From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Realisticness

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- Realizing the right to be cold? Framing processes and outcomes associated with the Inuit petition on human rights and global warming , pp 314-328

- Sébastien Jodoin, Shannon Snow and Arielle Corobow
- Really Thinking Like an Economist

- John Siegfried
- Reanalyzing the gender-specific effects of the Great Recession , pp 47-67

- Sana Khalil
- Reason, logic, and the subject/object dichotomy in the West , pp 8-34

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- Reason, sentiment, and electoral competition , pp 111-135

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- Reasonable disagreement: Austrian responses to behavioral economics , pp 89-112

- Ennio E. Piano
- Reasonable travel time – the traveller’s perspective , pp 197-208

- David Banister, Yannick Cornet, Moshe Givoni and Glenn Lyons
- Reasons for business diversity and their economic importance , pp 83-108

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- Reasons: why sustainable socialism? , pp 56-76

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- Rebalancing intellectual property rights: A reflection on Australian IPRs, consumer and environmental rights , pp 57-82

- Leanne Wiseman and Kanchana Kariyawasam
- Rebalancing subsidies in market-based electricity sectors: synergies and obstacles in transition economies , pp 57-84

- Rabindra Nepal, Anupama Sen and Tooraj Jamasb
- Rebalancing the patent system , pp 166-176

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- Rebel in the Wilderness , pp 135-160

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- Rebound and renewal: strategies and tactics for journal revitalisation , pp 79-95

- Jay Gatrell, Nancy Hoalst-Pullen and Mark W. Patterson
- Rebreeding geographical indications beyond agriculture: Of genotype and phenotype in territorial products , pp 304-321

- Bernardo Calabrese
- Rebuilding Housing Policies in Response to the Current Crisis. Is Homeownership the Solution?

- David Thorns
- Rebuilding International Financial Regulation and Basel III

- Kern Alexander
- Rebuilding Schumpeter’s Theory of Entrepreneurship

- Richard Swedberg
- Rebuilding state systems post-GFC: the South African case , pp 42-71

- Laurence Boulle
- Rebuilding trust in financial markets: beyond the limits of law and regulation , pp 185-201

- Mark Yallop
- Recall, rationality and political economy , pp 141-164

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- Recapturing the high ground , pp 303-313

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- Recasting entrepreneurship education as a neurolearning process , pp 106-121

- Colin Jones
- Recasting world order: power politics, contestation and international institutions , pp 37-53

- Shawn Donnelly
- Receipt of documents by receiving agency , pp 96-100

- Michael Stürner
- Recent advances in understanding welfare attitudes in Europe , pp 202-217

- Wim van Oorschot, Tijs Laenen, Femke Roosma and Bart Meuleman
- Recent Australian Infrastructure Liberalization

- Gary Madden, Jeffrey Petchey and Aaron Morey
- Recent banking and the financial crises: Minsky versus the financial liberalizationists

- Philip Arestis
- Recent biographies of Keynes , pp 26-43

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- Recent Canadian Policy Towards Industry: Competition Policy, Industrial Policy and National Champions

- Thomas Ross
- Recent Case Studies

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- Recent codes-based liberalization in the OECD , pp 85-104

- Eva Thiel
- Recent Controversies in Marxian Value Theory

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- Recent corporate governance developments in Spain

- Silvia Gómez-Ansón and Laura Cabeza-García
- Recent Corporate Governance Developments in Spain

- Silvia Gómez-Ansón
- Recent developments among dairy cooperatives in the European Union , pp 371-388

- Julia Höhler and Jos Bijman
- Recent Developments in Active Labour Market Policies in the UK: The Shifting Focus from Unemployment to Inactivity

- Nigel Meager
- Recent developments in antipoverty policies in the United States , pp 235-262

- James Ziliak
- Recent developments in forecast evaluation , pp 274-304

- Barbara Rossi
- Recent developments in growth theory: a post Keynesian view , pp 112-127

- Mark Setterfield
- Recent developments in inference: practicalities for applied economics , pp 235-268

- Jeffrey Michler and Anna Josephson
- Recent Developments in Irish-based Industry

- Mary O'Sullivan
- Recent Developments in Macroeconomics: The DSGE Approach to Business Cycles in Perspective

- Pedro Duarte
- Recent developments in modelling trends and cycles in economic time series and their relevance to quantitative economic history

- Terence C. Mills
- Recent Developments in Post Keynesian Methodology and their Relevance for Understanding Environmental Issues

- Andrew Mearman
- Recent developments in regulation and competition policy in China: trends in private civil litigation , pp 15-72

- Susan Beth Farmer
- Recent Developments in Speculative Markets Theory: Fads, Fashions and 'Rational' Bubbles , pp 123-146

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- Recent Developments in Universities Regarding Intellectual Capital and Intellectual Property

- Emidia Vagnoni, James Guthrie and Peter Steane
- Recent economic development and emerging social issues in Korea , pp 50-83

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