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- The model of state control , pp 59-70

- Cristina Sin and Orlanda Tavares
- The Model of Taiwan's High-Tech Industry: TSMC

- Chia-wu Lin
- The Modeling of Transport in International Trade Theory , pp 4-12

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- The Models of the Managed and Entrepreneurial Economies

- David Audretsch and Roy Thurik
- The moderating effect of a humane orientation on entrepreneurs’ ICT use intentions , pp 198-222

- Gökhan Önder, José Fernández-Serrano and Francisco Liñán Alcalde
- The modern city and third places: new sources of sustainable entrepreneurs and competitiveness , pp 16-37

- Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay and Arnaud Scaillerez
- The modern dialectic: ideology and economic reality , pp 21-29

- John Kenneth Galbraith
- The modern era, part one: the truth about eligibility , pp 48-65

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- The modern era, part two: smoke, mirrors and elixirs , pp 66-79

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- The modern financial corporation and global policy , pp 384-399

- Kevin Young
- The Modern Monetary Theory perspective on the external economy , pp 275-292

- William Mitchell
- The Modern Money Theory approach to provisioning for an aging population , pp 264-273

- Yeva Nersisyan, Xinhua Liu and L. Randall Wray
- The Modern Prince and revolutionary strategy , pp 219-237

- Alexandros Chrysis
- The modernisation of the EU competition law regime: institutional design lessons for China? , pp 281-300

- Firat Cengiz
- The Monetarist counter-revolution: from the ‘resuscitation’ to the disappearance of money , pp 180-212

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- The monetary approach to exchange rate variations , pp 164-167

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- The monetary approach to the balance of payments (under fixed exchange rates) , pp 128-136

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- The monetary circuit and the credit channel in Mexico , pp 147-171

- Roberto Valencia Arriaga and Santiago Capraro
- The Monetary Circuit Approach: A Stock-flow Consistent Model

- Jean-Vicent Accoce and Tarik Mouakil
- The monetary conditions for growth: Parguez’s debt stability condition , pp 205-234

- Massimo Cingolani
- The monetary policy outcomes curve: can the size and structure of public debt undermine policy objectives?

- Stephanie Kelton and Rex Ballinger
- The monetary policy response to the crisis

- Dongchul Cho
- The Monetary Policy Strategy of the Eurosystem , pp 179-200

- Jan Marc Berk, Aerdt Houben and Jan Kakes
- The monetary–structural origin of TARGET2 imbalances across Euroland , pp 221-238

- Sergio Rossi
- The Monitoring Role of Financial Institutions in the Korean Corporate Sector , pp 93-114

- Sung Wook Joh
- The Montgomery County Advanced Transportation Management System , pp 110-130

- Hans Klein
- The Montreal videogame studio and its local ecosystem as a key resource of creativity , pp 119-135

- Patrick Cohendet and Laurent Simon
- The moral economy in the nineteenth century: Bellamy versus Sumner , pp i-ii

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- The Moral Economy of Technology Indicators

- Benoît Godin
- The moral legitimacy of profit orientation , pp 328-347

- Ingo Pies and Stefan Hielscher
- The Moral Micro-Foundations of Adam Smith's Concept of Industry , pp 111-136

- Roberto Censolo
- The Moral Psychology of the Environmental Age , pp 35-56

- Eric T. Freyfogle
- The more it changes, the more it stays the same? Automatic indexing and current policy , pp 64-86

- Daniel Shaviro
- The more things change, the more things stay as they are! , pp 1-9

- Keith Townsend and Mark N.K. Saunders
- The Most FDI-intensive Economy in Europe: Analysis of the Irish Experience and Current Policy Issues

- Frank Barry
- The most fundamental question: What justification, if any? , pp 19-33

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- The most-favored nation (MFN) obligation and exceptions (with a note on state trading enterprises) , pp 159-192

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- The Most-Favoured-Nation clause and intellectual property investments , pp 86-100

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- The mother of all myths: do the royals attract tourists? , pp 188-203

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- The Motivation of Entrepreneurs Toward Private Equity Financing: A Laddering Approach

- Gabriele Morandin, Massimo Bergami and Richard P. Bagozzi
- The move away from matter in art and design , pp 3-6

- Simon Clatworthy
- The moving media industry as a catalyst for technological change and economic development: Texas as a case study , pp 267-282

- Bernard L. Weinstein and Terry L. Clower
- The Multi-attribute Utility Approach to Assessing Health-related Quality of Life

- David Feeny
- The Multi-attribute Utility Approach to Assessing Health-related Quality of Life

- David Feeny
- The Multi-home-based Corporation: Solving an Insider–Outsider Dilemma

- …rjan Sölvell
- The multi-layered action of trademark: meaning, law and market , pp 341-356

- Giovanni Ramello
- The multi-sector convergence approach to global burden sharing of greenhouse gas reductions , pp 279-291

- Jos J.C. Bruggink
- The Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027 and the struggle over ideas about migration and border management , pp 172-201

- Sybille Münch
- The Multiannual Financial Framework: reforms and path-dependent development of the EU budget , pp 73-92

- Robert Kaiser
- The multicase study approach in family businesses: opportunities and challenges , pp 108-124

- Nadine Kammerlander and Vanessa Diaz-Moriana
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