From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Economic Benefits to Foreigners Visiting Morocco Accruing from the Rehabilitation of the Fes Medina

- Richard Carson, Robert C. Mitchell and Michael B. Conaway
- Economic bipolarization and its effects on the Korean economy and society , pp 142-175

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- Economic calculation and socialism , pp 142-164

- Krzysztof Turowski and Mateusz Machaj
- Economic calculation in socialism: early contributions , pp 1-24

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- Economic Challenges on the Path to the Euro – The Maltese Experience

- Michael C. Bonello
- Economic chivalry , pp 532-535

- Bernard Gerbier
- Economic competitiveness and regional development dynamics , pp 136-152

- Edward J. Malecki
- Economic competitiveness, clusters, and cluster-based development , pp 229-251

- Harold Wolman
- Economic complexity and income inequality: evidence from Italian regions , pp 218-239

- Roberto Antonietti and David Fanton
- Economic Consequences of Climate Change in Alpine Regions: Impact and Mitigation , pp 55-73

- Walter J. Ammann and Veronika Stoeckli
- Economic consequences of conflict and environmental displacement , pp 388-424

- Florence Kondylis and Valerie Mueller
- Economic consequences of pre-COVID-19 epidemics: a literature review , pp 117-133

- Ilan Noy and Tomáš Uher
- Economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the developing world , pp 124-141

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- Economic considerations in the procurement and deployment of construction informatics applications , pp 491-513

- Chimay J. Anumba and Esther A. Obonyo
- Economic considerations regarding pharmaceutical expenditure in Spain and its financing

- G. López-Casasnovas
- Economic contradictions coming home to roost? Does the U.S. economy face a long-term aggregate demand generation problem? , pp 10-33

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- Economic Convergence - The Need for Economic Cooperation and Coordination

- Walter Rothensteiner and Valentin Hofstätter
- Economic convergence across Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe: achievements and challenges , pp 59-66

- Jörg Asmussen
- Economic costs of electricity shortage: an input-output analysis , pp 114-144

- Mahdi Ghaemi Asl, Mohammad Nasr Isfahani, Sajad Rajabi and Mohamad Sadiq Javdan
- Economic crime in developing and transition economies , pp 75-92

- Dayanath Jayasuriya
- Economic crimes and money laundering: a new paradigm for the criminal justice system? , pp 379-396

- John Vervaele
- Economic crises and growth regimes , pp 79-100

- Toshio Yamada
- Economic Crises and Regional Convergence in the EU: An Exploration of Facts, Theories and Policy Implications

- Nicola Coniglio and Francesco Prota
- Economic crises as political opportunities , pp 132-150

- Johannes Lindvall
- Economic Crisis and the Sustainability of the Dual-Earner, Dual-Carer Model

- Anita Nyberg
- Economic Crisis in Korea: Towards a New Economic Paradigm , pp 60-70

- Hyuk-Rae Kim
- Economic Crisis, 2008: What Happened, What Can be Learned About How and Why, What Could Happen Next

- Michael Blim
- Economic Crisis, Social Development and Challenges for the Trade Unions: Thailand , pp 171-190

- Voravidh Charoenloet
- Economic Cultures and Ecology in a Small Caribbean Island , pp 231-269

- Sam Cole
- Economic dependence on commodities

- Alfred Maizels
- Economic determinants of sport performance , pp 69-82

- Wladimir Andreff and Nicolas Scelles
- Economic development and inequality: revisiting the Kuznets curve , pp 39-64

- Sangheon Lee and Megan Gerecke
- Economic development and the role of tax in Southern Africa: the South African headquarter company structure , pp i-ii

- Tracy Gutuza
- Economic Development and Trade in the World Economy , pp 313-334

- Richard Nahuis
- Economic development and trade in the world economy: Introducing WorldScan , pp 273-300

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- Economic Development as a Branching Process

- Koen Frenken and Ron A. Boschma
- Economic development as an evolutionary process , pp 323-335

- Richard Nelson
- Economic development during the height of colonialism, c. 1920-1960 , pp 56-71

- Ellen Hillbom
- Economic development in Europe and the United States , pp 149-177

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- Economic development in Europe: 1950-96 , pp 265-289

- Theo van de Klundert
- Economic development in historical perspective , pp 62-141

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- Economic Development in Latecomer Economies , pp 128-141

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- Economic Development in the Third World: An International Perspective

- Richard Kozul-Wright and Paul Rayment
- Economic Development Incentives and the Measurement of Local Endogenous Growth: Is There a Need for Modeling Adjustment?

- Terry Clower
- Economic Development Lite: Communication, Art and ICTs in a Globalised Economy

- Roger Sugden, Robbin Te Velde and James Wilson
- Economic development policy today: what has realistically remained? , pp 131-163

- Nikolaos Karagiannis and Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi
- Economic development, place-based development strategies and the conceptualization of proximity in European urban regions , pp 333-358

- Teodora Dogaru, Frank Oort and Mark Thissen
- Economic development, technical change and demand , pp 1-17

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- Economic diplomacy and product characteristics , pp 167-187

- Selwyn J.V. Moons and Remco de Boer
- Economic diplomacy and the liberal peace , pp 258-272

- Syed Mansoob Murshed
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