Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 129, issue 3, 1985
- A classical dynamics study of Senftleben-Beenakker effects in nitrogen gas pp. 439-454

- A.F. Turfa, J.N.L. Connor, B.J. Thijsse and J.J.M. Beenakker
- A solvable model of microscopic frequency modulation pp. 455-468

- Masashi Ban and Toshihico Arimitsu
- Quantum calculations of rotational and NMR relaxation, depolarized Rayleigh and rotational Raman line shapes for H2(HD)−He mixtures pp. 469-502

- J. Schaefer and W.E. Köhler
- Exact classical and quantum mechanics of a particle coupled to a membrane pp. 503-513

- H. Dekker
- Boundary layer effects on the rate of diffusion-controlled reactions pp. 514-534

- Gerald R. Kneller and U.M. Titulaer
- Random field effects in classical and quantum critical phenomena pp. 535-549

- D.I. Uzunov, E.R. Korutcheva and Y.T. Millev
- Contributions to the self-energy of a wave propagating in a disordered array pp. 550-561

- K. Mattern and B.U. Felderhof
- Wave propagation in a disordered array of monopole scatterers pp. 562-576

- K. Mattern and B.U. Felderhof
- Initial conditions in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 577-590

- A. Muriel
- Statistical model of an atom in electron scattering calculations pp. 591-600

- Aleksander Jablonski
- Kinetics of crystalline configurations pp. 601-625

- C.M. Van Baal
- Intermediate valence impurity with a local boson field. Response to external probes pp. 626-636

- J. Zieliński
Volume 129, issue 2, 1985
- Virtual mass in two-phase bubbly flow pp. 233-261

- J.A. Geurst
- Irreversible behavior of a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to a heat bath pp. 262-301

- E. Braun
- Deuteron spin-lattice relaxation of a tunnelling tetrahedral four spin I=1 system pp. 302-326

- D. van der Putten and N.J. Trappeniers
- Proton spin-lattice relaxation of a tunnelling CH2D2 molecule pp. 327-342

- D. van der Putten and N.J. Trappeniers
- Transfer tensor method in statistical mechanics pp. 343-359

- G. Sobotta
- Thermodynamical properties of the transverse Ising model pp. 360-373

- F.C. SáBarreto and I.P. Fittipaldi
- Multiple Rayleigh-Gans-Debye scattering in colloidal systems-dynamic light scattering pp. 374-394

- J.K.G. Dhont
- The dielectric constant of dipolar discs pp. 395-407

- Gary P. Morriss and John W. Perram
- Friedel oscillations in a relativistic quantum plasma pp. 408-414

- Horacio D. Sivak
- A spin-one Ising model on the Bethe lattice pp. 415-422

- K.G. Chakraborty and T. Morita
- On the mean-field theory of the metal-insulator phase transition pp. 423-437

- J.G. Brankov and N.Ch. Pesheva
Volume 129, issue 1, 1984
- The temperature exponent of the n-component cubic model pp. 1-16

- H.W.J. Blöte and M.P. Nightingale
- Ordering in binary FCC alloys pp. 17-39

- J.M. Bell and J. Oitmaa
- Renormalization and quantum effects in a two-dimensional planar model pp. 40-61

- E. Šimánek and K. Stein
- Relation between the kinetic equations in the subdynamics approach and the Boltzmann equation for inhomogeneous gases pp. 62-80

- V. Škarka
- The covariant form of the Klein-Kramers equation and the associated moment equations pp. 81-94

- Gerald R. Kneller and U.M. Titulaer
- On the balance laws of extended thermodynamics (ET) for non-ideal gases pp. 95-124

- Zbigniew Banach
- Random walk on the homogeneous spaces of a group and generalized coherent states pp. 125-150

- Giorgio Bertotti and Mario Rasetti
- Comparison of nearly free electron and tight binding limits in one-dimensional solids pp. 151-164

- L. Wille, H. Verschelde and P. Phariseau
- Quantum Ising-like spin-j model with multipole-multipole interactions: Second order mean-field approach pp. 165-183

- Carla Buzano and Mario Rasetti
- Theory of incoherent hydrogen diffusion in metals pp. 184-200

- Yu.A. Kashlev
- Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional Ising model pp. 201-210

- John Stephenson and Rodney Couzens
- Distribution of the angle of rotation plane random walks pp. 211-219

- F.W. Wiegel
- Finite-size scaling of critical cumulants near the ferromagnetic phase boundary pp. 220-224

- V. Privman
- Lattice gas model for monolayer of amphipatic molecules pp. 225-231

- Andrzej Pȩkalski
Volume 128, issue 3, 1984
- Renormalization of the gas-liquid transition pp. 383-403

- F. Van Dieren and J.M.J. Van Leeuwen
- Optical potential of a disordered array of scatterers pp. 404-426

- B.U. Felderhof and K. Mattern
- A quantum field theory of lattice dynamics at finite temperature pp. 427-446

