From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Franchise Contracts

- Antony Dnes
- Franchises and Federations: The Economics of Multi-site Nonprofit Organizations

- Dennis R. Young and Lewis Faulk
- Franchises and federations: the economics of multi-site nonprofit organizations , pp 300-322

- Dennis R. Young and Lewis Faulk
- Franchising

- Steven C. Michael
- Franchising Health Care for Kenya: The HealthStore Foundation Model

- Michelle Fertig and Herc Tzaras
- Franchising PPP advocacy: PPP units , pp 118-143

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- Franchising: An Interdependent Alternative to Independent SMEs , pp 298-311

- Leo Dana, Hamid Etemad and Richard W. Wright
- Francis Hutcheson and David Hume , pp 38-56

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- Francis Hutcheson: Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria (1747) , pp 246-247

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- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth , pp 578-582

- Alberto Baccini
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845–1926)

- John Creedy
- Francisco Garca: A Very General and Useful Treatise on Contracts (1583) , pp 120-122

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- FRAND, hold-up and hold-out , pp 23-33

- Thomas Vinje
- Frank H. Knight

- Ross Emmett
- Frank H. Knight (1885–1972)

- Ross Emmett
- Frank Knight's dissent from progressive social science , pp 153-164

- Ross Emmett
- Frank Plumpton Ramsey (1903–1930)

- K. Vela Velupillai and Ragupathy Venkatachalam
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the moral economy , pp i-ii

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- Franz Böhm (1895–1977)

- Heinz Grossekettler
- Franz Klein (1854–1926)

- Peter Lewisch
- François Quesnay (1694–1774) and Physiocracy

- Arnaud Orain and Philippe Steiner
- François Divisia (1889-1964): A Pioneer Responsible for the Integration of Mathematical Method into French Economics , pp 81-93

- Lucette Le Van-Lemesle
- Fraternity , pp 153-162

- Adrian Pabst
- Fraud, management control systems, and personal ethics , pp 191-203

- Bernard Leca and Aziza Laguecir
- Free allocation of emission permits to reduce carbon leakage: an evolutionary approach , pp 76-93

- Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi, Gianluca Iannucci and Mauro Sodini
- Free banking

- Kevin Dowd
- Free Banking

- Kevin Dowd
- Free Disposal and the 'Rule of Free Goods'

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- Free movement of capital and payments , pp 150-176

- Carsten Zatschler
- Free movement of goods , pp 11-35

- Georges Baur
- Free Movement of Persons and Sport

- Robin C.A. White
- Free movement of workers and persons , pp 46-69

- Benedikt Pirker
- Free Trade Agreements between Japan and ASEAN Member States: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

- Sufian Jusoh and Intan Murnira Ramli
- Free Trade Agreements in East Asian Countries: What Has Been Done and Needs to Be Done , pp 179-199

- Jung Taik Hyun and Jin Young Hong
- Free Trade and Poverty , pp 20-42

- Fernando A. Noriega-Ureña
- Free trade and transportation in Brazil: towards an integrated approach

- Paulo Resende, Joaquim Guilhoto and Geoffrey J. D. Hewings
- Free Trade Areas and Economic Integration in East Asia: The View from China

- Christopher Howe
- Free Trade in Agricultural Products and the Environment

- Henk Massink, Gerard van Dijk, Niek Hazendonk and Jan van Vliet
- Free Trade or Social Tariffs?

- George DeMartino
- Free trade or social tariffs? , pp 408-418

- George DeMartino
- Free trade with the former COMECON countries as unequal exchange , pp 255-276

- Marta Kuc-Czarnecka, Andrea Saltelli, Magdalena Olczyk and Erik Reinert
- Free universities as academic commons , pp 316-322

- Esra Erdem
- Free Versus Monitored Job Search

- Michael Olsson
- Free will in economics: is there freedom of choice? , pp 87-111

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- Free(mium) strategies for digital goods , pp 126-141

- Kevin J. Boudreau, Lars Bo Jeppesen and Milan Miric
- Freedom

- Nicolas Gravel
- Freedom and flourishing , pp 402-414

- Douglas J. Den Uyl and Douglas B. Rasmussen
- Freedom and the archive , pp 99-118

- Germaine Ingram and Toni Shapiro-Phim
- Freedom and the Rule of Law , pp 47-65

- Bruno Leoni
- Freedom of Choice, Power, and the Responsibility of Decision Makers

- Manfred J. Holler
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