From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The Economic Growth Story in India: Past, Present and Prospects for the Future

- Sudip Ranjan Basu
- The Economic History of European Growth

- Daniel Barbezat
- The economic history of migration: the pre-World War One USA as lens , pp 42-64

- Robert Margo
- The Economic Impact of a Terrorist Attack on the Twin Ports of Los Angeles–Long Beach

- Peter Gordon, James E. Moore, Harry W. Richardson and Qisheng Pan
- The economic impact of alternative interconnection arrangements among network operators , pp 220-233

- Livio Cricelli, Michele Grimaldi and Nathan Levialdi Ghiron
- The economic impact of China and Russia on the catching-up process in CESEE , pp 3-8

- Ewald Nowotny
- The Economic Impact of Collective Bargaining Coverage

- Franz Traxler and Bernd Brandl
- The economic impact of digital technologies: an empirical analysis on European countries

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- The economic impact of e- inclusion: a review of the literature

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- The economic impact of educational quality , pp 6-19

- Eric A. Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann
- The economic impact of Islamic finance and the European Union , pp 96-108

- Laurent Weill
- The Economic Impact of Mega-sporting Events

- Robert A. Baade
- The economic impact of schooling resources

- Peter Dolton, Ros Levacic and Anna Vignoles
- The Economic Impact of Sporting Facilities

- Brad Humphreys
- The Economic Impact of the Conflict in the Balkans: The Case of Serbia

- Derek L. Braddon, Jonathan Bradley and Paul Dowdall
- The Economic Impact of the Golf Majors

- Stephen Shmanske
- The economic impact of the Women’s World Cup , pp 365-387

- Dennis Coates
- The economic impact of venture capital , pp iii-iii

- Annaleena Parhankangas
- The Economic Impact, Costs and Benefits of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games: Who Wins, Who Loses?

- Stefan Kesenne
- The economic impacts of horizontal fiscal equalization as practised in Australia , pp 185-202

- Jonathan Coppel
- The economic impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the oil and port sectors , pp 152-179

- JiYoung Park, Harry W. Richardson, Qisheng Pan, Peter Gordon and James E. Moore
- The Economic Importance of Threats

- Melinda Acutt and Caroline Elliott
- The economic instability of the 1980s , pp 30-55

- Ferdinando Targetti
- The economic instruments of security policy , pp 81-103

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- The economic lifecycle and support systems in Asia , pp 130-160

- Sang-Hyop Lee and Andrew Mason
- The economic organization of employment: systems in human resource management and industrial relations

- Bruce Kaufman
- The Economic Organization, by Frank H. Knight: A Reader's Guide

- Ross Emmett
- The economic policy in Spain during the decades of the 1980s and the 1990s

- Jesus Ferreiro and Felipe Serrano
- The Economic Rationale for Financial Regulation Reconsidered: An Essay in Honour of David Llewellyn

- Richard J. Herring and Reinhard H. Schmidt
- The Economic Rationale of Intellectual Property Rights , pp 5-30

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- The Economic Rationale of Universities: A Reconsideration , pp 107-129

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- The Economic Role of Government As, In Part, A Matter of Selective Perception, Sentiment and Valuation: The Cases of Pigovian and Paretian Welfare Economics , pp 151-170

- Steven G. Medema
- The Economic Role of Technology in a Competence Bloc Based Industrial Policy Analysis , pp 31-53

- Gunnar Eliasson
- The economic role of the state in Islam , pp iii-iii

- Murat Cizakca
- The economic significance of business angels: toward comparable indicators , pp 53-75

- Sofia Avdeitchikova and Hans Landström
- The Economic Significance of the GATT/WTO Rules , pp 71-85

- Michihiro Ohyama
- The economic situation of higher education graduates in the labour market in Poland , pp 102-124

- Dominik Antonowicz and Jarosław Domalewski
- The Economic Sustainability Indicator

- Peer Ederer, Philipp Schuller and Stephan Willms
- The economic system , pp 164-184

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- The Economic System and its Reform

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- The Economic Theories and Social Reform Proposals of Ernest Solvay (1838-1922) , pp 220-262

- Guido Erreygers
- The economic theory of agricultural and consumer cooperatives , pp 9-21

- Jeffrey S. Royer
- The economic theory of regulation

- Gary M. Anderson
- The economic underpinnings of international taxation

- Julie A. Roin
- The economic value of experience goods , pp 84-97

- David Andersson and åke E. Andersson
- The economic value of higher education , pp 207-222

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- The economic, social and cultural impact of cultural heritage: methods and examples , pp i-i

- Jen D. Snowball
- The economic, social and political impact , pp 87-100

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- The economics and epidemiology of epidemics and pandemics , pp 1-11

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- The Economics and Politics of Wind Power – David Simpson, Comment

- Alistair Buchanan
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