From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Estimating changes in health services , pp 74-123

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- Estimating Changes in Welfare from Discrete Choice Surveys , pp 97-116

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- Estimating China’s Core Inflation Rate

- Deming Wu
- Estimating Costs for Economic Evaluation

- Maria Raikou and Alistair McGuire
- Estimating Costs for Economic Evaluation

- Maria Raikou and Alistair McGuire
- Estimating demand for infrastructure, 2010–2020 , pp 19-79

- Biswanath Bhattacharyay
- Estimating economic impact using ex post econometric analysis: cautionary tales , pp 169-188

- Robert Baumann and Victor Matheson
- Estimating household mobility using novel big data , pp 25-42

- Nik Lomax
- Estimating link delays for arterial streets

- Elliott A. Torres, Peter C. Nelson, Nagui M. Rouphail and Joseph Raj
- Estimating long-run incremental costs in the postal sector: a UK perspective , pp 132-147

- Leonardo Mautino, Paul Dudley, James Prettyman and Fenella Heagney
- Estimating Match and World Cup Winning Probabilities

- Ruud Koning and Ian G. McHale
- Estimating postal demand elasticities using the PCAIDS method , pp 65-74

- Gregory Swinand and Hugh Hennessy
- Estimating returns to scale for the science and technology activities of Project 985 universities in China , pp 408-429

- Yao-yao Song, Xian-tong Ren, Guo-liang Yang and Zhong-cheng Guan
- Estimating Rural and Inter-Urban Traffic Models , pp 91-114

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- Estimating term structure models with the Kalman filter , pp 97-113

- Marcel Prokopczuk and Yingying Wu
- Estimating the biodiversity effects of structural adjustment in Ghana , pp 273-308

- James K. Benhin, Edward B. Barbier, James K. Benhin and Edward B. Barbier
- Estimating the cost of carbon abatement for China , pp 232-248

- Atakelty Hailu and Chunbo Ma
- Estimating the cost-effectiveness of resilience to disasters: survey instrument design and refinement of primary data , pp 227-246

- Noah Dormady, Adam Rose, Heather Rosoff and Alfredo Roa-Henriquez
- Estimating the Demand for Public Goods: The Collective Choice and Contingent Valuation Approaches , pp 78-99

- Wallace E. Oates and Wallace E. Oates
- Estimating the determinants of growth: an empirical exploration of an NIE framework , pp 126-150

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- Estimating the Effects of Integration

- Nigel Grimwade, David Mayes and Jiao Wang
- Estimating the impact of a uniform price rule in a liberalized postal environment: the case of the United States Postal Service

- Michael Bradley, Jeff L. Colvin, Norma B. Nieto and Daniel J. Tobias
- Estimating the Impact of Price Regulation on Service Quality in Post

- Gregory Swinand, Sean Lyons, Michael O’Grady and David Murphy
- Estimating the Level of Functions Supplied by a Natural Area Using GIS Information

- Michele Carta, Nicola Gallinaro and Massimo Bianchi
- Estimating the Non-market Environmental Benefits of Land Use Change in China

- Xuehong Wang, Jeffrey Bennett, Chen Xie and Zhitao Zhang
- Estimating the Output Gap , pp 22-47

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- Estimating the Supply of Crime: Recent Advances

- Helen Tauchen
- Estimating the Value of Brand Names: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach , pp 79-110

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- Estimating the wealth-creating potential of a venture idea , pp 36-58

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- Estimating wireless-only household penetration: A local perspective , pp 190-203

- Paul Rappoport, James Alleman and Lester Taylor
- Estimation and inference in threshold type regime switching models , pp 189-205

- Jesus Gonzalo and Jean-Yves Pitarakis
- Estimation of Alonso’s Theory of Movements by Means of Instrumental Variables , pp 296-315

- Jacob J. De Vries, Peter Nijkmp, Piet Rietveld, Jacob J. De Vries, Peter Nijkmp and Piet Rietveld
- Estimation of temporal variations in fan loyalty: application of multi-factor models , pp 135-153

- Young Hoon Lee
- Estimation of the US Treasury Yield Curve at Daily and Intra-Daily Frequency

- Lawrence Klein and Süleyman …zmucur
- Estimation of Willingness to Pay , pp 150-198

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- Estonia

- Lelo Liive
- Estonia's Mixed System of Pollution Permits, Standards and Charges , pp 46-74

- Ljuba Gornaja, Eva Kraav, Bruce A. Larson and Kalle Türk
- Estonia's Reorientation Towards the West (1985-1993) , pp 79-128

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- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: Minimum Wages in a Context of Migration and Labour Shortages

- Jaan Masso and Kerly Krillo
- Eternal equity in the fin de millénaire , pp 13-25

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- Ethan Brown - the protein revolutionary , pp 303-305

- Geoffrey Heal
- Ethical behaviour and material well-being , pp 183-213

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- Ethical benefit–cost analysis as art and science: ten rules for benefit–cost analysis , pp 264-293

- Richard O. Zerbe
- Ethical Challenges in Research with Vulnerable Migrants

- Ilse Van Liempt and Veronika Bilger
- Ethical choices in the economic world , pp 73-86

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- Ethical considerations for "Internet of Things" in research to advance global development , pp 207-221

- Daniel Sweeney, Amit Gandhi and Evan Thomas
- Ethical considerations in marketing: Academics, practitioners, and other marketplace actors , pp 328-342

- Aya Aboelenien and Karen Naaman
- Ethical considerations in the representation of sovereign clients , pp 203-213

- Lee C. Buchheit
- Ethical culture and central banking , pp 339-350

- Thomas C. Baxter
- Ethical dimensions of renewable energy , pp 443-461

- Hugh Dyer
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