From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Social embedding of the corporation: family conglomerates around the world , pp 199-214

- Diego Finchelstein
- Social embedding: its nature and role in determining our economic and environmental future , pp 78-93

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- Social enterprise , pp 318-326

- Carlo Borzaga
- Social entrepreneurial intention , pp 104-121

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- Social Entrepreneurs: A Neoclassical Theory

- Simon Parker
- Social entrepreneurship and performance measurement: a literature review of theoretical and empirical implications , pp 181-199

- Christoph Feichtinger
- Social entrepreneurship between earning a living and emancipation: impact of microfinance on people with disabilities in Kenya , pp 773-788

- Yvonne Wechuli, Sellah Lusweti, Halimu Shauri and Elisabeth Wacker
- Social Europe: the Pillar of Social Rights , pp 32-45

- Georg Fischer
- Social evolution in conjunction with economic development in Korea , pp 84-118

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- Social exchange theory, employment relations and human resource management , pp 264-279

- Christine Cross and Tony Dundon
- Social Exclusion

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- Social Exclusion and Urban Policy in European Cities: Combining ‘Northern’ and ‘Southern’ European Perspectives

- F. Moulaert, E. Morlicchio and L. Cavola
- Social Exclusion of Immigrants from a Capability Perspective: The Case of Portugal

- Nuno Martins and Américo Mendes
- Social exclusion: empirical findings , pp 206-229

- Bea Cantillon, András Gábos, Tim Goedemé and Ist ván György Tóth
- Social exclusion: theoretical approaches , pp 193-205

- Luna Bellani and Alessio Fusco
- Social foundations of entrepreneurship education: a family-centric exploration , pp 143-164

- Jose A. Cerecedo Lopez
- Social Health Protection: Policy Options for Low- and Middle-income Countries

- Philipa Mladovsky
- Social impact bonds: challenges and success , pp 223-240

- Eleonora Broccardo and Maria Mazzuca
- Social impact of the crisis

- Joung-Woo Lee
- Social Impact of the Crisis in the United Kingdom: Focus on Gender and Age Inequalities

- Damian Grimshaw and Anthony Rafferty
- Social inclusion - Social inclusion and sport: beating the odds or changing the odds? , pp 162-175

- Fred Coalter
- Social inequalities in higher education participation , pp 172-188

- Moris Triventi
- Social inequalities, environmental crises, and the STIRPAT model , pp 59-70

- Patrick Trent Greiner, Julius Alexander McGee and Richard York
- Social inequality: empirical findings , pp 400-433

- Indranil Dutta and Gaston Yalonetzky
- Social inequality: theoretical approaches , pp 377-399

- Casilda Lasso de la Vega
- Social infrastructure , pp 152-171

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- Social infrastructure for migrants and integration , pp 160-176

- Judith Kohlenberger
- Social infrastructure in the NowHereland of undocumented migration: the case of Austria and Israel , pp 177-199

- Ursula Trummer, Sonja Novak-Zezula and Lika Nusbaum
- Social infrastructures from a global perspective: beyond the formal and informal divide , pp 333-349

- Judith M. Lehner
- Social Innovation and Institutional Change in Ireland in the Late 20th Century: From ‘The Poorest of the Rich’ to ‘Europe’s Shining Light’?

- Julia S. O’Connor
- Social innovation and social change , pp 39-57

- Jürgen Howaldt and Michael Schwarz
- Social innovation and social sciences: reflections on a difficult relationship , pp 245-262

- Klaus Schuch and Nela Å Alamon
- Social innovation ecosystems: a literature review and insights for a research agenda , pp 149-167

- Graziela Dias Alperstedt and Carolina Andion
- Social Innovation or Hegemonic Change? Rapid Paradigm Change in Finland in the 1980s and 1990s

- Risto Heiskala and Timo J. Hämäläinen
- Social Innovation, Social Enterprise and Services

- Denis Harrisson, Juan-Luis Klein and Paul Leduc Browne
- Social Innovation, Structural Adjustment and Economic Performance

- Timo J. Hämäläinen
- Social Innovations: Structural and Power Perspectives

- Risto Heiskala
- Social Institutions Among Economists in the Wake of the Financial Crisis

- Henry Farrell
- Social institutions and game theory

- Andrew Schotter
- Social Interaction without the State

- Christopher Coyne
- Social investing without legal imprimatur: The latent possibilities for SWFs , pp 389-414

- Benjamin J. Richardson and Angela Lee
- Social investment and the international development organizations , pp 216-234

- Sarah Cook
- Social investment as a means of integrating immigrants in Europe , pp 196-215

- Steinar Stjernø
- Social investment in early childhood in Australia , pp 33-51

- Amy Conley Wright
- Social investment: concepts, uses and theoretical perspectives , pp 13-32

- James Midgley
- Social investments and poor families in India: the role of early childhood and employment programmes , pp 70-86

- Sony Pellissery
- Social Justice

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- Social justice and economic policy , pp 126-154

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- Social Justice Examined: With a Little Help from Adam Smith

- Anthony de Jasay
- Social justice goes hand in hand with environmental campaigns - and not just in Africa , pp 131-133

- Phyllis Omido
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