From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Subsidies to the farming sector: who receives direct payments in Ireland?

- Susan Scott
- Subsidies, copyright and incentives: a European perspective on the film industry , pp 131-145

- Paul Stepan
- Subsidizing the adoption of energy-saving technologies , pp 65-86

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- Subsistence

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- Substance abuse control and crime: evidence from the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse , pp 291-308

- Henry Saffer
- Substance use and workplace attendance , pp 239-254

- Michael T. French, Alphonse G. Holtmann, Kerry Anne McGeary and Gary A. Zarkin
- Substantial Convergence: The US Influence on the Development of the Regulatory Framework for IP Licensing in the EC

- Steven D. Anderman
- Substantive and Procedural Uncertainty: An Exploration of Economic Behaviours in Changing Environments , pp 165-188

- Giovanni Dosi and Massimo Egidi
- Substantive inequality and the alienated metabolism of the capital system , pp 28-43

- Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster and Daniel Auerbach
- Substantive Law Issues in Europe a Decade after TRIPS

- Paul Torremans
- Substantive merger law , pp 50-78

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- Substitution and Income Effects

- Hans Haller
- Substitution of Letter Mail for Different Sender–Receiver Segments

- Heikki Nikali
- Suburban creativity and innovation , pp 266-276

- Alison Bain
- Suburbanization and Global Cities

- Roger Keil
- Subverting Say's Law. Harlan McCracken and the Commons Keynes connection , pp 15-27

- Steven Kates
- Success in the economics major: is it path dependent? , pp 163-178

- Carlos Asarta, Roger B. Butters and Andrew Perumal
- Successes and challenges , pp 115-129

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- Successes and Disappointments , pp 255-276

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- Successful joint ventures: avoiding common joint venture pitfalls , pp 185-193

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- Successfully Catching Up: Non-Orthodox Economic and Governance Reforms in India and China

- Christian Roland
- Sufficient but Expensive Drugs: A Double-Track System that Facilitated Supply Capability in China

- Mariko Watanabe and Luwen Shi
- Sugar as commodity or health risk: The unmaking or remaking of international trade law? , pp 112-137

- Gregory Messenger
- Suggested outline of a living wage report , pp 325-335

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- Suggestions for incorporating sustainability into Principles of Microeconomics , pp 108-122

- Jack Reardon
- Suicide among smart people , pp 464-476

- Bijou Yang and David Lester
- Suitability of WES Data for Forecasting Inflation

- Sandra Hamella and Harry Haupt
- Sukuk as the Islamic debt market securities within Islamic finance , pp 181-205

- Mohamed Ariff
- Sukuk Industry Development in the Bahrain Capital Market

- Sat Paul Parashar
- Sukuk Securities, their Definitions, Classification and Pricing Issues

- Mohamed Ariff, Meysam Safari and Shamsher Mohamed
- Sulfur and sulfuric acid , pp 97-115

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- Summaries and future perspectives , pp 122-134

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- Summary , pp 239-251

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- Summary and conclusion , pp 174-178

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- Summary and conclusions , pp 126-129

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- Summary and conclusions , pp iii-iii

- Brigitte Unger
- Summary and conclusions , pp 183-187

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- Summary and Conclusions , pp 129-135

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- Summary and Conclusions , pp 241-246

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- Summary and Conclusions , pp 292-300

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- Summary and conclusions , pp 173-182

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- Summary and Conclusions , pp 183-190

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- Summary and conclusions , pp 161-163

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- Summary and conclusions , pp 164-169

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- Summary and Conclusions , pp 123-126

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- Summary and Conclusions

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- Summary and conclusions , pp 144-152

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- Summary and Conclusions , pp 190-196

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- Summary and conclusions , pp 294-306

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- Summary and conclusions of Part I , pp 34-36

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