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- Public Policies to Support New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) , pp 419-429

- Zoltan Acs
- Public Policy Alternatives , pp 246-252

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- Public Policy and Entrepreneurship

- Albert Link
- Public Policy and Immigration Settlement: How Much Does Immigrant Selection Matter?

- Deborah Cobb-Clark and Siew-Ean Khoo
- Public policy and Indigenous Peoples' right to health in Brazil and Mali , pp 227-241

- Mariam Wallet Med Aboubakrine
- Public policy considerations

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- Public policy discourse: anti-terrorism and migration , pp 345-359

- Maureen Duffy
- Public policy for financial inclusion , pp 13-27

- David T. Llewellyn
- Public policy in a blockchain era , pp 138-151

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- Public Policy in an Entrepreneurial Society

- Zoltan Acs
- Public policy issues on the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Japan , pp 197-211

- Soocheol Lee and Kazuhiro Ueta
- Public Policy Reform and Expanding Societal Expectations

- F. King Alexander
- Public policy response to the pandemic , pp 75-90

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- Public Policy to Support Retirement: An Alternative to Financialization

- Yeva Nersisyan and L. Randall Wray
- Public Policy: Contributions of American Institutionalism

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- Public Preferences Toward Environmental Risks: The Case of Trihalomethanes

- Richard Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell
- Public private partnership: first steps towards a juridical definition , pp 2-29

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- Public private partnerships juridical identity: the international dimension , pp 30-55

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- Public private partnerships juridical identity: the local dimension , pp 56-80

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- Public procurement case , pp 209-217

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- Public procurement for e-government services: challenges and problems related to the implementation of a new innovative scheme in Greek local authorities , pp 209-234

- Yannis Caloghirou, Aimilia Protogerou and Panagiotis Panaghiotopoulos
- Public procurement for innovation elements in the Chinese new energy vehicles program , pp 179-208

- Yanchao Li, Luke Georghiou and John Rigby
- Public procurement for innovation in developing countries: the case of Petrobras , pp 263-298

- Cássio Garcia Ribeiro and André Tosi Furtado
- Public procurement in India , pp 221-253

- Nitya Nanda, Shiju M.V. and Gaurang Meher Diljun
- Public procurement in Morocco , pp 254-282

- Lahcen Achy and Susan Joekes
- Public project procurement and the case for public–private partnerships , pp 172-196

- Michael Regan
- Public recreation areas as social infrastructure: empirical results from Vienna , pp 273-286

- Michael Getzner
- Public Research and Industrial Innovation: A Comparison of US and European Innovation Systems in the Life Sciences

- Massimo Riccaboni, Jason Owen-Smith, Walter W. Powell and Fabio Pammolli
- Public research enterprises: The changing landscape , pp 1-16

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- Public research funding in Asian latecomer countries: developmental legacy and dilemmas , pp 378-394

- So Young Kim
- Public research organisations and public research funding , pp 221-240

- Laura Cruz-Castro and Luis Sanz-Menéndez
- Public sector adjustment amidst structural adjustment in Greece: Subordinate, spasmodic and sporadic , pp 259-299

- Zafiris Tzannatos and Yannis Monogios
- Public sector adjustment and the threat to gender equality , pp 43-83

- Jill Rubery
- Public sector adjustments in Germany: From cooperative to competitive federalism , pp 214-258

- Gerhard Bosch
- Public Sector and Regulatory Reforms: A Critical Evaluation

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- Public sector entrepreneurship, principal investigators, and entrepreneurial effectuation , pp 130-145

- James A. Cunningham, Matthias Menter and Kayleigh Watson
- Public sector entrepreneurship: a policy framework , pp 1-20

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- Public sector entrepreneurship: a restatement of a pricing policy recommendation , pp 107-111

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- Public sector innovation: which season of public sector reform? , pp 131-145

- Kai Wegrich
- Public Sector Investment in Tourism Infrastructure

- Marcia Sakai
- Public Sector Management Reform in Japan

- Kiyoshi Yamamoto
- Public sector management reform in Japan: hybridization of old and new models or searching for a new model? , pp 291-310

- Kiyoshi Yamamoto
- Public Sector Pension Governance, Funding and Performance: A Longitudinal Appraisal

- Tongxuan (Stella) Yang and Olivia Mitchell
- Public sector reform and merit: principles, practices, and pushback , pp 27-40

- Catherine Althaus
- Public sector reform in Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) , pp 330-350

- Gurmeet Singh and Neale Slack
- Public Sector Reforms , pp 120-142

- Junsok Yang
- Public sector shock in Europe: Between structural reforms and quantitative adjustment , pp 1-42

- Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead
- Public sector: libraries as facilitators of the use of social capital , pp 81-95

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- Public service bargains: advisers in the executive ménage à trois , pp 61-75

- Richard Shaw and Heidi Houlberg Salomonsen
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