From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Trade costs and the role of international trade intermediaries , pp 337-367

- Bernardo S. Blum, Sebastian Claro and Ignatius J. Horstmann
- Trade costs, trade, and port efficiency , pp 478-499

- Bruce Blonigen and Wesley Wilson
- Trade Creation and Trade Diversion: Analyzing the Impact of Regional Trade Agreements

- Linsday Kendall and James Gaisford
- Trade credit supply and usage during normal and crisis times: a recent review of literature , pp 70-83

- Jeffrey Jou, Lei Li and Teng Wang
- Trade credit: theory and evidence for emerging economies and developing countries , pp 49-69

- Robert Cull, Chorching Goh and L. Colin Xu
- Trade Distortion: Border Measures versus Domestic Support

- James Gaisford
- Trade Diversion under NAFTA , pp 21-62

- Kyoji Fukao, Toshihiro Okubo and Robert M. Stern
- Trade Facilitation Issues in South Asia

- Deshal de Mel, Suwendrani Jayaratne and Dharshani Premaratne
- Trade Facilitation: What, Why, How, Where and When?

- Philippa Dee, Christopher Findlay and Richard Pomfret
- Trade fairs and innovation , pp 509-522

- Harald Bathelt
- Trade Finance for East Asian SMEs and the Asian Financial Crisis , pp 83-94

- Donald G. Ross
- Trade Financing in Islam

- Ridha Saadallah
- Trade in China, India, and Japan , pp 173-188

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- Trade in environmental goods, with focus on climate-friendly goods and technologies , pp 673-699

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- Trade in goods , pp 19-35

- Kenneth Reinert
- Trade in Health Services: Current Challenges and Future Prospects of Globalization

- Richard Smith
- Trade in Health Services: Current Challenges and Future Prospects of Globalization

- Richard Smith
- Trade in Services

- Eugene Beaulieu
- Trade in services , pp 36-58

- Rupa Chanda
- Trade in services and GATS , pp 407-421

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- Trade in timber-based forest products and the implications of the Uruguay Round , pp 476-490

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- Trade in value added: concept, development, and an East Asian perspective , pp 48-70

- Satoshi Inomata
- Trade Integration and Political Turbulence: Environmental Policy Consequences , pp 101-127

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- Trade Laws and Regulations in Korea: Safeguard Measures

- Dukgeun Ahn
- Trade Liberalisation and International Inequality

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- Trade Liberalisation, Poverty and Domestic Inequality

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- Trade liberalisation, the balance of payments, growth, inequality and poverty , pp 122-156

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- Trade Liberalisation, Trade Performance and Economic Growth

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- Trade liberalization

- Oliver Morrissey
- Trade Liberalization and Pollution Havens , pp 194-216

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- Trade Liberalization and State Aid in the European Union

- David Collie
- Trade liberalization and the internal geography of countries

- Matthieu Crozet and Pamina Koenig-Soubeyran
- Trade Liberalization in Southeastern Europe

- Joze Damijan, José De Sousa and Olivier Lamotte
- Trade Liberalization in the Asia-Pacific Region

- George Fane
- Trade liberalization, resource degradation and industrial pollution in developing countries

- Ian Coxhead and Sisira Jayasuriya
- Trade Liberalization, Rural Poverty and the Environment

- Jonathan A. Cook, Owen Cylke, Donald Larson, Pamela Stedman-Edwards and John D. Nash
- Trade Liberalization, Rural Poverty and the Environment: A Case Study of Sugarcane Production in the Incomati River Basin in Mpumalanga, South Africa

- Jo Lorentzen, Anton Cartwright and Charles Meth
- Trade Liberalization, Rural Poverty and the Environment: A Case Study of the Forest and Salmon Sectors in Chile

- Raúl O’Ryan, Mario Niklitschek, Edwin Niklitschek, Nicolo Gligo and Andres Ulloa
- Trade Liberalization, Rural Poverty and the Environment: Two Studies of Agricultural Exports in Madagascar

- Bart Minten, Philippe Méral, Lalaina Randrianarison and Johan Swinnen
- Trade liberalization, the terms of trade and agricultural growth: the example of India , pp 67-97

- Servaas Storm
- Trade Liberalization: A Public Choice Perspective , pp 151-183

- Joseph Finger
- Trade logistics and seaborne transportation , pp 409-421

- Wayne K. Talley and Sara Russell Riggs
- Trade Negotiations and Protectionism

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- Trade orientation and productivity gains from international production

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- Trade Pattern Persistence

- James Cassing and Steven Husted
- Trade Pessimists vs Technology Optimists: Induced Technical Change and Pollution Havens , pp 337-362

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- Trade policies, macroeconomic adjustment and manufacturing exports

- Sarath Rajapatirana
- Trade policy , pp 475-480

- Roger Backhouse
- Trade Policy and Competition Policy: Conflict versus Mutual Support

- Eric Bond
- Trade policy and competition policy: conflict vs. mutual support , pp 108-126

- Eric Bond
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