- Toyoyuki Kitamura
- On generalized Waldmann-Snider equations pp. 447-466

- M.Díaz Armentia, J. Veguillas and F. Palomares
- Kirchhoff-Planck law for freely radiating bodies and fluctuation-dissipation theorem pp. 467-485

- W. Eckhardt
- Diffusion and thermal diffusion in binary mixtures of sulphur hexafluoride with noble gases pp. 486-496

- R.D. Trengove, H.L. Robjohns and Peter J. Dunlop
- On the dynamics of a stochastic nonlinear mean-field model pp. 497-508

- J.J. Brey, J.M. Casado and M. Morillo
- Gauge-independent canonical formulation of relativistic plasma theory pp. 509-519

- Iwo Bialynicki-Birula, John C. Hubbard and Lukasz A. Turski
- Search for the symmetry of the Fokker-Planck equation pp. 520-528

- Ing An, Shi Chen and Han-ying Guo
- Scaling analysis of the d = 3 random field Ising model pp. 529-534

- Laurence Jacobs and Michael Nauenberg
- Effects of spatial variations in extended irreversible thermodynamics pp. 535-540

- M.López de Haro, R.F. Rodríguez and L.S. García-Colín
- The dynamics of the two-level system in glasses pp. 541-550

- G.M. Vujiĉić and N.M. Plakida
- Exciton migration in a fluctuating medium I pp. 551-564

- Itsuko Sato and Fumiaki Shibata
- Effective diffusion coefficient for two-dimensional, periodic channels pp. 565-570

- D.L. Weaver
- Motion and capture of quasiparticles in solids in the presence of cooperative trap interactions pp. 571-588

- V.M. Kenkre, P.E. Parris and S.M. Phatak
- A method for summation of perturbation series pp. 589-610

- Gustavo A. Arteca, Francisco M. Fernández and Eduardo A. Castro
- Debye limit of the stochastic rotation operator pp. 611-630

- James McConnell
- Theory of the interface between a classical plasma and a hard wall pp. 631-642

- P. Ballone, G. Pastore and M.P. Tosi
- Linear response theory for thermoelectric transport coefficients of a partially ionized plasma pp. 643-675

- F.E. Höhne, R. Redmer, G. Röpke and H. Wegener
Volume 128, issue 1, 1984
- Dynamics of topological defects in critical binary fluids, metamagnets and 3He-4He mixtures pp. 1-24

- Shigetoshi Ohta, Takao Ohta and Kyozi Kawasaki
- Finite correlation time effects in nonequilibrium phase transitions pp. 25-47

- Katja Lindenberg and Bruce J. West
- The effective viscosity of a concentrated suspension of spheres (and its relation to diffusion) pp. 48-81

- C.W.J. Beenakker
- On the kinetics of Dicke-type systems pp. 82-98

- N.N. Bogolubov, Fam Le Kien and A.S. Shumovsky
- Gravity effects on the correlation length in gases near the critical point pp. 99-131

- J.M.J. van Leeuwen and J.V. Sengers
- Kinetics of magnetization switching in a 1-D system II-long time behavior of switched domains pp. 132-149

- Ken Sekimoto
- Solution of the master equation of a bistable reaction system pp. 150-163

- Christian Wissel
- Non-equilibrium phonons in nonradiative rate processes pp. 164-177

- B. Fain and S.H. Lin
- Kinetic theory for a weakly-associated diatomic gas with reactions pp. 178-206

- Seamus Lagan and James A. McLennan
- Square-lattice random potts model: Criticality and pitchfork bifurcation pp. 207-228

- Uriel M.S. Costa and Constantino Tsallis
- Invariant formulation of the reflection of long waves by interfaces pp. 229-252

- John Lekner
- A method for summing strongly divergent perturbation series: The Zeeman effect in hydrogen pp. 253-267

- Gustavo A. Artega, Francisco M. Fernández, Alejandro M. Mesón and Eduardo A. Castro
- On the complete and partial integrability of non-Hamiltonian systems pp. 268-288

- T.C. Bountis, A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos and B. Dorizzi
- Fractal dimension related to devil's staircase for a family of piecewise linear mappings pp. 289-295

- T. Horiguchi and T. Morita
- On the phonon mediated electron-electron interactions pp. 296-306

- J. Zieliński
- Vibrational spectrum on an exact fractal lattice pp. 307-317

- Kin-Wah Yu
- Order-disorder transitions for a two-dimensional lattice of reorientable quadrupoles in the mean-field approximation pp. 318-333

- V. Massidda and J. Hernando
- Generalized cluster description of multicomponent systems pp. 334-350

- J.M. Sanchez, F. Ducastelle and D. Gratias
- Stability and equilibrium of infinite classical systems pp. 351-362

- G. Stragier and A. Vansevenant
- Melting of aluminium: A model potential approach up to 2 megabars pp. 363-370

- J.L. Pélissier
- Kinetic theory for the volume viscosity in binary mixtures of polyatomic and noble gases pp. 371-376

- H. Van Houten and B.I.M. Ten Bosch
- On the stochastic modelling of systems with non-local interactions pp. 377-382

- Hooman Malek and André de Palma