From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Government and Governance – How to Build and Sustain a Consistent Focus: The Case of Three Italian Cities

- Stefano Mollica, Marco Lucchini and Giovanna Hirsch
- Government and its Bureaucracy

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- Government as entrepreneur: examples from US technology policy

- Albert Link and Jamie R. Link
- Government bankruptcy of Balkan nations and the consequences for money and inflation before 1914: a comparative analysis , pp 236-254

- Peter Bernholz
- Government debt in the modern money system , pp 164-173

- Joelle Leclaire
- Government debt, growth and inequality in income distibution: a post-Keynesian analysis

- Pasquale Commendatore, Carlo Panico and Antonio Pinto
- Government efficiency and fiscal rules , pp 149-176

- Amélie Barbier-Gauchard, Kéa Baret and Xavier Debrun
- Government Entrepreneurship , pp 71-80

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- Government Expenditure and Economic Destablization

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- Government Expenditure and Social Status in a Two-sector Model of Endogenous Growth , pp 256-268

- Jhy-yuan Shieh, Wen-ya Chang and Ching-chong Lai
- Government failure , pp 44-56

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- Government failure, IPRs and economic development , pp 65-74

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- Government failures in railway public policy: the British case , pp 368-399

- Mark Casson
- Government Finances

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- Government financial resilience - a European perspective , pp 408-432

- Carmela Barbera, Bernard Kofi Dom, Céline du Boys, Sanja Korac, Iris Saliterer and Ileana Steccolini
- Government Funding Policies

- Stefan Toepler
- Government funding policies , pp 409-427

- Stefan Toepler
- Government ideology and economic freedom: new empirical evidence , pp 144-158

- Klaus Gründler, Armin Hackenberger and Niklas Potrafke
- Government intervention and educational equity: leveraging educator preparation programmes at historically black colleges and universities , pp 276-296

- Denise Pearson
- Government intervention and transaction management , pp 196-225

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- Government Objectives and Sport

- Barrie Houlihan
- Government originating and closing the circuit , pp 210-220

- Romar Correa
- Government Oversight of Next Generation Wireless Networks

- Rob Frieden
- Government Policies and FDI Inflows of Asian Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence

- Rashmi Banga
- Government policies for MNEs’ sustainable linkages , pp 274-293

- Axèle Giroud, Stephania Bonilla-Feret and Fulvia Farinelli
- Government Policies Towards FDI Across East and Southeast Asia: Move Towards Business Policies Encouraging Inter-firm Relationships between MNEs and Local Firms

- Axèle Giroud
- Government policy , pp 116-140

- Jen Snowball
- Government policy and financial inclusion: analyzing the impact of the Indian national mission for financial inclusion , pp 265-292

- Rachel Hadar and Ronny Manos
- Government Policy for Sustainable Development: Building Sustainability in Brazil , pp 1-18

- Clóvis Cavalcanti
- Government policy: private incentives, public virtues? , pp 35-43

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- Government Procurement

- Linda M. Young
- Government Programs to Encourage Innovation by Start-ups and SMEs: The Role of US Innovation Awards

- Charles W. Wessner
- Government Regulation and Property Rights

- Dwight R. Lee
- Government regulations and genetically-modified organisms

- Nancy F. Millis
- Government spending efficiency, measurement and applications: A cross-country efficiency dataset , pp 44-71

- Antonio Afonso, Joao Jalles and Ana Venâncio
- Government Spending, Effective Demand, Distribution and Growth: A Dynamic Analysis

- Pasquale Commendatore, Carlo Panico and Antonio Pinto
- Government Use of the Postal System: An Ignored USO Component

- Michael J Ravnitzky and J.P. Klingenberg
- Government-Issued Fiat Money

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- Government-led Restructuring of Firms' Excess Capacity and its Limits: Korean 'Big Deal' Case , pp 195-216

- In Kwon Lee
- Government-reliant SPOs , pp 132-148

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- Government: Target, Protector and Aggressor

- John L. Taylor
- Governmental accounting and financial management in practice: current trends and country experiences , pp 77-94

- Qiushi Wang and Shaodong Zhu
- Governmental Commissions on Green Taxes in Denmark , pp 1-12

- Jørgen Birk Mortensen and Jens Hauch
- Governmentality for positive project management , pp 78-86

- Stewart Clegg and Johan Ninan
- Governments and Policy Networks: Chances, Risks, and a Missing Strategy

- Charlotte Streck and Eleni Dellas
- Governments and Policy Networks: Chances, Risks, and a Missing Strategy

- Charlotte Streck
- Governments and their banks , pp 1-9

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- Governments as entrepreneur: Evaluating the commercialization success of SBIR projects , pp 25-38

- Albert Link and John T. Scott
- Governments, administrative divisions, and urban policies , pp 88-133

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- GP08 is the New F53: Gul and Pesendorfer’s Methodological Essay from the Viewpoint of Blaug’s Popperian Methodology , pp 245-266

- D Wade Hands
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