From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The fourth industrial revolution , pp 49-78

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- The Fourth Industrial Revolution and corporate entrepreneurship: the role of strategic leadership , pp 389-406

- Shaker A. Zahra
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and strategic leadership: new research directions and a clarion call for creating shared understanding , pp 62-87

- Ciaran Heavey, Zeki Simsek and Brian C. Fox
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond1 , pp 29-34

- Klaus Schwab
- The fourth technology element: high-tech infrastructure , pp 131-153

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- The Fragility of Experiential Knowledge

- Dominique Foray
- The Fragility of the Transition Process in the 1990s , pp 175-210

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- The framework of equal protection analysis in America , pp 278-310

- Liu Jianlong
- The Framework of Static and Dynamic Components: An Examination of Entrepreneurial Orientation and University Ability to Teach Entrepreneurship

- Zelimir W. Todorovic
- The Franc Zone , pp i-ii

- Jan Toporowski
- The Franco-Italian Circuitists: Credit, Money and Production , pp 8-41

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- The Free Market, Family and Gender , pp 58-74

- Arthur Baxter
- The free road , pp 79-91

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- The Free Trade Debate: A Left Keynesian Gaze , pp 186-201

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- The free trade–fair trade fault-lines in historical context , pp 1-14

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- The Freiburg school of law and economics

- M. E. Streit
- The French 35-Hour Working Law and the Work–Life Balance of Parents: Friend or Foe?

- Jeanne Fagnani and Marie Thérèse Letablier
- The French Connection: The Pioneering Econometrics of Marcel Lenoir , pp 163-189

- Nicolas Chaigneau and Philippe Le Gall
- The French Constitutional Charter for the environment: an effective instrument?

- Dominique Bourg
- The French Licensing Authority Faced with the Globalisation of Islamic Finance: A Flexible Position

- Christophe Arnaud
- The French national innovation ecosystem , pp 104-118

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- The French Paradox: A Huge but Fragmented Public Service

- Luc Rouban
- The French Postal Market in the Wake of the Postal Law of 2005

- Catherine Gallet-Rybak, Cécile Moreno, Daniel Nadal and Joelle Toledano
- The French Revolution and the Socialist Alternative , pp 58-71

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- The French school of discourse analysis , pp 79-92

- Dominique Maingueneau
- The French urban system

- P. Pumain
- The Fridays For Future Movement in Uganda and Nigeria , pp 212-218

- Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, Sadrach Nirere and Adenike Titilope Oladosu
- The friendly mathematics of wealth accumulation as a way of alleviating poverty , pp 151-160

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- The frugal design of a medical centrifuge: distributed production as a frugal technology to increase access to medical devices in low- and middle-income countries , pp 176-196

- Jan Carel Diehl, Temitope Agbana, G-Young Van, Ludo Hille Ris Lambers and Samenjo Karl Heinz Tondo
- The FTA Policies of China, Japan and Korea and Prospects for a CJK FTA: Korea’s Perspective

- Hyungdo Ahn
- The Full Marginal Costs of Highway Travel: Methods and Empirical Estimation for North America

- Yossi Berechman, Bekir Bartin, Ozlem Yanmaz-Tuzel and Kaan Ozbay
- The fully specified contract and its reconstruction by default rules , pp 363-377

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- The functional spaces of major European forwarding ports: study of competition for trade bound to the United States , pp 68-98

- Mona Kashiha and Jean-Claude Thill
- The Functioning of Economic Policy Coordination

- Juergen von Hagen and Susanne Mundschenk
- The functioning of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO) for industrial design registration: realities and possibilities , pp 427-440

- Chijioke Okorie
- The Functions of Economic Models

- Bernard Walliser
- The fundamental forces: technology, tastes and values , pp 45-57

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- The fundamentals of the Internet infrastructure: a cross- discipline review , pp 8-66

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- The fundamentals of urban space

- Geyer H.s
- The future as an educational instrument: FutLabs in the classroom , pp 170-183

- Elena Petrucci and Francesco Brunori
- The future design of the electricity market , pp 428-442

- Michael Pollitt
- The future is open: on open-system theorising in economics , pp 56-72

- Victoria Chick
- The future of active ageing and related needs for research , pp 83-98

- Oxana Sinyavskaya
- The future of automated freight transport: an overview , pp 1-16

- Rob Konings, Hugo Priemus and Peter Nijkamp
- The future of big projects: Lessons from Australia , pp 165-174

- Martin Locke
- The future of business: artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning , pp 46-54

- Christos Lemonakis and Constantin Zopounidis
- The future of capitalism , pp 5-23

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- The future of cyber risk management: AI and DLT for automated cyber risk modelling, decision making, and risk transfer , pp 272-290

- Pankaj Pandey and Sokratis Katsikas
- The Future of Deglobalization , pp 133-158

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- The future of development , pp 170-176

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