From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- 17th-Century Nagasaki: Entrepôt for the Zheng, the VOC and the Tokugawa Bakufu

- Patrizia Carioti
- 1930s and 1940s: the Great Depression and its aftermath , pp 17-38

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- 1930s and 1940s: the Great Depression and its aftermath , pp 17-33

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- 1950s through 1970s: the inter-crisis period , pp 39-57

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- 1950s through 1970s: the inter-crisis period , pp 34-48

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- 1980s: emerging markets debt default crises , pp 49-57

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- 1980s: emerging markets, debt default and savings and loan crises , pp 58-72

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- 1982 , pp 72-92

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- 1987 , pp 167-180

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- 1989: the year of the great ambivalence , pp 7-15

- Anton Pelinka
- 25+ years of economic diplomacy research: how study design influences economic diplomacy coefficients , pp 54-67

- Selwyn J.V. Moons
- 30 years of monetary and exchange rate regimes in Central and Eastern Europe: what has changed, and what is next? , pp 160-171

- Johannes Wiegand
- 31 Flavors': the American system of ministerial (secretarial) advisers , pp 282-295

- Evan T. Haglund
- , pp 232-234

- William “Bill†McKibben
- 54,000 PRIIPs KIDs - how to read them (all) , pp 215-239

- Adrien Amzallag
- 9781839107948.00010.pdf , pp 137-151

- Tobias F. Rötheli
- A

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- A 'population problem': theory and policy , pp 184-192

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- A 'third way' in economic policy: a reappraisal of the Rehn-Meidner model in the light of modern economics

- Lennart Erixo
- A 2 x 2 = 4 hobby horse: Mark Blaug on rational and historical reconstructions , pp 125-145

- Harro Maas
- A 3-Node Network: Part 1 , pp 87-132

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- A 3-Node Network: Part 2 , pp 133-152

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- A Bargaining Theory Perspective on War

- Charles Anderton and John R. Carter
- A basic model and some early results , pp 7-30

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- A basket of Buddhist instruments for protecting nature , pp 47-70

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- A Bayesian VAR forecasting model of the Chinese economy , pp 290-304

- Peter Summers and Siqi Zhang
- A benchmark for relative productivity levels , pp 35-60

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- A better alternative to the Kyoto Protocol , pp 247-257

- Warwick McKibbin
- A bi-factor model of cultural intelligence: comparison with four-factor and hierarchical models , pp 89-104

- Thomas Rockstuhl and Linn Van Dyne
- A bibliometric overview of cultural intelligence (CQ) research , pp 413-430

- Andrea Caputo and Mariya Kargina
- A bibliometric study of bibliometric studies at South African universities , pp 263-278

- Nelius Boshoff and Similo Ngwenya
- A biodemographic perspective on longevity and ageing , pp 36-45

- Bruce A. Carnes
- A biographical research approach , pp 12-19

- Alfons van Marrewijk, Shankar Sankaran, Ralf Müller and Nathalie Drouin
- A bird’s-eye view of the economics of knowledge , pp 81-88

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- A Bird’s Eye View of Brazilian Industrialization

- André Villela
- A blended format for student conferences: the Explore Econ case study , pp 188-204

- Ramin Nassehi
- A Bouquet of Democracies

- Gordon Tullock
- A bricolage perspective on construction innovation in a BOP market: evidence from a Finnish family-owned micro-enterprise , pp 206-218

- Samppa Kamara, Ahmad Arslan, Minnie Kontkanen and Shlomo Y. Tarba
- A bridge over troubled waters: valuing accessibility effects of a new bridge , pp 173-192

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- A bridge too far? The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and economic and regional restructuring in China's Pearl River Delta region , pp 306-324

- Anthony G.O. Yeh, Fang Bian and Jiangping Zhou
- A brief description of the crisis , pp 13-19

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- A Brief Digression on Later Developments in Economics and Finance

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- A brief historical geography of capitalism , pp 1-14

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- A Brief History of Energy

- Roger Fouquet
- A brief history of healthcare leadership , pp 9-28

- Stephanie Snow and Lawrence Benson
- A brief history of monetary policy since Radcliffe , pp 3-7

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- A brief history of supply chain management , pp 9-20

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- A brief history of the institutional design of banking supervision in the Netherlands

- Joke Mooij and Henriette Prast
- A Brief History of the United States Postal Monopoly Law

- James I. Campbell
- A Brief Intellectual History of the Public–Private Partnership Movement

- Tony Bovaird
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