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- The EU Framework on ESG , pp 378-396

- Erik Lidman
- The EU in Search of its New Shape: Economic Challenges and Governance Reforms in the Sovereign Debt Crisis

- Daniela Schwarzer
- The EU in world finance , pp 186-204

- Brian Scott-Quinn
- The EU Integration of the New Member States’ Electricity Markets – Testing for Wholesale Price Convergence Using the Kalman Filter

- Georg Zachmann
- The EU Postal Services and Public Procurement Law: Legal and Regulatory Issues for the Postal Sector

- Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo
- The EU Precautionary Principle Impacts Both Food Safety and Market Entry and Competitiveness

- Miguel Ángel Recuerda Girela
- The EU public procurement regime on third-country bidders – setting the cursor between openness and reciprocity , pp 76-88

- Frank Hoffmeister
- The EU R&D Under-investment: Patterns in R&D Expenditure and Financing

- Vincent Duchêne, Elissavet Lykogianni and Arnold Verbeek
- The EU regulations on matrimonial property regimes and on the property consequences of registered partnerships , pp 39-49

- Sabine Heijning
- The EU Retail Food Market Share Matrix , pp 65-98

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- The EU vis-à-vis China: A Question of Power and Coercion?

- Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael
- The EU Working Time Directive in the Czech Republic , pp 179-192

- Tomáš Sirovátka
- The EU's trade policy on cross-border data flows in the global landscape: navigating the thin line between liberalizing digital trade, 'digital sovereignty' and multilateralism , pp 192-208

- Svetlana Yakovleva
- The Eurasian Customs Union: framing the analysis , pp 1-12

- Rilka Dragneva and Kataryna Wolczuk
- The euro and Europe's labour , pp 73-85

- Guglielmo Carchedi
- The Euro and its Guardian of Stability: Fiction and Reality of the 10th Anniversary Blast

- Jörg Bibow
- The euro and the EMU: lessons for MERCOSUR

- Philip Arestis, Fernando Ferrari-Filho, Luiz Fernando de Paula and Malcolm Sawyer
- The Euro and the Financial System , pp 133-152

- Henk Huisman, Jacob Meesters and Renske Oort
- The Euro and the International Financial System

- Richard Portes
- The Euro and the International Monetary System

- Johan Baras, Reinhard Felke and Daniel Daco
- The euro and the stabilisation of the Eastern European economy

- David Mayes
- The Euro and the Transmission of Monetary Policy

- Ignazio Angeloni and Michael Ehrmann
- The Euro Area: A Shelter? Estonia’s Perspective

- Märten Ross
- The Euro as a Hindrance to Recovery? A Comparative Analysis of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

- Jií Schwarz and Josef Sima
- The Euro as a Safe Haven Asset in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

- Helmut Stix
- The euro crisis , pp 243-271

- David Mayes
- The Euro crisis: the battle of ideas how to address it - and its effects on European integration , pp 74-93

- Clément Fontan and Antoine de Cabanes
- The Euro Experience and Lessons for the GCC Currency Union

- Paul De Grauwe
- The Euro in Europe and the World

- Christopher Johnson
- The euro market erodes US financial structure , pp 21-28

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- The European and Asian Experience of Implementing Congestion Charging: Its Applicability to the United States

- Tom Rye and Stephen Ison
- The European automotive industry: a strategic sector in search of a new industrial policy , pp 304-331

- Samuel Klebaner and Sigfrido RamÃrez Pérez
- The European Banking Union and EU administrative law , pp 49-65

- Mario P. Chiti
- The European Banking Union and its impact on legal disciplines: a short introduction , pp 1-8

- Gianni Lo Schiavo
- The European Banking Union and the Economic and Monetary Union - A re-telling of Cinderella with an uncertain happy ever after? , pp 10-28

- Gavin Barrett
- The European Banking Union: integrating supervisory approaches , pp 539-549

- Franco Fiordelisi and Giulia Scardozzi
- The European Central Bank and Financial Supervision

- Sylvester Eijffinger
- The European CO2 allowances market: issues in the transition to Phase III , pp 500-520

- Christian de Perthuis and Raphael Trotignon
- The European Coal and Steel Community

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- The European Commission’s role in trade policy , pp 79-98

- Lars Nilsson
- The European Communities’ external action , pp 10-26

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- The European debt crisis and a stable design of EMU , pp 36-46

- Klaas Knot and Silvie Verkaart
- The European Deposit Insurance Scheme , pp 366-395

- Christos V. Gortsos
- The European energy infrastructure system , pp 78-120

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- The European Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and Modern Economic Growth

- Joel Mokyr
- The European experience of economic integration

- Paul Brenton and Miriam Manchin
- The European Experience with Merger and Deregulation

- Susan Beth Farmer
- The European Firm

- Alessandra Colombelli and Francesco Quatraro
- The European framework for monitoring and control of the EU budget , pp 128-144

- Elsa Perreau
- The European gas sector: political-economy implications of the transition from state-owned to mixed-owned enterprises , pp 220-234

- Roberto Cardinale
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