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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 155, issue 3, 1989

Nonequilibrium dynamics and aging in a one-dimensional ising spin glass pp. 431-459 Downloads
G.J.M. Koper and H.J. Hilhorst
Magnetic properties of the mixed spin system with a random crystal field pp. 460-474 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of concentrated colloidal dispersions: Hard spheres in weak flows with many-body thermodynamic interactions pp. 475-518 Downloads
Norman J. Wagner and William B. Russel
Spin-phonon interactions in heterophase ferromagnets pp. 519-544 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov
Bi-Hamiltonian dynamical systems related to low-dimensional lie algebras pp. 545-564 Downloads
M. BŁaszak and S. Wojciechowski
Isochrones and the dynamics of kicked oscillators pp. 565-584 Downloads
A. Campbell, A. Gonzalez, D.L. Gonzalez, O. Piro and H.A. Larrondo
A new probabilistic description for intermittent turbulence: Internal time pp. 585-603 Downloads
Ken-ichi Nagata and Tomoo Katsuyama

Volume 155, issue 1, 1989

Diffusion-limited aggregation near the percolation threshold pp. 1-20 Downloads
Paul Meakin, Michael Murat, Amnon Aharony, Jens Feder and Torstein Jøssang
Reaction and adsorption on multifractal substrates pp. 21-36 Downloads
Paul Meakin
Deterministic screened growth models pp. 37-51 Downloads
Paul Meakin
Relaxation properties of two-level systems in condensed phases pp. 52-72 Downloads
Victor Romero-Rochin and Irwin Oppenheim
A simplified cluster variation method pp. 73-83 Downloads
T. Morita
Dispersion and dynamics of third-order electric polarisation in liquids within Smoluchowski-Debye theory pp. 84-104 Downloads
Wl̵adysl̵aw Alexiewicz
Boltzmann equation approach to two phase flow turbulence pp. 105-115 Downloads
G. Domokos, S. Kovesi-Domokos and Csaba K. Zoltani
Surface magnetism in a random surface field pp. 116-122 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi and Z.Y. Li
Binary alloys. Statistical theory of non-equilibrium states. Kinetics of ordering pp. 123-166 Downloads
B.V. Bondarev
Faithfulness property of the transition from Bernoulli systems to irreversible Markov processes pp. 167-174 Downloads
M. Courbage, C.Th. Coutsomitros and B. Misra
Line shape in the eels of binary mixtures pp. 175-187 Downloads
O.I. Gerasimov

Volume 154, issue 3, 1989

Disorder solutions of lattice spin models pp. 365-383 Downloads
M.T. Batchelor and J.M.J. van Leeuwen
Elastic instabilities and phase coexistence of gels pp. 384-420 Downloads
Ken Sekimoto and Kyozi Kawasaki
Systems under colored noise: Treatment by renormalized operator cumulant expansions pp. 421-451 Downloads
R. Der
Brownian motion in a medium with inhomogeneous temperature pp. 452-466 Downloads
M.E. Widder and U.M. Titulaer
Soliton structure versus singularity analysis: Third-order completely intergrable nonlinear differential equations in 1 + 1-dimensions pp. 467-510 Downloads
Benno Fuchssteiner and Sandra Carillo
Critical points characterization using probability distributions pp. 511-520 Downloads
J. Güémez, S. Velasco and A. Calvo Hernández
Exact two-phase coexistence surface for a three-component solution on a Bethe lattice pp. 521-528 Downloads
Dale A. Huckaby, Masato Shinmi and Victor A. Belfi
Ground state properties of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model: Crystallization and metal-insulator transitions off the hole-particle symmetry point pp. 529-543 Downloads
J. Jȩdrzejewski, J. Lach and R. Łẏwa

