From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Media, sports, and society , pp 111-126

- Lawrence A. Wenner
- Mediation Services and the Outflow from Short-term Unemployment: Average and Relative Effectiveness of Public Employment Offices

- Linda van Donk and Jaap de Koning
- Medicaid , pp 183-213

- Marianne Bitler and Madeline Zavodny
- Medical composition of cabinets and the health care system , pp 147-156

- Joan Costa-Font, Nicolas Marchi and Debra Winberg
- Medical Malpractice

- Steve Boccara
- Medical tourism and outward FDI in health services: India in South Asia , pp 296-306

- Rupa Chanda
- Medical tourism and the internet , pp 174-183

- Daniel Horsfall and Neil Lunt
- Medical tourism and trust: towards an agenda for research , pp 379-390

- Michael Calnan and Vid Calovski
- Medical tourism by numbers , pp 25-36

- Daniel Horsfall and Neil Lunt
- Medical tourism developments within the Middle East , pp 307-312

- Nabil M. Kronfol
- Medical tourism developments within Turkey , pp 332-338

- Sidika Kaya, Seda Karsavuran and Ahmet Yildiz
- Medical tourism for services illegal in patients’ home country , pp 350-359

- I. Glenn Cohen
- Medical tourism – concepts and definitions , pp 16-24

- John Connell
- Medical tourism: a case study of Thailand , pp 268-277

- Thinnakorn Noree
- Medical travel: the nature of the beast , pp 1-5

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- Medicare eligibility , pp 50-66

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- Medicare financing and affordability , pp 183-197

- Marilyn Moon
- Medieval constitutionalism , pp 35-45

- Francis Oakley
- Medium-sized Firms, Groups and Industrial Districts: An Italian Perspective

- Fulvio Coltorti
- Medium-term Fiscal Targets

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- Meek, Ronald Lindley, as an Interpreter of the Classical Economists

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- Meeting Challenges in Public Utility Planning

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- Meeting expectations: the roles and responsibilities of Shari’ah scholars in Islamic finance , pp iii-iii

- Mohamad Akram Laldin and Hafas Furqani
- Meeting the Challenge: Explaining the Emergence of ‘Entrepreneurial Universities' and ‘Academic Capitalism' , pp 210-230

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- Meeting the climate change challenge , pp 111-122

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- Meeting the economic challenges of a greying world , pp 184-198

- Aida Caldera and Dorothée Rouzet
- Meeting the EU’s Sustainability Disclosure Rules - a mission (im)possible? , pp 224-249

- Martina Macpherson
- Meeting the food security challenge through sustainable intensification , pp 125-140

- Noel Russell and Amani Omer
- Meeting the MDG Water Target in Asia: The Role of Regional Co-operation

- P B Anand
- Meeting the Need for a Regulatory Framework for EU Financial Markets

- Alexandre Lamfalussy
- Meetings and their documents , pp 67-87

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- Meetings as 'doing the organisation' (in collaboration with Vesa Leppänen) , pp 47-66

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- Mega Events and Local Politics

- Matthew J. Burbank, Greg Andranovich and Charles H. Heying
- Mega Events and Sports Institutional Development: The Impact of the World Cup on Football Academies in Africa

- Jeroen Schokkaert, Johan Swinnen and Thijs Vandemoortele
- Mega Sporting Event Bidding, Mechanism Design and Rent Extraction

- Brad Humphreys and Henry van Egteren
- Mega-event bidding , pp 100-114

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- Mega-events and tourism: the case of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games , pp 174-188

- Robert Baade, Robert Baumann and Victor Matheson
- Mega-events: Urban Spectaculars and Globalization

- John Rennie Short
- Mega-forces and Mega-consequences , pp 1-22

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- Mega-Projects and Contested Information

- Hans de Bruijn and Martijn Leijten
- Mega-projects in intermodal freight transport: innovation adoption , pp 209-241

- Arjan van Binsbergen, Rob Konings, Lóri Tavasszy and Ron van Duin
- Mega-projects: high ambitions, complex decision-making, different actors, multiple impacts , pp 1-8

- Hugo Priemus and Bert van Wee
- Mega-projects: new challenges to cope with climate change and energy transition , pp 398-417

- Jan Anne Annema and Hugo Priemus
- Mega-projects’ cost performance and lock-in: problems and solutions , pp 333-355

- Chantal C. Cantarelli and Bent Flyvbjerg
- Mega-sporting events and human rights , pp 400-412

- Daniela Heerdt
- Megacities in developing Asia: challenges and opportunities , pp 167-176

- Syed Abu Hasnath
- Megaproject leadership in the developing world: an Indian perspective , pp 215-231

- Ashwin Mahalingam
- Megaproject milestones , pp 40-113

- John D. Landis
- Meghnad Desai (b. 1940) , pp 350-367

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- Melancholy, trauma and therapy , pp 24-47

- Cláudio Alexandre S. Carvalho
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