From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Financial instability: economic and financial perspectives , pp 93-113

- Michael Dempsey
- Financial institutions and financial markets: the emergence of a new class of universal banks

- Jordi Canals
- Financial institutions and the State: a re-examination , pp 99-111

- Victoria Chick and Sheila Dow
- Financial Institutions as a Driving Force of Integration

- Josef Christl
- Financial institutions in the face of the environmental emergency , pp 320-339

- Hugues Chenet
- Financial integration and economic growth in Europe , pp 550-563

- Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Anamaria Diana Sova and Robert Sova
- Financial integration and European tourism stocks , pp 495-538

- Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Stavroula Yfanti, Menelaos Karanasos and Jiaying Wu
- Financial integration and exchange market pressure , pp 312-339

- Kate Phylaktis and Muhammad Aftab
- Financial Integration and Financial Deepening in the EU: Mind the Gap

- Klaus Liebscher
- Financial Integration and Investment Performance in the European Union , pp 87-106

- Hasan Vergil and Hasan Vergil
- Financial integration between the EU and the economies of Central and Eastern Europe: an overview

- David G. Dickinson and Andrew W. Mullineux
- Financial integration in Asia: some empirical evidence , pp 83-103

- An Thi Thuy Duong and Clemens Kool
- Financial Integration Through the Interbank Market: Stability and Welfare Implications

- Falko Fecht and Hans Peter Grüner
- Financial integration, institutional quality, and real exchange rates: evidence from emerging markets , pp 255-291

- Zunaira Aman, Sushanta Mallick and Ilayda Nemlioglu
- Financial intermediation , pp 161-185

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- Financial intermediation , pp 137-163

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- Financial Intermediation in Accession Countries: The Role of Foreign Banks , pp 181-207

- Jakob de Haan and Llko Naaborg
- Financial Keynesianism , pp i-ii

- Riccardo Bellofiore
- Financial leapfrogging and innovative financing in sub-Saharan Africa: gender-lens investments for gender equality , pp 112-135

- Michele Ruiters and Motshedisi Mathibe
- Financial Liberalization and Capital Market Integration in East Asia

- Barry Eichengreen and Yung Chul Park
- Financial Liberalization and the Relationship Between Finance and Growth

- Philip Arestis
- Financial liberalization, alliance capitalism and the changing structure of financial markets

- Nigel Pain and Desiree van Welsum
- Financial Liberalization, Economic Growth and Rents , pp 219-237

- Domenica Tropeano
- Financial literacy and financial behavior , pp 19-31

- Kirti Goyal and Satish Kumar
- Financial Literacy and Financial Education: Recommendations, Evidence and Policy Implications , pp 4-4

- Hersh Shefrin
- Financial literacy and the use of financial services by US households , pp 297-315

- James Barth, Valentina Hartarska, Jitka Hilliard and Nguyen Nguyen
- Financial management

- A. Premchand
- Financial market efficiency: a comparative perspective , pp 139-162

- Mitsuhiro Fukao
- Financial market integration and Asian bond market initiatives , pp iii-iii

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- Financial market operations in the United States: ethical issues and lessons for Islamic banking , pp 206-224

- Raquib Zaman
- Financial Market Organizations, Central Banks and Credits: The Experience of Developing Economies

- Noemi Levy-Orlik
- Financial Market Turbulence and Global Imbalances

- John Lipsky
- Financial markets , pp 93-125

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- Financial Markets and Economic Development: Myth and Institutional Reality

- Jan Kregel
- Financial Markets and Social Security

- John Grahl
- Financial Markets Aspects of Regional Currency Areas

- John Hawkins and Marc Klau
- Financial markets in developing countries , pp i-ii

- Noemi Levy Orlik
- Financial markets like the potter’s hands? Rethinking finance for sustainability in a civil society perspective , pp 159-184

- Giulia Porino
- Financial markets since the crisis: a smorgasbord of issues , pp 377-409

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- Financial Markets, Corporate Decision Making and Distribution , pp 110-141

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- Financial Markets, Unemployment and Inflation Within a Circuitist Framework , pp 292-322

- Alain Parguez
- Financial Modelling: From Stochastics to Chaotics and Back to Stochastics , pp 225-240

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- Financial monitoring in the new ASEAN-5 countries , pp 554-599

- Se Hee Lim and Noel G. Reyes
- Financial nationalism and democracy , pp 256-274

- Dóra Piroska
- Financial Opening and Capital Flows , pp 163-176

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- Financial opening, instability and macroeconomic peformance in Latin America during the 1990s: some possible perverse links

- Rogerio Studart
- Financial oversight: internal and external control authorities , pp 237-253

- Pauline Thinus and Paul Dermine
- Financial reform in Australia

- Kevin Davis
- Financial reform in Canada: past, present and future

- Pierre L. Siklos
- Financial reform in Germany

- Beate Reszat
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