From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Tax increment financing as a tool of redevelopment , pp 182-198
- Jeffrey I. Chapman
- Tax Instruments for Curbing Co2 Emissions

- S. Smith
- Tax justice activists in global wealth chains , pp 90-108

- Leonard Seabrooke and Duncan Wigan
- Tax justice as social licence: the Fair Tax Mark , pp 219-246

- Allison Christians
- Tax Morale and Institutions

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- Tax Morale in Latin America

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- Tax Morale, Tax Evasion and the Shadow Economy

- Gebhard Kirchgässner
- Tax neutrality and Distribution Regimes , pp 287-335

- Pablo A. Hernández González-Barreda
- Tax Normalizations, the Marginal Cost of Funds, and Optimal Environmental Taxes , pp 194-199

- Roberton Williams
- Tax policies to promote economic development , pp 116-130
- Helen Ladd
- Tax Policy Development and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations , pp 206-232

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- Tax Policy in India , pp 309-334

- Vasanthi Monsingh, Ian Kerr and Michael Thorpe
- Tax Policy under Uncertainty , pp 75-110

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- Tax Reform and Demographic Groups , pp 99-129

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- Tax reform in Latin America: a long-term assessment , pp 116-130

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- Tax Reform under Putin , pp 38-66

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- Tax Reform, Structural Unemployment and the Environment , pp 379-396

- A. Lans Bovenberg and Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg
- Tax revenue management and reform in the digital era in developing and developed countries , pp 202-225

- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Eduardo Sanz-Arcega and José Manuel Tránchez Martín
- Tax Smoothing and Population Ageing , pp 173-202

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- Tax Solutions to the External Costs of Obesity

- Julie Elston, Kenneth R. Stanton and David T. Levy
- Tax sparing: a reconsideration of the reconsideration , pp i-ii

- Luís Eduardo Schoueri
- Tax System Change and the Impact of Tax Research

- Richard Bird
- Tax Systems in the OECD: Recent Evolution, Competition, and Convergence

- Vito Tanzi
- Tax Theory and Policy

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- Tax treatment of the interaction between water and energy , pp 18-32

- Marta Villar Ezcurra and Enrique Fonseca Capdevila
- Tax-driven Money: Additional Evidence from the History of Economic Thought, Economic History and Economic Policy

- Mathew Forstater
- Taxation

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- Taxation

- Roy E. Cordato
- Taxation and Accounting Issues in Development Policies

- Kevin Holmes
- Taxation and bank risk-taking , pp 31-53

- Yun Luo and Sailesh Tanna
- Taxation and belonging: the history and rhetoric of tax, full citizenship, and community membership in the United States , pp 169-186

- Tessa Davis
- Taxation and economic policy , pp 9-49

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- Taxation and electricity transmission: bringing wind energy onto the grid , pp 161-176

- Emily E. Steinhilber and Jonathan R. Voegele
- Taxation and equitable economic development , pp 93-105

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- Taxation and gender , pp 192-207

- Laura Seelkopf
- Taxation and impact on societies , pp 46-59

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- Taxation and inequality , pp 178-191

- Julian Limberg
- Taxation and inequality in the Americas: Changing the fiscal contract? , pp 193-237

- Richard Bird and Eric M. Zolt
- Taxation and Kalecki's theory of the business cycle , pp 46-63

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- Taxation and labour supply , pp 121-139

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- Taxation and nudging , pp 317-330

- Simon James
- Taxation in a Federal System: The Tax-Assignment Problem , pp 351-376

- Wallace E. Oates and Wallace E. Oates
- Taxation in general equilibrium , pp 205-217

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- Taxation of multinational companies in the digital economy: current outlook , pp 425-441

- Gilberto Cárdenas Cárdenas and Paloma Tobes Portillo
- Taxation of Travel and Tourism

- James Mak
- Taxation reform for promoting low carbon green growth in China , pp 53-66

- Chazhong Ge, Xiaoqiong Li, Jinnan Wang, Yajuan Ren and Minbin Xue
- Taxation versus tradable permits and alternative policies for environmental management , pp 235-242

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- Taxes and Firm Performance: Evidence from the OECD

- Åsa Johansson, Christopher Heady, Jens Arnold, Bert Brys, Laura Vartia and Philip Spier
- Taxes and human capital accumulation , pp 237-262

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- Taxes and Labour Supply in Sweden - A Meta Analysis , pp 137-150

- Magnus Wikström
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