. (I). Games with a fixed strategy space pp. 234-264

- Yi Li, Rick Riolo and Robert Savit
- Evolution in minority games. (II). Games with variable strategy spaces pp. 265-283

- Yi Li, Rick Riolo and Robert Savit
- Modeling market mechanism with minority game pp. 284-315

- Damien Challet, Matteo Marsili and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- Effect of obstacles on formation of traffic jam in a two-dimensional traffic network pp. 316-337

- Takehito Sakakibara, Yasushi Honda and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
- Download relaxation dynamics on the WWW following newspaper publication of URL pp. 338-345

- Anders Johansen and Didier Sornette
- Application of spectroscopic techniques for the identification of organic and inorganic constituents of salvadora persica from Saudi Arabia pp. 346-351

- Fatma Salem Bahabri
- A model of how the brain discriminates and categorises pp. 352-358

- Vipin Srivastava and S.f Edwards
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