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- Population Aging, Changing Retirement Policies and Lifetime Earnings Profiles in Japan

- Robert Clark, Naohiro Ogawa and Rikiya Matsukura
- Population aging, economic growth, and intergenerational transfers in Japan: how dire are the prospects? , pp 231-276

- Naohiro Ogawa, Sang-Hyop Lee, Rikiya Matsukura, An-Chi Tung and Mun Sim Lai
- Population Aging, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy

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- Population and Development

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- Population and Development

- Dennis Ahlburg and Robert Cassen
- Population and development: from population control to reproductive health

- Jocelyn DeJong
- Population and Employment

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- Population and key macroeconomic variables , pp 6-24

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- Population and key macroeconomic variables , pp 7-24

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- Population and migration , pp 272-276

- Deborah Johnston
- Population and sustainability , pp 291-303

- Geoffrey McNicoll
- Population and Sustainability

- Geoffrey McNicoll
- Population and unproduction labour , pp 277-282

- Simon Mohun
- Population change and economic impacts on the affected region: the case of massive earthquakes in Japan , pp 74-93

- Yoshifumi Ishikawa
- Population change and migration in the British urban system

- Champion A.g
- Population crisis , pp 278-289

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- Population decline and accessibility in the Portuguese interior , pp 33-54

- Paulo Rui Anciães
- Population Density and the Positive Theory of Property , pp 119-122

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- Population flows and semi-urbanization , pp 188-226

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- Population, economic change, and environmental security , pp 168-191

- Clement A. Tisdell
- Population, economic growth, globalisation and conservation: a concluding perspective

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- Population, Migration, and Globalization

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- Population, Poverty and CO2 Emissions in Asia: An Overview

- Moazzem Hossain and Eliyathamby Selvanathan
- Population, poverty and responsible social protection issues of Asia , pp 26-53

- Moazzem Hossain
- Population, resources and energy in the global economy: a vindication of Herman Daly’s vision , pp 65-82

- Jonathan M. Harris
- Population, sample and survey mode

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- Population, wealth, and economicgrowth in Asia and the Pacific , pp 32-82

- Andrew Mason and Sang-Hyop Lee
- Population-based financing: the future of healthcare? , pp 129-149

- Peter Bogetoft, Misja Mikkers and Victoria Shestalova
- Population: Policy and Ethics

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- Populism and anti-populism in the United States , pp 72-83

- Charles Postel
- Populism and emotions , pp 314-324

- Emmy Eklundh
- Populism and political parties , pp 267-277

- Giovanni Barbieri
- Populism and religion , pp 469-480

- Konstantinos Papastathis
- Populism and social movements , pp 278-290

- Donatella della Porta and Martín Portos
- Populism and the commons , pp 481-493

- Alexandros Kioupkiolis
- Populism and the welfare state , pp 41-53

- Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser and Lisa Zanotti
- Populism as a political strategy , pp 154-165

- Kurt Weyland
- Populism in Africa , pp 444-455

- Sishuwa Sishuwa
- Populism in Southeast Asia , pp 433-443

- Dakila Kim P. Yee and Nicole Curato
- Populism through surveys: personality, attitudes and behaviour , pp 336-346

- Patricia Rehus, Maria Tsigkou, Steven M. Van Hauwaert and Ioannis Andreadis
- Populism, democracy and ‘the people’ , pp 11-22

- Geneviève Nootens
- Populism, music and the arts , pp 516-526

- Anna Schwenck and Mario Dunkel
- Populist constitutionalism , pp 226-238

- Akritas Kaidatzis
- Populist democracy or populist dictatorship? , pp 373-384

- Paul Lucardie
- Populist leadership and charisma , pp 291-302

- William Mazzarella
- Populist political communication , pp 303-313

- Niko Hatakka
- Populist sensibilities before ‘populism’: populism’s historic predecessors , pp 49-60

- Federico Tarragoni
- Populists at the G20 and G7: informal cooperation in turbulent times , pp 124-142

- Alex Andrione-Moylan and Jan Wouters
- Port Corporatisation and Privatisation: China’s Experience , pp 73-93

- Min Qiu
- Port Performance in Changing Logistics Environments: Measurement Development and Model Testing

- Su-Han Woo and Stephen Pettit
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