From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Valuing time for Department of Homeland Security projects and policies , pp 203-224

- Kenneth E. McConnell
- Valuing Wildlife at Risk from Exotic Invaders in Yellowstone Lake

- Todd Cherry, Jason Shogren and Peter Frykblom
- Van Fraassen, Bas

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- Vancouver as Media Cluster: The Cases of Video Games and Film/TV

- Trevor Barnes and Neil M. Coe
- Vanity and divorce , pp 195-200

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- Vanity and social interactions , pp 235-238

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- Vanity and the consumption of material goods/services , pp 25-28

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- Vanity and virginity , pp 53-69

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- Vanity economics: a survey and an extension , pp 13-24

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- Vanity in romance and marriage , pp 43-52

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- Vanity, family and migration , pp 239-242

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- Variable Message Signs and Radio Traffic Information: An Integrated Empirical Analysis of Drivers’ Route Choice Behaviour , pp 343-361

- Richard H. M. Emmerink, Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld, Jos N. Van Ommeren, Richard H. M. Emmerink, Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld and Jos N. Van Ommeren
- Variables for Analysing Higher Education Institutions in Europe

- Stig Slipersæter
- Variables, laws and induction I: are there laws of nature? , pp 79-110

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- Variables, laws and induction II: scientific variables and scientific laws in economics , pp 111-150

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- Variational Inequalities for Evolutionary Financial Equilibrium , pp 84-109

- Patrizia Daniele
- Variations in new firm life duration for immigrant and native entrepreneurs , pp 226-264

- Veronique Schutjens, Nardo de Vries and Anne Risselada
- Variations in the fitness of firms, dynamic economic performance, and vulnerability , pp 202-217

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- Variations on a Two-Interest-Rate Theme , pp 161-179

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- Variations on the Lupus et Agnus Story: In Search of the Homo Sapiens

- Giuseppe Euseppi and Alessandra Cepparulo
- Varieties and interdependencies of demand and growth regimes in finance-dominated capitalism: a Post-Keynesian two-country stock-flow consistent simulation approach , pp 136-162

- Franz Prante, Eckhard Hein and Alessandro Bramucci
- Varieties of Capitalism , pp 183-198

- Glenn Morgan and Heike Doering
- Varieties of Capitalism and Employment Relations under Globalization: Evidence from the Auto Industry

- Nick Wailes, Russell D. Lansbury and Jim Kitay
- Varieties of Capitalism and the crisis , pp 3-22

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- Varieties of capitalism and varieties of economic theory

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Varieties of capitalism: comparative institutional approaches to economic organization and innovation

- Steven Casper, J. Rogers Hollingsworth and Richard Whitley
- Varieties of Corporate Law-Making: Competition, Preemption, and Federalism

- Robert B. Ahdieh
- Varieties of currency nationalization and denationalization , pp 81-99

- Zenonas Norkus
- Varieties of economic growth regimes, types of macroeconomic policies and policy regimes: a post-Keynesian analysis , pp 101-123

- Hiroshi Nishi
- Varieties of peripheral capitalism: on the institutional foundations of economic backwardness , pp 114-135

- Esteban Perez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo
- Varieties of Private Market Regulation: Problems and Prospects

- Frans van Waarden
- Varieties of welfare populism: radical right voters between chauvinism and producerism , pp 141-159

- Thierry Kochuyt, Koen Abts and Femke Roosma
- Variety and Regional Growth: Theory, Measurement and Outcomes

- Koen Frenken, Frank Oort and Thijs Verburg
- Variety in the Garden of Heterodox Economics: An Introduction , pp 1-8

- Jan P.G. Reijnders
- Variety of industries , pp 95-108

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- Various concepts of equilibrium in economics , pp 25-37

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- Various forms of cross shareholding, and relevant statistics , pp 7-12

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- VAT, Revenue Sharing, and Intergovernmental Transfer Design: The Australian Experience

- Bob Searle
- VC investment timing and IPO pricing , pp 219-236

- Jean-Sébastien Michel
- Vcrstehcn

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- Veblen and Commons on private property: an institutionalist discussion around a capitalist foundation , pp 91-106

- Philippe Broda
- Veblen and Theories of the 'Firm' , pp 54-63

- Anne Mayhew
- Veblen on Failures of American Universities , pp 90-119

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- Veblen on Higher Education

- Anne Mayhew
- Veblen, Commons and the Theory of the Firm

- Geoffrey Hodgson
- Veblen, Thorstein

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- Veblen, Thorstein

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- Veblen: Economics Raised to the Cultural Level

- David Hamilton
- Veblenian Dichotomy and its Critics

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- Veblen’s analysis of social wealth, industry-business, and crises of capitalism , pp 67-98

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