From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Liberalization of Infrastructures in Russia

- Hella Engerer
- Liberalization of legal markets in UK and EU jurisdictions , pp 67-85

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- Liberalization of Network Industries in the European Union: Evolving Policy Issues

- Matthias Finger and Marc Laperrouza
- Liberalization of Trade in Services under SAFTA: Prospects and Challenges for Pakistan

- Safdar Sohail, Noorulain Hanif and Maliha Quddus
- Liberalization or Regulating International Capital Flows? , pp 167-190

- Paul Davidson
- Liberalizing postal services , pp 219-238

- John Dodgson
- Liberalizing utility markets in the European Union

- Fritz Bolkestein
- Liberating the human imagination: futures literacy and the diversification of anticipation , pp 117-130

- Riel Miller
- Libertarian paternalism , pp 10-16

- Richard Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
- Libertarianism , pp 166-176

- Rosolino A. Candela
- Liberties, essential facilities and workable competition , pp 119-160

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- Liberty and Excellence

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- Liberty and the State , pp i-102

- Charles Rowley
- Liberty, autonomy and needs , pp 64-83

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- Licensing of copyright works in a bargaining model , pp 107-117

- Richard Watt
- Licensing Options for Digital Dividend Spectrum: An Australian Perspective

- Benoit Freyens
- Licensing Regimes in the Postal Sector: The Impact of the Recent EC Proposal for a Third Postal Directive

- Joost Vantomme and Alessandra Fratini
- Life after gold: currency regimes of the 1930s , pp 62-94

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- Life After Longbridge? Crisis and Restructuring in the West Midlands Auto Cluster , pp 129-154

- David Bailey and Seiji Kobayashi
- Life after traffic law , pp 130-143

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- Life and activities , pp 3-9

- Peter D. Groenewegen
- Life and health of the public: a field in motion , pp 228-244

- Kevin Barnett
- Life and Philosophy

- Hirofumi Uzawa
- Life cycle assessment , pp 60-76

- Noémie Leroy-Parmentier, Pia Wiche and Guido Sonnemann
- Life cycle costing , pp 77-88

- Erasmo Cadena and Gwenny Thomassen
- Life cycle inventory analysis modelling in LCSA: from basic aspects to advanced techniques , pp 180-202

- Thomas Schaubroeck and Enrico Benetto
- Life cycle sustainability assessment of emerging mobility technologies: perspective, challenges, and future directions , pp 304-315

- Nuri C. Onat and Murat Kucukvar
- Life cycle sustainability management in policy frameworks - responsible sourcing , pp 316-326

- Lucia Mancini, Andreas Endl and Alexander Graf
- Life cycle sustainability thinking for measuring and assessing circularity towards sustainable procurement , pp 370-377

- Claudia Peña, Sven-Olof Ryding, Sigita Židonienė and Jair Santillán Saldivar
- Life spans - How to determine participation across the life span in the context of sub-Saharan poverty , pp 204-218

- Bronwyn Sumption
- Life-cycle changes in the rate of time preference: testing the theory of endogenous preferences and its relevance to adolescent substance use , pp 155-178

- David M. Bishai
- Lifecycles, support systems, and generational flows: patterns and change

- Ronald Lee and Andrew Mason
- Lifelong learning and employers: reskilling older workers , pp 463-473

- John Field and Roy Canning
- Lifting the burden: fundamental tax reform and US economic growth , pp 13-39

- Dale Jorgenson and Kun-Young Yun
- Lifting the veil I - reflecting on Covid-19 in Africa , pp 309-321

- Elias Kifon Bongmba
- Lifting the veil II-religion at the intersection of food security, health and well-being: from the field , pp 322-336

- Craig Stewart and Nadine Bowers Du Toit
- Lifting the veil: rethinking the classification of developing economies for competition law and policy , pp 51-82

- Tamar Indig and Michal S. Gal
- Lightening Up on Market Definition

- David Evans
- Lighting , pp 191-216

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- Lights, Camera, Action: Advancing Liberal Arts Values…Entrepreneurially

- Lynnette Claire
- Liminal refuge in the land of (decreasing) opportunity , pp 146-158

- Stephanie J. Nawyn and Breanne Leigh Grace
- Liminality, purpose, and psychological ownership: board decision practices as a route to stewardship , pp 41-62

- Donald Nordberg
- Limitations of monetary policies in open developing economies: external capital inflows and sterilisation policies , pp 59-77

- Noemi Levy-Orlik
- Limitations to Keynesian Demand Management through Monetary Policy: Whither Cartesian Policy Control?

- Arne Heise
- Limitations, and future research , pp 175-176

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- Limited and Regulating Principles

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- Limited attention and financial decision-making , pp 17-35

- Alexander Nekrasov, Siew Hong Teoh and Shijia Wu
- Limited Knowledge and the Precautionary Principle: On the Feasibility of Environmental Policies , pp 344-358

- Friedrich Hinterberger and Gerhard Wegner
- Limited liability , pp i-ii

- Stephanie Blankenburg
- Limiting freedom of contract: Next step for copyright treaties? , pp 216-240

- David Felipe Alvarez-Amezquita and Florelia Vallejo-Trujillo
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