From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Community and civic participation effects on health and well-being , pp 177-199

- Luke Munford and Daniel Gray
- Community and Economy: Economy's Base

- Stephen Gudeman
- Community and Economy: Economy’s Base

- Stephen Gudeman
- Community and Indigenous concepts of and involvement with ‘health’ and how they contribute to achieving the SDGs , pp 119-139

- Amanda Wingett, Eniola Olubukola Cadmus, Julieta Matos Freschi, Mariana M. Vale, Simeon I. Cadmus, Stewart Sutherland and Robyn G. Alders
- Community Case Study Research

- Dianne Dredge and Rob Hales
- Community Composition and the Provision of Local Public Goods: A Normative Analysis , pp 211-231

- Robert M. Schwab, Wallace E. Oates, Robert M. Schwab and Wallace E. Oates
- Community development corporations collectivize to stay in place: lessons from Chicago’s Northwest Side , pp 191-209

- Ivis García
- Community enterprise: diverse designs for community-owned energy infrastructure , pp 56-64

- Jarra Hicks
- Community finance: marshalling investments for community-owned renewable energy enterprises , pp 370-378

- Jarra Hicks
- Community Indifference Curves and the Scitovsky ‘Paradox’

- Richard Lipsey
- Community investment and crowdfunding as partnership strategies for local infrastructure delivery , pp 265-281

- Kate E. Gasparro
- Community land trusts: embracing the relationality of property , pp 292-299

- Louise Crabtree
- Community organizing and interorganizational network changes in a justice system reform coalition in Chicago , pp 293-312

- Brian D. Christens and Daniel G. Cooper
- Community participation and decision making

- Paul Francis
- Community participation and School Based Management , pp 510-518

- Michael Latham
- Community resilience to environmental hazards and climate change: can smart growth make a difference? , pp 277-290

- Marccus D. Hendricks and Philip R. Berke
- Community technology: liberating community development , pp 106-134

- Alvin Lowi and Spencer MacCallum
- Community, creativity and innovation , pp 342-359

- Joanne Roberts
- Community-based alternative currencies as drivers of new monetary arrangements , pp 245-271

- Jerome Blanc and Marie Fare
- Community-based mental health care , pp 482-493

- René Keet
- Commuting and migration: can they be complementary? , pp 209-219

- Raphael Bar-El and Miki Malul
- Companion robots for well-being: a review and relational framework , pp 309-330

- Andrea Ruggiero, Dominik Mahr, Gaby Odekerken-Schrö der, Tiziana Russo Spena and Cristina Mele
- Company Board Representation

- Jürgen G. Backhaus
- Company classification taxonomy and corporate intellectual property rights owners , pp 55-80

- Janice Denoncourt
- Company Financial Structure: A Survey and Implications for Developing Economies

- Sanjiva Prasad, Christopher Green and Victor Murinde
- Company performance and characteristics , pp 70-82

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- Company Tax in New Zealand

- Matt Benge and David Holland
- Comparatie Advantage

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- Comparative Advantage in Thailand and Indonesia and Potential Free Trade Agreements: Implications for Trade Diversion

- William E. James
- Comparative Advantage of Nations

- Wladimir Andreff
- Comparative Advantage Recycling in Labor-Driven Growth: An Unprecedented Opportunity for the Poor to Rise?

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- Comparative Analysis of Selected European Biotechnology Platforms

- Philip Cooke, Carla De Laurentis, Robert Kaiser and Michael Liecke
- Comparative analysis of the country case studies , pp 153-191

- Daniele Di Nunzio and Serena Rugiero
- Comparative analysis of the GRI Standards and the IR Framework and their impact on the quality of disclosures , pp 90-108

- Ewa Różańska, Łukasz Matuszak and Joanna Dyczkowska
- Comparative Analysis of the Market Structure of Broadcasting and Telecommunications in Japan

- Sumiko Asai
- Comparative analysis of the measurement of food insecurity and implications for policy , pp 98-106

- Catherine Littler, Susan Belyea and Jennifer Brady
- Comparative cases from Portuguese social innovation public policy , pp 89-106

- Irene Ciccarino
- Comparative economic systems

- David L. Prychitko
- Comparative Economic Systems

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- Comparative Economic Systems and the Role of Government , pp 32-53

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- Comparative framing: per se, ‘quick look’, ‘abbreviated’ and ‘full’ rule of reason in US antitrust law , pp 26-60

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- Comparative housing research , pp 141-157

- Mark Stephens and Rod Hick
- Comparative Industrial Evolution and the Quest for an Evolutionary Theory of Market Dynamics , pp 59-78

- Guido Buenstorf
- Comparative judicial efficiency: Examining case disposition in five countries’ courts of last resort , pp 393-406

- Anthony Kreis, John Szmer and Robert K. Christensen
- Comparative labour migration policies , pp 290-308

- Camilla Devitt
- Comparative law and Chinese legal tradition: through the lens of judicial precedent , pp 197-215

- Qiao Liu
- Comparative law and cyberspace , pp 177-196

- Catalina Goanta
- Comparative Models of Banking Reform , pp 147-162

- Djordje Djukić
- Comparative perspectives in fighting organized crime , pp 205-234

- Antonello Miranda
- Comparative political thought , pp 42-52

- Takamichi Sakurai
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