From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Local government and the economics of federalism , pp 9-26

- Brian Dollery and Lorenzo Robotti
- Local government cooperation for joint provision: the experiences of Brazil and Spain with inter-municipal consortia , pp 221-241

- Luiz de Mello and Santiago Lago-Pe-as
- Local Government Employment

- Jon Pierre
- Local government finance in Belarus , pp 50-70

- Yuri Krivorotko
- Local government finance in Bosnia and Herzegovina , pp 71-93

- Jean Tesche
- Local government finance in Central and Eastern Europe: whither way? , pp 1-25

- äΩeljko Ćeviƒá
- Local government finance in Croatia , pp 117-140

- Anto Bajo and Ivana Jakir-Bajo
- Local government finance in Estonia , pp 161-182

- Kenneth A. Kriz
- Local government finance in Latvia , pp 209-228

- Mudƒ´te Priede and Solvita Klapare
- Local government finance in Lithuania , pp 229-254

- Gerda äΩigienƒ—, Jadvyga Ƒåiburienƒ— and Mark W. Chandler
- Local government finance in Moldova , pp 276-297

- Clare T. Romanik, Eugeniu Hristev and Maria Salabuga
- Local government finance in Montenegro , pp 298-318

- Djordjije Blaäæiƒá
- Local government finance in Poland , pp 319-341

- Piotr Bury and PaweäÇ Swianiewicz
- Local government finance in Romania , pp 342-363

- Claudiu Doltu
- Local government finance in Serbia , pp 364-390

- Thomas Meekel
- Local government finance in Slovakia , pp 391-413

- Juraj Nemec
- Local Government Grants and Income Tax Revenue: Redistributive Politics in Norway 1900-1990 , pp 223-239

- Lars-Erik Borge and Jorn Rattso
- Local government policy , pp 257-270

- Brian Dollery and Lorenzo Robotti
- Local Government Reforms in the Nordic Countries, Theory and Practice , pp 19-28

- Jørgen Lotz
- Local Government Service Production: The Politics of Allocative Sluggishness , pp 256-278

- Lars-Erik Borge, Jorn Rattso and Rune Sørensen
- Local government size and efficiency in capital-intensive services: what evidence is there of economies of scale, density and scope? , pp 148-170

- Germà Bel
- Local government size and efficiency in labor-intensive public services: evidence from local educational authorities in England , pp 171-188

- Rhys Andrews
- Local government: management or politics?

- Howard Elcock and Martin Minogue
- Local Governments Integrated in a Welfare State: A Review of Norwegian Local Government Performance , pp 49-68

- Jorn Rattso and Rune J. Sørensen
- Local Growth and Poverty Reduction , pp 398-422

- Arsenio Balisacan
- Local health and the global environment: an integrated assessment of air pollution control in China

- Chao Yang Peng
- Local housing standard for a living wage , pp 113-147

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- Local modeling in a regression framework , pp 123-141

- Mehak Sachdeva, Taylor Oshan and A. Stewart Fotherington
- Local option taxes , pp 42-63

- Whitney Afonso
- Local Patterns of Growth in a Global Perspective: A Territorial Scenario of an Enlarged Europe

- Roberta Capello
- Local Politics and Local Economy , pp 157-203

- Emmanuel de Dios
- Local Public Expenditure in Sweden: A Model where the Median Voter is not Necessarily Decisive , pp 147-158

- Thomas Aronsson and Magnus Wikström
- Local Public Finance and the Soft-budget Problem , pp 157-200

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- Local Public Spending in France: The Case of Welfare Programmes at the Département Level , pp 97-114

- Guy Gilbert and Yvon Rocaboy
- Local public transport , pp 91-116

- Giovanni Fraquelli
- Local Public Transport services: the efficiency of public enterprises competing with the private sector in the EU Member States , pp 197-219

- Annalisa Negrelli, Anastasia Roukouni and Angélique Chassy
- Local public-private relationships for economic development in Mexico: a qualitative analysis , pp 442-471

- Isela Orihuela
- Local social entrepreneurship and social capital , pp 55-81

- Niels Bosma, Veronique Schutjens and Beate Volker
- Local systems and global market (with Enzo Rullani) , pp 48-66

- with Enzo Rullani
- Local tax Revenue Mobilization in Indonesia's Decentralizing Era

- Robert A. Simanjuntak and B. Raksaka Mahi
- Local Time Policies in Europe

- Jean-Yves Boulin
- Local upgrading strategies in response to global challenges: the surgical instrument cluster of Tuttlingen, Germany

- Gerhard Halder
- Local, Regional and Global Production Networks: Reintegration of the Hungarian Automotive Industry , pp 95-128

- Attila Havas
- Localising energy: heat networks and municipal governance , pp 369-382

- Jessica Britton
- Localism as a Production Imperative: An Alternative Framework for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage

- Jon M. Garon
- Locality studies , pp 93-93

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- Locality, observability and community action (LOCUM) in test development and use in emerging education settings , pp 326-342

- Elias Mpofu, Thomas Oakland, Kayi Ntinda, Jacobus G. Maree and Elizabeth G. Seeco
- Localized competition in the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship , pp 145-160

- Lawrence A. Plummer and Zoltan Acs
- Localized Learning and Social Capital

- Mark Lorenzen
- Localized technological change , pp 332-340

- Kristiaan Kerstens, Jens J. Krüger and Zhiyang Shen
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