From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Emerging regions in the era of negative real interest rates: twenty years of convergence towards the US? , pp 687-709

- Max Gillman
- Emerging research issues in sovereign debt management , pp 300-324

- Teresa Ter-Minassian
- Emerging research issues in subnational government debt management , pp 287-299

- Dario Cestau
- Emerging research methods in mental health , pp 58-71

- Emily Ihara, JoAnn Lee, John Karavatas and Michael Wolf-Branigin
- Emerging Sovereign Bond Markets: A View from the Extremes

- Pierre Laurent and Jérôme Teïletche
- Emerging spatial relations of artists and art scenes through the lens of art schools in Manchester and Leipzig , pp 181-193

- Silvie Jacobi
- Emerging technologies and the WTO: comparing biotechnology and nanotechnology regulations in the EU and the US , pp 700-728

- Heike Baumüller
- Emerging trends in fiscal transfer systems in selected federations: implications for India , pp 275-294

- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- Emerging urban dynamics and labor market change: an agent based simulation of recovery from a disaster , pp 232-256

- A. Yair Grinberger and Daniel Felsenstein
- EMERGY, Value, Ecology and Economics

- R.A. Herendeen
- Emigration and wages in source countries: a survey of the empirical literature , pp 241-266

- Prachi Mishra
- Emigration, Labour Shortages and Brain Drain in the New EU Member States: Some Descriptive Evidence

- Radek Mal and Christoph Maier
- Emil Lederer: obstacles to economic expansion , pp 179-202

- Hans Ulrich Esslinger
- Emil Sax (1845–1927)

- Manfred Prisching
- Emission Pollution Permits for Transportation Networks , pp 231-265

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- Emission taxes for price-setting firms: differentiated commodities and monopolistic competition , pp 1-26

- Andreas Lange, Till Requate, Andreas Lange and Till Requate
- Emission trading schemes and WTO law: a typology of interactions , pp 636-670

- Javier de Cendra de Larragán
- Emissions , pp 60-72

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- Emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture and their mitigation , pp 422-442

- Francesco N. Tubiello and Josef Schmidhuber
- Emissions permits trading and market structure , pp 47-66

- Eftichios S. Sartzetakis, Donald G. McFetridge, Eftichios S. Sartzetakis and Donald G. McFetridge
- Emissions Trading and the Convergence of Electricity and Transport Markets in Australia

- Luke J. Reedman and Paul W. Graham
- Emissions trading to improve visibility in specially protected areas in the US: an alternative to retrofit control requirements in a sustainable economy , pp 103-116

- Agustín F. Carbó Lugo
- Emissions trading: a market instrument for our times

- Charles Nicholson
- Emissions, Externalities and Economic Instruments in a Global Context

- Ann Hodgkinson
- Emotion, action and tourists' ethically motivated self-identity enactment behaviours , pp 33-50

- Sheila Malone and Scott McCabe
- Emotional regulation and wellbeing of Pakistani emergency rescue workers , pp 250-266

- Shazia Nauman, Connie Zheng and Hassan Imam
- Emotions , pp 221-246

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- Emotions , pp 34-70

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- Emotions and emotional management in virtual contexts , pp 164-185

- Isabel D. Dimas, Teresa Rebelo, Marta P. Alves and Paulo R. Lourenço
- Emotions in service encounters: a review and research agenda , pp 93-129

- Cécile Delcourt
- Empirical analysis and the recovery of the US economy in the 1980s , pp 87-95

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- Empirical Analysis of Barriers to International Services Transactions and the Consequences of Liberalization

- Alan Deardorff and Robert M. Stern
- Empirical Analysis of Civil Litigation: Torts Trials in State Courts , pp 11-30

- Michael Heise
- Empirical analysis of juries in tort cases , pp 414-436

- Shari Seidman Diamond and Jessica M. Salerno
- Empirical Analysis of Market Structure, Behavior and Performance , pp 109-133

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- Empirical analysis of match outcome uncertainty on soccer attendance: evidence from South Africa , pp 141-161

- Thabo J. Gopane and Khumo T. Mokgatle
- Empirical analysis of regulation: the promise of field experiments in China , pp 267-273

- Jonathan Klick
- Empirical Analysis of Service Quality in Japan's Small Package Market

- Shoji Maruyama
- Empirical Analysis of the Law and Corporate Finance

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- Empirical analysis of tort damages , pp 460-485

- W Viscusi
- Empirical analysis of university patenting in Korea , pp 180-210

- Joonghae Suh
- Empirical analysis, research design and methodology , pp 77-165

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- Empirical approaches for estimating impacts of life below water on food system productivity and sustainability , pp 344-353

- Prisca Atieno and Pamela Madududu
- Empirical approaches to assess impacts of food loss and waste on food systems productivity and sustainability , pp 299-310

- Lerato Phali, Mancoba Mndzebele, Pamela Madududu and Prisca Atieno
- Empirical approaches to urban competitiveness analysis , pp 32-59

- Peter Karl Kresl
- Empirical archival data sources and data issues for nonprofit accounting research , pp 339-359

- Nancy Chun Feng and Janet S. Greenlee
- Empirical Benefit Estimates for Improving Air Quality in Hungary , pp 131-156

- John Powell, Péter Kaderják and Frank Verkoijen
- Empirical Context: Description and Justification

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- Empirical corporate capital structure , pp 27-125

- Murray Z. Frank and Vidhan Goyal
- Empirical Economics? An Econometric Dilemma with only a Methodological Solution , pp 55-76

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