From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The US Regulatory and Institutional Framework for FDI

- David N. Fagan
- The US Role in the Globalisation of Accounting Standards , pp 64-80

- Donna L. Street
- The US welfare state’s punishment of black women’s childbearing and care giving , pp 72-82

- Dorothy Roberts
- The US-China trade conflict , pp 108-125

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- The US-China trade war of 2018-2020: origins and consequences , pp 231-251

- Thomas Hout
- The USA in the world trading system

- Sven Arndt
- The use and misuse of behavioural science in the age of COVID-19 , pp 308-318

- Adam Oliver
- The use and misuse of online paraphrasing, editing and translation software , pp 163-174

- Ann M. Rogerson
- The Use of a Real-Money Experiment in a Stated-Preference Survey

- John Horowitz
- The Use of Capital Requirements to Reconcile Social and Private Interests in the Banking Industry

- Maarten Gelderman
- The use of case studies in economic diplomacy research , pp 68-84

- Renata Cavalcanti Muniz
- The use of CBA in decision-making on mega-projects: empirical evidence , pp 291-312

- Jan Anne Annema
- The Use of Contingent Valuation in Benefit–Cost Analysis

- John Whitehead and Glenn Blomquist
- The Use of Contingent Valuation in Developing Countries: A Quantitative Analysis

- Dan Biller, Karoline Rogge and Giovanni Ruta
- The use of data science by healthcare leaders , pp 729-751

- Reza Salehnejad and Nathan Proudlove
- The use of effective carbon rates as an indicator for climate mitigation policy , pp 226-240

- Kris Bachus and Ping Gao
- The use of elements of the Paris Agreement and IPCC reports in climate litigation , pp 195-214

- Meinhard Doelle, with Sara Seck and Rose Klug
- The use of foresight in corporate innovation , pp 460-465

- Christian Crews
- The use of genetic programming in evolutionary economics

- Bernd Ebersberger and Andreas Pyka
- The use of hedonic property value techniques for policy and litigation , pp 115-164

- Raymond B. Palmquist and V. Kerry Smith
- The Use of Knowledge in Natural Disaster Relief Management

- Russell S. Sobel and Peter Leeson
- The Use of Managerial Authority in the Knowledge Economy

- Kirsten Foss
- The Use of Native Forests versus Economic Growth in Brazil: Is it Possible to Reach a Balance?

- Carlos José Caetano Bacha
- The use of non-financial information in financial reporting , pp 214-232

- Jordi Martí Pidelaserra
- The use of non-financial performance indicators in the budgeting process of hybrids , pp 129-140

- Tjerk Budding and Vera van Schie
- The use of online materials to support the development of quantitative skills , pp 272-284

- Steve Cook and Duncan Watson
- The Use of Performance Measures in Health Care Systems

- Carol Propper and Deborah Wilson
- The Use of Performance Measures in Health Care Systems

- Carol Propper and Deborah Wilson
- The Use of Rail Transport as Part of the Supply Chain in an Urban Logistics Context

- Jochen Maes and Thierry Vanelslander
- The use of research methods in public-private partnership research , pp 53-80

- Rianne Warsen
- The use of space and satellites: problems and challenges , pp 109-131

- Luciano Anselmo
- The use of standards by firms , pp 271-286

- John Hudson and Marta Orviska
- The use of technology in health professionals learning in a time of COVID-19 , pp 120-131

- Trudie Roberts, Suzanne Bickerdike, Nancy Davies, Gareth Frith, Jananisree Ganapathy, Richard Gatrell, Charlotte Pettersen and Joshua Rowe
- The Use of the Regulatory Framework for Innovation Policy

- Knut Blind
- The usefulness of the concept of belonging in youth transitions , pp 55-66

- Hernán Cuervo and Charlotte McPherson
- The user innovation phenomenon , pp 372-391

- Cyrielle Vellera, Eric Vernette and Susumu Ogawa
- The uses of dams and hydroelectric power , pp 11-19

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- The US–Japan Alliance and the Rise of China: Implications for the East Asian Security Order and the EU’s Regional Role

- Elena Atanassova-Cornelis
- The Utility and Limits of the ‘European Model’ for the Regional Institutionalization of East Asia

- Richard Higgott
- The Utility-Possibility Frontier

- John Chipman
- The UV or Beveridge Curve

- Peter Rodenburg
- The Uzbek paradox: progress without neo-liberal reform

- Martin Spechler, Kuatbay Bektemirov and Sergei Chepel
- The V-form organisation and the future of the firm , pp 120-137

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- The Valuation Function , pp 147-164

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- The Valuation of Environmental Risks and Hazardous Waste Policy , pp 30-38

- V. Kerry Smith and William H. Desvousges
- The Valuation of Life Annuities , pp 187-227

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- The valuation of volunteer labor , pp 323-336

- Neil Bania and Laura Leete
- The Valuation of Volunteer Labor

- Laura Leete
- The Value Added Tax in the Context of the Proposed GCC Common Market

- Vito Tanzi
- The value and challenges of statistical studies looking at the operation of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction , pp 63-77

- Nigel Lowe KC (Hon) and Victoria Stephens
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