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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 93, issue 3, 1978

Diagonalization of the quadratic boson hamiltonian pp. 327-353 Downloads
J.H.P. Colpa
Higher-order correlation functions of the planar Ising model II pp. 354-384 Downloads
R.Z. Bariev
Modified rough sphere models, with application to sound absorption in gas mixtures pp. 385-411 Downloads
M.J. Offerhaus
On the equivalence between multistate-trapping and continuous-time random walk models pp. 412-426 Downloads
K.W. Kehr and J.W. Haus
Renormalization transformation for the discrete gaussian model pp. 427-440 Downloads
H.J.F. Knops
Variational renormalization method and the Potts model pp. 441-456 Downloads
M.P.M. den Nijs and H.J.F. Knops
Faxén theorems for spherically symmetric polymers in solution pp. 457-464 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
Hydrodynamic interaction of two spherically symmetric polymers pp. 465-475 Downloads
P. Reuland, B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
Stochastic nonlinear differential equations. II pp. 476-484 Downloads
O.J. Heilmann and N.G. Van Kampen
Transport properties of a neutrino-antineutrino mixture pp. 485-492 Downloads
W.P.H. de Boer and S.R. de Groot
On the ground state of the two-dimensional non-ideal bose gas pp. 493-502 Downloads
Yu.E. Lozovik and V.I. Yudson
Correlation-function identities for general Ising models pp. 503-516 Downloads
R.J. Boel and P.W. Kasteleyn
On the absorbing zero boundary problem in birth and death processes pp. 517-525 Downloads
J.W. Turner and M. Malek-Mansour
Quadrupole phase transition of a planar classical Heisenberg model pp. 526-530 Downloads
K.G. Chen, H.H. Chen and C.S. Hsue
The maxwell model in kinetic theory of weakly ionized gases in electrostatic fields: Ion velocity distribution and moments pp. 531-552 Downloads
L. Ferrari
On the electric quadrupole density of an isotropic non-polar fluid pp. 553-558 Downloads
D. Adu-Gyamfi
On adiabatic perturbation theory for the energy eigenvalue problem pp. 559-573 Downloads
M.A.J. Michels and L.G. Suttorp
Scaling theory of laser radiation in the transient unstable region pp. 574-592 Downloads
Toshihico Arimitsu and Masuo Suzuki
The density dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient of chlorotrifluoromethane near the critical temperature pp. 593-610 Downloads
K.R. Harris
Long time behaviour of four point velocity correlations in hard disk systems pp. 611-631 Downloads
I.M. de Schepper and M.H. Ernst

Volume 93, issue 1, 1978

Canonical-ensemble approach to condensed boson systems pp. 61-81 Downloads
J.C. Lee
Universal features in the classical statistical mechanics for a class of continuum-field nonlinear Hamiltonians pp. 82-94 Downloads
A.R. Bishop
Two-dimensional many-body problem I. the low-density hard-disk bose gas pp. 95-113 Downloads
L.W. Bruch
Deterministic and stochastic theory of sustained oscillations in autocatalytic reaction systems pp. 114-137 Downloads
R. Feistel and W. Ebeling
Correlation-function identities for general planar Ising systems pp. 138-154 Downloads
J. Groeneveld, R.J. Boel and P.W. Kasteleyn
The viscosity and diffusion coefficients of the mixtures of four light hydrocarbon gases pp. 155-170 Downloads
Y. Abe, J. Kestin, H.E. Khalifa and W.A. Wakeham
Electrical conductivity of an interacting electron gas pp. 171-190 Downloads
David Y. Kojima
An estimate of the first logarithmic term in the density expansions of transport coefficients of moderately dense gases pp. 191-214 Downloads
Yuen-Han Kan
A simple way of understanding some exact results on critical phenomena in non-homogeneous and finite Ising systems III pp. 215-243 Downloads
I. Decker and H. Hahn
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of a discontinuity surface pp. 244-254 Downloads
F. Vodák
Magnetic properties and distribution of thermal averages of spins in the one-dimensional random mixture of Ising spins of S = 1 and12 pp. 255-272 Downloads
Tomoshige Kudo, Fumitaka Matsubara and Shigetoshi Katsura
On linear dynamical equations of state for isotropic media I pp. 273-286 Downloads
G.A. Kluitenberg and V. Ciancio
Generalized magnetic Rosenbluth potentials pp. 287-297 Downloads
M.H.A. Hassan
The influence of chain-flexibility on the colligative properties of polyelectrolyte solutions pp. 298-306 Downloads
Theo Odijk and M. Mandel
Thermodynamic analysis of the oscillatory convective instability in a binary liquid mixture pp. 307-315 Downloads
H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
Electric- and magnetic-dipole contributions to the reaction field theory pp. 316-326 Downloads
A.-S.F. Obada and A.M.M. Abu-Sitta

