From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- An introduction to personnel economics and its applicationto sport , pp 1-24

- Neil Longley
- An introduction to Protecting Nature with Buddha’s Wisdom , pp 1-23

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- An Introduction to Social Choice

- Maxwell L. Stearns
- An introduction to sustainable development and LCSA , pp 2-16

- Fritz Balkau, Alberto Bezama and Guido Sonnemann
- An Introduction to the Asia-Pacific region , pp 3-34

- Philip Lawn and Matthew Clarke
- An Introduction to the Deregulation Controversy , pp 1-8

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- An introduction to the Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems , pp 2-10

- Alberto Batinti, Joan Costa-Font and Gilberto Turati
- An introduction to the history and institutions of international trade , pp 52-65

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- An Introduction to the Research Agenda for Workplace Innovation , pp 1-12

- Steven Dhondt, Adela J. McMurray and Peter R.A. Oeij
- An introduction to the theory of the labour-managed firm , pp 143-160

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- An Introduction to the Trade and Environment Debate

- Steve Charnovitz
- An introduction to the use of social network analysis in family business research , pp 214-228

- Curt B. Moore and Karen Nicholas
- An introduction to work sharing: A strategy for preserving jobs, creating new employment and improving individual well-being , pp 1-23

- Jon C. Messenger and Naj Ghosheh
- An introduction: mapping the field(s) of sustainable innovation , pp 1-25

- Frank Boons and Andrew McMeekin
- An Investigation into the Effect of Risk Management on the Profitability of Shipping Investment and Operations

- Amir H. Alizadeh and Nikos Nomikos
- An Investigation into the New Keynesian Macroeconomics of Imperfect Capital Markets , pp 81-104

- Roberto Tamborini
- An Investigation of a Dynamic Sensor Motion Strategy , pp 253-268

- Nathan P. Yerrick, Abhishek Tiwari and David E. Jeffcoat
- An Investment Planning Process for an Economy with Increasing Returns , pp 37-48

- Masahiko Aoki
- An investor’s perspective on measuring and managing social performance and impact , pp 248-270

- Gregor Dorfleitner, Dina Pons and Noémie Renier
- An invitation to fellow epistemic travellers – towards future worlds in waiting: human rights and the environment in the twenty-first century , pp 1-6

- Anna Grear and Louis J. Kotzé
- An Islamic Economic Perspective on the Global Financial Crisis

- Mervyn Lewis
- An Islamic economic system or spiritual capitalism? , pp 102-120

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- An Islamic Perspective on Taxation

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- An Islamic perspective on the global financial crisis and its aftermath , pp iii-iii

- Mervyn K. Lewis
- An NSI in Transition? Denmark

- Jesper Christensen, Birgitte Gregersen, Björn Johnson and Mark Tomlinson
- An Odyssey of ideas about A.I., innovation and entrepreneur(ship) , pp 29-45

- Phillip Harvard
- An operational measure of the cost of universal service as cross- subsidy

- Margaret Cigno, Diane Monaco and Edward S. Pearsall
- An optimal path to extinction? Poverty and resource degradation in the open agrarian economy , pp 93-117

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- An Outlook on Innovation Policy, Theory and Practice

- Philip Shapira, Ruud Smits and Stefan Kuhlmann
- An Overall Assessment of the Effectiveness of Policy , pp 175-189

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- An overall model of development in Chile , pp 82-119

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- An overall model of development in Taiwan , pp 45-81

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- An overview of accessibility services for students with disabilities in higher education in the United States , pp 87-100

- Christopher Esposito, Joseph W. Madaus and Lyman L. Dukes
- An Overview of Biotechnology Innovation in Europe: Firms, Demand, Government Policy and Research

- Jacqueline Senker
- An overview of classical economic theory , pp 216-240

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- An overview of corporate governance , pp 69-82

- Melissa B. Frye
- An overview of developments in global financial markets in the 1990s , pp 101-104

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- An Overview of Environmental and Resource Economics

- Jeroen van den Bergh
- An overview of financial restructuring and its consequences , pp 43-45

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- An overview of key issues in entrepreneurship research methods , pp 94-108

- Léo-Paul Dana and Aidin Salamzadeh
- An Overview of Market Structure Based on Existing Sources , pp 47-64

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- An overview of monetary systems and exchange rate regimes , pp 57-60

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- An Overview of National Shipping Policies - History and Development , pp 25-38

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- An overview of national shipping policies: history and development , pp 32-45

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- An overview of natural resource economics , pp 20-37

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- An overview of policy instruments

- Bruno De Borger, John Peirson and Roger Vickerman
- An Overview of Research on Early Stage Venture Capital: Current Status and Future Directions

- Annaleena Parhankangas
- An overview of social determinants of health in Africa , pp 261-277

- Morris D. C. Komakech
- An overview of Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero hunger , pp 41-51

- Jannie Armstrong and Scott Drimie
- An overview of sustainable forms of growth: the economic institutions of a European model

- Jean-Philippe Touffut
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