From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Standards, innovation and business models: the case of digital radio , pp 321-352

- Simon Delaere and Pieter Ballon
- Standards, patents and innovation , pp 252-268

- Timothy Simcoe and Cesare Righi
- Standards, systems of innovation and policy , pp 63-78

- Richard Hawkins
- Standing on the shoulders of giants , pp 3-24

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- Standing together: is family a resilience factor for subjective wellbeing? , pp 215-242

- Dalila De Rosa and Matteo Rizzolli
- Star Scientists and Regional Knowledge Transfer

- Michaela Trippl and Gunther Maier
- Star scientists in PV technology and the limits of academic entrepreneurship , pp 93-107

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- Star Scientists, Innovation and Regional and National Immigration

- Lynne G. Zucker and Michael Darby
- Starchitects, Starchitecture and the Symbolic Capital of World Cities

- Paul Knox
- Start-up nation Israel: transnational entrepreneurs, born globals and cross-border connections of the Israeli high-tech industry , pp 129-145

- Susann Schäfer and Sebastian Henn
- Start-up rates, entrepreneurship culture and the business cycle: Swedish patterns from national and regional data , pp 162-183

- Martin Andersson
- Started from the bottom and now were here?: Hip-hop culture and its impact , pp 118-135

- Johnny Graham, Takisha S. Toler, Nakeisha S. Ferguson (Lewis), Robert Alfonso Arias and Alonso Avila
- Starting a New Bank

- Laurence Pettit
- Starting a Transition Process Towards Building up Strategic Capabilities, 1970-90 , pp 131-174

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- Starting point bias and final offer arbitration: a classroom experiment , pp 188-194

- Victor Matheson
- Starting Research , pp 9-24

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- Startups and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems: the Russian case , pp 23-38

- Stepan Zemtsov and Alexander Mikhaylov
- Startups, financing and geography – findings from a survey , pp 257-284

- Per-Olof Bjuggren and Michel Elmoznino Laufer
- Startups, innovation and IP in sub-Saharan Africa , pp 485-499

- Mafini Dosso
- Stasis Amidst Change: Canadian Pension Reform in an Age of Retrenchment

- Daniel Béland and John Myles
- State aid , pp 93-108

- Juan Jorge Piernas López
- State aid , pp 202-224

- Jörgen Hettne
- State aid and the financial sector: the evolution of the legal framework of State aid law , pp 54-84

- Violeta Iftinchi
- State aid to banking: application of the market economy investor principle , pp 87-106

- Phedon Nicolaides
- State aid to banks in Belgium , pp 307-355

- Jean-Sébastien Duprey
- State aid to banks in France , pp 291-306

- Claire Froitzheim
- State Aid to Business

- Stephen Martin and Paola Valbonesi
- State and community enterprise: negotiating water management in rural Ireland , pp 90-97

- Patrick Bresnihan and Arielle Hesse
- State and Development

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- State and federal tax policy toward nonprofit organizations , pp 370-385

- James Alm and Daniel Teles
- State and Local Budgets the Day after It Rained: Why Is the Surplus So High? , pp 57-80

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- State and Local Fiscal Behavior and Federal Grant Policy , pp 21-56

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- State and Local Governments and their Budget Constraint , pp 1-20

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- State and market in post-war integration theory , pp 3-12

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- State and public sector: key economic and politico-institutional aspects of modern intervention , pp 49-84

- Nikolaos Karagiannis, Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi and Joanna Bens
- State capacity and vulnerability to natural disasters , pp 434-457

- Richard Tol
- State compliance with international law in intelligence matters: a behavioural approach , pp 250-288

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- State Funding and Cost Sharing of the USO Under the 2008 EU Postal Services Directive

- Richard Eccles
- State Grid and user-driven innovation: the case of ultra-high voltage power transmission , pp 30-49

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- State intervention , pp 495-501

- David A. Reisman
- State intervention in local government fiscal distress , pp 235-256

- Lang (Kate) Yang
- State intervention in the banking sector of the Netherlands , pp 356-380

- Bart P.M. Joosen
- State monopolies of a commercial character , pp 36-45

- Marius Meling
- State of emergency clauses in constitutional law , pp 107-129

- Tomonobu Hayashi
- State of Literature on Small to Medium-Size Enterprises and Entrepreneurship in Low-Income Communities , pp 473-494

- Zoltan Acs
- State Plan and Smart Growth Implementation: The New Jersey Case

- Martin A. Bierbaum
- State Prices, Liquidity, and Default , pp 332-350

- Raphaël A. Espinoza
- State reform in the 1990s: logic and control mechanisms , pp 175-220

- Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira
- State responsibility in cyberspace , pp 55-71

- Constantine Antonopoulos
- State revenue from antiquity to the modern income tax , pp 77-110

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