Volume 92, issue 3, 1978

Variational principles in renormalization theory pp. 323-342 Downloads
W. Van Saarloos, J.M.J. Van Leeuwen and A.M.M. Pruisken
On the configuration of a one-dimensional system of interacting particles with minimum potential energy per particle pp. 343-361 Downloads
W.J. Ventevogel
Particle motion in stochastic force fields pp. 362-378 Downloads
Albert Emmerich, Gerhard Gerlich and Henning Kagermann
Two-magnon problem in linear anisotropic spin chains with an arbitrary radius of interaction pp. 379-390 Downloads
G. Georgiev and N. Milev
On the theory of generalized diffusion processes in many-particle systems pp. 391-409 Downloads
A.R. Altenberger
Statistics of nonlinear dispersive systems with small dissipation pp. 410-422 Downloads
Y. Matsuno
Creeping flow about a sphere pp. 423-437 Downloads
R. Schmitz and B.U. Felderhof
On the evaluation of the path integral for nonlinear diffusion processes by means of fourier series pp. 438-445 Downloads
H. Dekker
Comments on the critical behavior of isotropic spin systems with long- and short-range interactions pp. 446-458 Downloads
Y. Yamazaki
Magnon-phonon interaction and kinematic spin-wave levels pp. 459-465 Downloads
B.M. Nikin and M.M. Marinković
Statistical mechanics of a lipid monolayer pp. 466-474 Downloads
A.J. Kox and F.W. Wiegel
Search for size effects in the diffusion of Kr in CF4 at various densities pp. 475-482 Downloads
F.P. Ricci, M.A. Ricci and D. Rocca
Brownian motion in a fluid close to its' critical point pp. 483-500 Downloads
P. Mazur and G. van der Zwan
Dipolar and quadrupolar susceptibility for Heisenberg—Biquadratic and Blume—Emery—Griffiths interactions - I pp. 501-526 Downloads
B. Westwański
Dipolar and quadrupolar susceptibility for Heisenberg—Biquadratic and Blume—Emery—Griffiths interactions - II pp. 527-544 Downloads
B. Westwański and K. Skrobiś
Hydrodynamic interaction of two permeable spheres I: The method of reflections pp. 545-556 Downloads
R.B. Jones
Hydrodynamic interaction of two permeable spheres II: Velocity field and friction constants pp. 557-570 Downloads
R.B. Jones
Hydrodynamic interaction of two permeable spheres III: Mobility tensors pp. 571-583 Downloads
R.B. Jones
Liapounov function for the friedrichs model pp. 584-598 Downloads
M. De Haan, C. George and F. Mayné
On Dicke-type hamiltonians with hidden variables pp. 599-615 Downloads
A. Klemm and V.A. Zagrebnov
A generalization of the Kawasaki inequality for diffusion constants pp. 616-622 Downloads
O. Seeberg
La thermodiffusion et le théorème du minimum de la production d'entropie pp. 623-629 Downloads
M.E. Weill
Correlation times and complex permittivity for linear and spherical top molecules pp. 630-633 Downloads
G.W. Ford, J.T. Lewis and J. McConnell

Volume 92, issue 1, 1978

Transverse time-dependent spin correlation functions for the one-dimensional XY model at zero temperature pp. 1-41 Downloads
Hemant G. Vaidya and Craig A. Tracy
Local order effects on the dynamics of fluids near the liquid-gas critical point pp. 42-58 Downloads
B. Quentrec and I. Oppenheim
The theory of hydrogenic plasmas and fluids pp. 59-86 Downloads
M.W.C. Dharma-Wardana
Resonance fluorescence of thin crystal films pp. 87-101 Downloads
Yung-Chang Lee, Cheng-Yueh Chen and Yueh Shan
A contribution to the theory of the transient hot-wire technique for thermal conductivity measurements pp. 102-116 Downloads
J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
The thermal conductivity of four monatomic gases as a function of density near room temperature pp. 117-144 Downloads
J.J. De Groot, J. Kestin, H. Sookiazian and W.A. Wakeham
Excitation and damping of zero sound in classical liquids: A new memory function approach pp. 145-162 Downloads
T. Nishigori
Transverse correlations in the inhomogeneous one-dimensional XY-model at infinite temperature pp. 163-184 Downloads
J.H.H. Perk and H.W. Capel
Collective dynamics of charge fluctuations in ionic conductors pp. 185-197 Downloads
P.V. Giaquinta, M. Parrinello and M.P. Tosi
On the construction of different forms of exact and asymptotic master equations pp. 198-210 Downloads
A. Fuliński
Lattice representation of scattering in polycrystalline materials pp. 211-221 Downloads
Bruce J. West
Sublattice renormalization transformations for spin 12 models on a square lattice pp. 222-232 Downloads
B. Nienhuis, Aa.S. Sudbø and E.H. Hauge
Macroscopic versus microscopic linear response pp. 233-244 Downloads
P. Gosar
Long time limit of correlation functions between massless modes interacting with a quantum oscillator pp. 245-254 Downloads
S.V. Godoy and E. Braun
Phase transition to the spontaneous coherent state pp. 255-267 Downloads
A.F. Sadreev and A.P. Slivinsky
Temperature dependent properties of the dynamics of a two-level system interacting with a radiation field pp. 268-281 Downloads
S.N. Martynov and A.F. Sadreev
Mesure de la viscosite du krypton gazeux dense pres de la solidification, et comparaison avec une simulation sur ordinateur pp. 282-294 Downloads
J. Vermesse, M. Provansal and J. Brielles
Exact line shapes in collision-induced absorption pp. 295-304 Downloads
A. Weyland
Ising spin systems on Cayley tree-like lattices: Spontaneous magnetization and correlation functions far from the boundary pp. 305-314 Downloads
H. Moraal
Behaviour of the self-diffusion coefficient of Kr at low densities pp. 315-322 Downloads
P. Codastefano, M.A. Ricci and V. Zanza
Page updated 2025-03-31