Volume 154, issue 2, 1989

Sedimentation and self-diffusion in suspensions of spherical particles pp. 213-232 Downloads
B. Cichocki and B.U. Felderhof
The effective viscosity of suspensions and emulsions of spherical particles pp. 233-256 Downloads
B. Cichocki, B.U. Felderhof and R. Schmitz
Renormalization of the diffusion coefficient in a fluid in elongational flow pp. 257-270 Downloads
A. Díaz-Guilera, J.M. Rubí and D. Bedeaux
On the velocity relaxation of a Rayleigh gas pp. 271-288 Downloads
Leonardo Ferrari
Quantum tunnelling in a double sine-Gordon system near the instability pp. 289-306 Downloads
K. Furuya and A.O. Caldeira
The theory of phonon-induced contributions to the spin-lattice coefficientsfor 4f7 (8S72) ions due to the orbit-lattice interaction linear in static deformations pp. 307-323 Downloads
W. Pastusiak
Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional Ising model VI pp. 324-343 Downloads
John Stephenson
Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional Ising model VII pp. 344-364 Downloads
John Stephenson

Volume 154, issue 1, 1988

Corner transfer matrices for the Ising model pp. 1-20 Downloads
B. Davies
Susceptibility divergence of the spin 1 Ising model on the Cayley tree pp. 21-33 Downloads
B. Frank
Crossover dynamics in bond disordered lattices pp. 34-60 Downloads
G.A. Van Velzen, Matthieu H. Ernst and James W. Dufty
Incoherent tunneling at weak bias: Strong quantum damping pp. 61-88 Downloads
H. Dekker
Hydrodynamical field fluctuations in a non-equilibrium quasi-stationary state due to a temperature gradient pp. 89-107 Downloads
W. Chmielowski, K. Knast and S. Kielich
Simulation of a critical state without critical slowing down by a renormalization group multi-grid method pp. 108-126 Downloads
H.H. Hahn and T.S.J. Streit
Theory of simple fluids near a structured surface pp. 127-139 Downloads
M.-E. Boudh-Hir
Strong coupling solution of the asymmetric electrolyte problem: Field-theoretic approach pp. 140-156 Downloads
A.L. Kholodenko and A.L. Beyerlein
On generalizations of the Debye equation for dielectric relaxation pp. 157-182 Downloads
L. Restuccia and G.A. Kluitenberg
Remarks on the validity of the theorem of minimum entropy production pp. 204-206 Downloads
D.K. Kondepudi
Deviations from minimum entropy production at steady states of reacting chemical systems arbitrarily close to equilibrium pp. 207-211 Downloads
K.L.C. Hunt, P.M. Hunt and John Ross

Volume 153, issue 1, 1988

Multiparticle diffusion-limited aggregation with strip geometry pp. 1-19 Downloads
Paul Meakin
“Thermodynamical formalism” for an infinite hierarchy of fractal resistor networks pp. 20-46 Downloads
Preben Alstrøm, Dimitris Stassinopoulos and H.Eugene Stanley
Percolation and spreading of damage in a simplified Kauffman model pp. 47-56 Downloads
Alex Hansen
The renewal equation for persistent diffusion pp. 57-66 Downloads
V. Balakrishnan, S. Lakshmibala and C. Van Den Broeck
Long time tails in a Lorentz gas pp. 67-72 Downloads
Shankar P. Das and Matthieu H. Ernst
On the theory of the hall effect in ionic solutions pp. 73-83 Downloads
H.J. Kroh and B.U. Felderhof
Random systems, turbulence and disordering fields pp. 84-96 Downloads
G. Domokos, S. Kovesi-Domokos and Csaba K. Zoltani
Ten theorems about quantum mechanical measurements pp. 97-113 Downloads
N.G. Van Kampen
Strong electric field effect on weak localization pp. 114-128 Downloads
G.Y. Hu and R.F. O'Connell
The “harmonic liquid” away from equilibrium pp. 129-146 Downloads
J. Bafaluy and J.M. Rubí
The “harmonic liquid” away from equilibrium pp. 147-159 Downloads
J. Bafaluy and J.M. Rubí
On the application of normal forms near attracting fixed points of dynamical systems pp. 160-178 Downloads
Tassos Bountis and George Tsarouhas
The collapse transition of branched polymers on a fractal lattice pp. 179-187 Downloads
Dragica Knežević
Page updated 2025-03-31