From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Recent Economic Models of Higher Education , pp 186-209

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- Recent Evolution of the Business Sector: Chaebols and SMEs

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- Recent experiences of successful economic policies: the case of Uzbekistan , pp 304-330

- Vladimir Popov
- Recent FDI Trends: Implications for Investment Policy

- Blanka Kalinova
- Recent Intepretations of Adam Smith

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- Recent Interpretations of David Ricardo

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- Recent Marshallian Scholarship: An Overview

- Peter D. Groenewegen
- Recent Reform in France: The Renaissance of a Civilian Collateral Regime?

- Marie-Elodie Ancel
- Recent trends of share ownership and structural changes , pp 13-30

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- Recipient governments and aid flows , pp 187-204

- Matthew S. Winters
- Reciprocal and bilateral damages , pp 225-252

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- Reciprocal demand , pp 211-220

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- Reclaiming state capacity in the politics of energy transitions: the cautionary tale of Venezuela's predatory transition , pp 313-327

- Antulio Rosales
- Reclaiming the ‘T’ word: ways of improving communication and public acceptance of environmental fiscal reform in Europe , pp 195-212

- Jacqueline Cottrell
- Recognise that externally funded work takes time away from academic research , pp 213-214

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- Recognise the breadth of content in similar modules elsewhere , pp 196-197

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- Recognise the importance of the flow in arguments , pp 184-185

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- Recognition and enforcement , pp 395-519

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- Recognition of early financialisation in the writings of John Maynard Keynes , pp 86-95

- Diego Guevara, Christos Pierros and Apostolos Fasianos
- Recognizing and solving institutional puzzles , pp 269-278

- Douglas W. Allen
- Recombinant knowledge and innovation , pp 407-414

- Matthias Müller and Andreas Pyka
- Recombination-based two-stage out-of-distribution detection method for traffic flow pattern analysis , pp 434-464

- Yuchen Lu, Ying Jin and Xi Chen
- Recombining to Compete: Public–Private Institutions, Shifting Networks and the Remaking of the Argentine Wine Sector

- Gerald A. McDermott and Rafael A. Corredoira
- Recommendations , pp 155-171

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- Reconceptualizing competition and competition policy in a new institutional economics-perspective , pp 221-240

- Christian Kirchner
- Reconceptualizing human capital , pp 177-195

- Paula England and Nancy Folbre
- Reconceptualizing Industrial Relations in a Global, Knowledge-driven Economy

- Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
- Reconceptualizing the MNE–development relationship: the role of complementary resources , pp 451-471

- Jonathan P. Doh and Jennifer Oetzel
- Reconciling diverse perspectives of decision makers on resilience and sustainability , pp 360-386

- Sahar Mirzaee, Matthias Ruth and David Fannon
- Reconciling Diversity with Equality: The Role of Intergovernmental Fiscal Arrangements in Maintaining an Effective State in Canada

- Richard Bird and Francois Vaillancourt
- Reconciling Economic Development, Nature Conservation and Local Communities , pp 159-176

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- Reconciling Evolutionary Economics with Liberalism

- Gerhard Wegner
- Reconciling the Growth of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

- Amitava Dutt
- Reconfiguration of the Labor Market

- Haizheng Li and Guifang (Lynn) Yang
- Reconfiguring animals in food systems: an agenda for research , pp 129-146

- Lewis Holloway
- Reconfiguring human-AI collaboration: integrating chatbots in welfare services , pp 97-111

- Elena Parmiggiani, Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou and Ilias Pappas
- Reconfiguring Italian Pensions: From Policy Stalemate to Comprehensive Reforms

- Maurizio Ferrera and Matteo Jessoula
- Reconsidering algorithmic management: feminist research tools for challenging computational thinking , pp 358-372

- Laura Candidatu and Koen Leurs
- Reconsidering Muslim philanthropy and sustainable development in Indonesia , pp 307-322

- Hilman Latief
- Reconsidering public management in a post-COVID world , pp 31-42

- Zeger van der Wal
- Reconsidering Reconsidered: Why Sustainable Discounting Need Not be Inconsistent Over Time

- John Pezzey
- Reconsidering the early marginal productivity theory of distribution and interest , pp 146-166

- Arrigo Opocher
- Reconsidering the Paradox of High R&D Input and Low Innovation: Sweden

- Pierre Bitard, Charles Edquist and Leif Hommen
- Reconsidering the Silk Road: Tourism in the Context of Regionalism and Trade Patterns

- Karen Jackson
- Reconstructing Growth Theory , pp 38-68

- Sjak Smulders
- Reconstructing the early history of path-dependence theory

- Staffan Hultén
- Reconstructing the juridical identity of public private partnership , pp 103-115

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- Reconstruction of organization , pp 133-147

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- Recovered imaginaries, imagined recoveries: a cultural political economy of crisis construals and crisis management in the North Atlantic financial crisis , pp 234-254

- Bob Jessop
- Recovering from public health crises: lessons from Hong Kong's tourism and hospitality industry , pp 107-123

- Hiu Yan Lee and Kevin Yin Kiu Leung
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