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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Are Smart Men Smarter than Smart Women? The Epistemology of Ignorance, Women, and the Production of Knowledge Downloads
Carla Fehr
Are smokers too optimistic? , pp 103-134 Downloads
Frank A. Sloan, Donald H. Taylor and V. Kerry Smith
Are Special Economic Zones Desirable? , pp 86-103 Downloads
Albert G. Schweinberger
Are SRI funds conventional funds in disguise or do they live up to their name? , pp 414-446 Downloads
Christin Nitsche and Michael Schrö der
Are support measures and external effects of agriculture linked together? Conceptual notes and empirical evidence from the Austrian agricultural sector , pp 135-153 Downloads
Franz Sinabell
Are teachers underpaid? , pp 84-90 Downloads
Are tech-savvy users more likely to use technology? An examination of market entry and customer experience , pp 194-210 Downloads
Xin Ding
Are the amounts of payments for environmental services enough to contribute to poverty alleviation efforts in developing countries? , pp 109-119 Downloads
Luis C. Rodriguez, Unai Pascual and Roldan Muradian
Are the most innovative Canadian nanotechnology-related firms also the most open? , pp 140-189 Downloads
Mikaël Héroux-Vaillancourt and Catherine Beaudry
Are the Transformations Complete? , pp 187-194 Downloads
Martin Myant
Are there Benefits to a Monetary Policy Rule in the EMU? Downloads
Jean-Jacques Durand, Nathalie Payelle and Virginie Traclet
Are There Economies of Scale in Mail Processing? Getting the Answers from a Large-but-Dirty Sample Downloads
Lawrence Fenster, Diane Monaco and Edward S. Pearsall
Are there political cycles in the member countries of the EU? An empirical investigation , pp 61-76 Downloads
Andreas A. Andrikopoulos, Kyprianos Prodromidis, Andreas A. Andrikopoulos and Kyprianos Prodromidis
Are These Trade-offs Necessary? Downloads
James S. Duesenberry
Are uniform tariffs optimal? Downloads
Mary Amiti
Are university–industry links meaningful for catch up ? A comparative analysis of five Asian countries , pp 55-92 Downloads
Daniel Schiller and Keun Lee
Are urban transportation benefits absorbed fully by land values? , pp 343-362 Downloads
Haim Aviram and Daniel Shefer
Are US postal price elasticities changing? , pp 46-64 Downloads
Margaret M. Cigno, Katalin K. Clendenin and Edward S. Pearsall
Are wage policies desirable and feasible? European experiences , pp 240-252 Downloads
Jesus Ferreiro
Are we there yet? , pp 5-16 Downloads
Are women poorer? A cross-country analysis of gender differentials in multidimensional poverty , pp 103-117 Downloads
Francesco Burchi and Daniele Malerba
Are you experienced? How the time spacing of traders' market experience impacts bubble formation in experimental asset markets , pp 267-280 Downloads
Jason Scachat and Hang Wang
Arenas for forming identities, fields and boundaries Downloads
Argentina’s Gas and Electricity Reform Downloads
Esteban Manuel Greco, Diego Petrecolla and Carlos Romero
Aristocratic government and the Bank of England during the Age of Reform , pp 10-44 Downloads
Aristotelianism , pp 89-98 Downloads
Kelvin Knight
Aristotelianism, apriorism, essentialism Downloads
Barry Smith
Aristotle Downloads
Ricardo Crespo
Aristotle , pp 290-301 Downloads
Thornton Lockwood
Aristotle today , pp 156-162 Downloads
Aristotle's science of economics , pp 13-24 Downloads
Ricardo Crespo
Aristotle, eudaimonia, neuroscience and economics , pp 29-45 Downloads
Jeffrey Sachs
Aristotle, Marx, and the ethical implications of the systemic critique of capitalism , pp 78-89 Downloads
Dennis Badeen
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics (c. 350 BC) , pp 8-10 Downloads
Aristotle: Politics (c. 350 BC) , pp 11-13 Downloads
Aristotles (384-322 bce) seminal contributions to the economics tradition , pp 5-12 Downloads
Armen Alchian on Evolution, Information, and Cost: The Surprising Implications of Scarcity Downloads
Daniel Benjamin
Arms Trade Offsets: What Do We Know? Downloads
Jurgen Brauer and John Dunne
Around, despite, and without reference to domination: crafting oppositional human geographies in migrant detention , pp 217-234 Downloads
Leah Montange
Arriving at the High-Growth Firm Downloads
Arrow’s Theorem and its descendants , pp 237-262 Downloads
Elizabeth Maggie Penn
Art at the crossroads between creativity, innovation, digital technology and business, a case study , pp 238-243 Downloads
Elisabetta Lazzaro
Art auctions Downloads
Orley Ashenfelter
Art Auctions Downloads
Orley Ashenfelter and Kathryn Graddy
Art Dealers Downloads
Olav Velthuis
Art galleries as market makers , pp 244-252 Downloads
Paolo Di Caro and Isidoro Mazza
Art markets Downloads
Victor Ginsburgh
Art Markets Downloads
Olav Velthuis
Art markets , pp 322-329 Downloads
Payal Arora and Filip Vermeylen
Art prices Downloads
Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux
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