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- Recovery and Resilience Facility , pp 110-127

- Stefania Baroncelli
- Recovery and resolution of banks , pp 206-222

- Shuai Guo
- Recreating diversity for resilient and adaptive agricultural systems , pp 404-424

- Douglas K. Bardsley
- Recreation Demand Models for Environmental Valuation

- Catherine Kling and John Crooker
- Recreation Demand Systems for Multiple Site Count Data Travel Cost Models , pp 253-270

- J.S. Shonkwiler
- Recruiting and Retaining the Next Generation of College Faculty: Negotiating the New Playing Field

- Martin Finkelstein
- Recruitment and retention of professional labour: the health workforce at settlement level , pp Daniel R.-White

- Dean B. Carson, Elizabeth Wenghofer, Patrick Timony, Adrian Schoo, Peter Berggren and Brian Charters
- Recruitment and selection practices that facilitate workforce diversity in the public sector , pp 41-56

- Marie-France J. Waxin, Fang Zhao and Angela Zacharias
- Recruitment Channel Use and Applicant Arrival: An Empirical Analysis , pp 103-127

- Giovanni Russo, Piet Rietveld, Peter Nijkamp, Cees Gorter, Giovanni Russo, Piet Rietveld, Peter Nijkamp and Cees Gorter
- Recruitment in China , pp 147-167

- Lin-Ya Hong and Fabian Jintae Froese
- Recruitment, remittances, and returns , pp 312-330

- Philip Martin and Ibrahim Sirkeci
- Recruitment, retention and retirement: institutional research and the need for data

- Michael A. Baer, Deborah A. Freund, Chalotte v. Kuh and Richard R. Spies
- Recurrence of financial crises: cross-country patterns and implications for Korea

- Kiseok Hong, Jong-Wha Lee and Changyong Rhee
- Recurrent memes and technological fallacies , pp 315-337

- David Heatley and Bronwyn Howell
- Recursive workhorses , pp 66-74

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- Recyclable waste trade of Mainland China , pp 33-50

- Aya Yoshida
- Recycling and resource recovery under the Basel Convention: historical analysis and outlook , pp 56-79

- Pierre Portas
- Recycling Asian Savings within the Region: The Role of Singapore

- Ngiam Kee Jin
- Red cards: (mis)carriage of justice? , pp 269-280

- Ruud Koning and Lara van Steen
- Red flags and stress tests , pp 141-154

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- REDD+: global multilevel forest governance for building a climate resilient society , pp 231-249

- Abrar Juhar Mohammed and Makoto Inoue
- Redeemability as Governance: A Study of Closed-end and Open-end Funds under Common Management

- Peter MacKay
- Redefining Bank research within the epistemic constraints of economics , pp 96-132

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- Redefining mobility ‘problems’ through scholar activism and desire paths , pp 71-84

- Do Jun Lee
- Redefining multinational operations: the impact of CSR on international business policy , pp 190-204

- Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez and Miguel Cordova
- Redemption , pp 47-57

- Eric Tymoigne
- Redesigning design protection: the problem of overlap , pp 484-502

- Shubha Ghosh
- Redesigning Domestic Raw Material Supply Chains , pp 154-178

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- Redesigning the World’s Trading System for Environmentally Sustainable Development

- Alejandro Nadal
- Redevelopment and the smart growth movement: definitions, consequences, and future considerations , pp 92-109

- Bernadette Hanlon
- Redirecting growth: inclusive, sustainable and innovation-led , pp 71-106

- Mariana Mazzucato and Carlota Perez
- Redistributing opportunities in a job search model: the role of self-confidence and social norms

- Francesco Drago
- Redistribution and progressivity , pp 25-37

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- Redistribution policies , pp 211-241

- Malte Luebker
- Redistribution, automatic stabilizers and public debt , pp 168-183

- Enisse Kharroubi, Benoit Mojon and Luiz Pereira da Silva
- Redistributive impact of privatization and the regulation of utilities in Chile

- Ricardo Paredes M.
- Redistributive Taxation in Closed and Open Economies , pp 104-123

- Ngo Long and Koji Shimomura
- Reducing chemical risks: OECD and lead

- Kaye Dal Bon
- Reducing climate emissions from farms: New Zealand’s proposed farm levy and California policies compared , pp 58-73

- Roberta Mann and Walter Wang
- Reducing Conflict in Global Warming Policy: The Potential of Equity as a Unifying Principle , pp 277-285

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- Reducing cost uncertainty and encouraging ratification of the Kyoto Protocol , pp 231-246

- Raymond Kopp, Richard Morgenstern, William Pizer and Frédéric Ghersi
- Reducing debt service by refunding debt , pp 152-163

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- Reducing gender inequality , pp 98-103

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- Reducing growth to achieve environmental sustainability: the role of work hours

- Kyle Knight, Eugene A. Rosa and Juliet B. Schor
- Reducing inequality - and a general conclusion , pp 228-250

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- Reducing Material Throughput: A Contribution to the Measurement of Dematerialization and Sustainable Human Development , pp 75-92

- Friedrich Hinterberger and Eberhard K Seifert
- Reducing motor vehicle GHG emissions via land-use and transport integration: realistic expectations and essential strategies , pp 313-331

- Elisa Barbour and Gian-Claudia Sciara
- Reducing Petty Corruption: What Role for a More Competitive Political System? , pp 96-121

- John K. Wilson and John K. Wilson
- Reducing poverty and income inequality , pp 69-87

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- Reducing Security Tensions in Northeast Asia: Lessons from Economics and Institutions

- T.J. Pempel
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