From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Creating ethical choices for coffee consumption from farm to cup and beyond , pp 91-106

- Jennifer Ferreira
- CREATING HUMBLE ECONOMISTS: A Code of Ethics for Economists , pp 240-252

- David Colander
- Creating incentives for more effective wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa , pp 185-215

- Marc Jeuland
- Creating inclusive entrepreneurship in interdisciplinary pedagogy , pp 409-415

- Juanjuan “June” He and Catherine Quay
- Creating Institutional Arrangements that Make Markets Work: The Case of Retail Markets in the Electricity Sector

- Jean-Michel Glachant
- Creating New Products: Optimal Radical Innovation , pp 22-38

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- Creating Novelty through Vertical Relationships between Groups of Complementary Players

- Martin Fransman
- Creating positive futures for humanity on earth , pp 17-26

- Robert Costanza, Elizabeth M.B. Doran, Tatiana Gladkikh, Ida Kubiszewski, Valerie A. Luzadis and Eric Zencey
- Creating Successful Study Abroad Experiences

- M. Peter McPherson and Margaret Heisel
- Creating supportive environments to foster reasonableness and achieve sustainable well-being , pp 182-218

- Avik Basu, Rachel Kaplan and Stephen Kaplan
- Creating the Conditions for International Business Expansion: The Impact of Regulation on Economic Growth in Developing Countries – A Cross-Country Analysis

- Hossein Jalilian, Colin Kirkpatrick and David Parker
- Creating the Entrepreneurial University: Do We Need a Wholly Different Model of Entrepreneurship?

- Allan Gibb
- Creating the land of hatred: the strategic utility of Maoist inspired social discord , pp 145-170

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- Creating the path forward by social control , pp 162-179

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- Creating the World in America’s Own Image?

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- Creating transformative parks , pp 78-94

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- Creating value through integrated innovation strategies , pp 109-127

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- Creating value through process innovation strategies , pp 41-76

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- Creating value through product innovation strategies , pp 77-108

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- Creation and Growth of High-Tech SMEs: The Role of the Local Environment

- Corinne Autant-Bernard, Vincent Mangematin and Nadine Massard
- Creation of an industrial heating network in the Port-Jérôme industrial zone , pp 204-217

- Fabien Nadou and Camille Brou
- Creative Cities in a Knowledge Society: Introduction

- Marina van Geenhuizen and Peter Nijkamp
- Creative Cities Need Less Government

- David Andersson
- Creative class vs. individual creativity: a multi-level approach to the geography of creativity , pp 354-408

- Christoph Alfken
- Creative Clusters and Governance: The Dominance of the Hollywood Film Cluster

- Lisa De Propris and Laura Hypponen
- Creative clusters, political fragmentation and cultural heterogeneity: an investigative journey through civilizations East and West

- Dean Keith Simonton
- Creative Destruction and Transition: Evidence on Firm Demographics from Estonia , pp 81-103

- Jaan Masso, Raul Eamets and Kaia Philips
- Creative Economy

- Tyler Cowen
- Creative entrepreneurship and FDI in Egypt: an empirical illustration from the ICT sector , pp 302-322

- Roberta Apa, Dina M. Mansour and Silvia Rita Sedita
- Creative entrepreneurship in 2022 and beyond: some implications for higher education , pp 125-145

- Ruth Bridgstock
- Creative Environments: The Case for Local Economic Diversity

- Pierre Desrochers and Samuli Leppälä
- Creative Industries

- Ruth Towse
- Creative industries and higher education: what curriculum, what evidence, what impact? , pp 112-130

- Ruth Bridgstock
- Creative Industries and Regional Economic Development – The Example of Public Supported Regional Film Centres in Sweden

- Per Assmo
- Creative industries around the world , pp 146-163

- Stuart Cunningham and Adam Swift
- Creative industries in China: the digital turn , pp 164-178

- Terry Flew, Xiang Ren and Yi Wang
- Creative industries research requires a new approach to data analysis , pp 76-92

- John Davies
- Creative industries: between cultural economics and cultural studies , pp 58-75

- Terry Flew
- Creative innovativeness in full bloom , pp 320-333

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- Creative knowledge capital , pp 250-271

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- Creative milieus in the metropolis’ periphery: from the massification of Lisbon’s city centre to the liveliness of ‘Margem Sul’ , pp 177-198

- Pedro Costa and Ricardo Venâncio Lopes
- Creative Milieus in the Stockholm Region

- Börje Johansson and Johan Klaesson
- Creative People Need Creative Cities

- åke E. Andersson
- Creative response in economic history , pp 71-80

- Josef Taalbi
- Creativity

- Ruth Towse
- Creativity and Entrepreneurship: A Regional Analysis of New Firm Formation , pp 171-182

- Sam Youl Lee, Richard Florida and Zoltan Acs
- Creativity and Futures Studies , pp 131-144

- Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
- Creativity and Institution Building: The Case of Italian Social Cooperatives

- Alberto Ianes and Ermanno Tortia
- Creativity in Economic Development: Space in an Inferno

- Silvia Sacchetti and Roger Sugden
- Creativity spillover of entrepreneurship: evidence from European cities , pp 141-161

- David Audretsch and Maksim Belitski
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