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- Policy conflicts: the case of healthcare , pp 57-64

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- Policy Considerations for Governments

- Uma Suthersanen and Graham Dutfield
- Policy coordination and power , pp 114-135

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- Policy Coordination in the External Dimension of the ERA: A Comment

- Jørgen Mortensen
- Policy developments and measures for enhancing ServPPINs dynamics , pp 434-461

- Iris Wanzenböck, Luis Rubalcaba, Oscar Montes Pineda and Karl Matthias Weber
- Policy Discussion Related to Long-Run Energy Services , pp 364-375

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- Policy effects and accountability: unbundling research and execution under MiFID II , pp 38-70

- Promitheas Peridis and Adrienne Héritier
- Policy Entrepreneurship: Reconceptualizing Entrepreneurship in Public Affairs

- Gordon E. Shockley
- Policy epistemics for critical policy inquiry: Notes on the construction of knowledge and arguments in discursive politics , pp 196-222

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- Policy experimentation in the construction of ecological civilisation in China , pp 176-191

- Ping Huang and Linda Westman
- Policy failures and food crises in less developed countries , pp 248-275

- Ana Maria Fuertes Eugenio
- Policy focus: between vertical and horizontal engagement , pp 162-180

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- Policy for Innovation

- J.S. Metcalfe
- Policy for intangible cultural heritage in Japan: how it relates to creativity , pp i-i

- Kazuko Goto
- Policy formulation , pp 179-194

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- Policy Frameworks for Service Innovation: A Menu-Approach

- Pim Hertog and Luis Rubalcaba
- Policy frameworks for SWF investments: OECD and host-country perspectives , pp 124-142

- Kathryn Gordon and Joachim Pohl
- Policy implementation research , pp 368-388

- Per Nilsen and Paul Cairney
- Policy Implications , pp 197-205

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- Policy implications , pp 327-342

- Bernard Mazijn
- Policy implications and the way forward , pp 97-116

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- Policy Implications of Asymmetric Termination Rate Regulation in Europe

- Edmond Baranes and Cuong Huong Vuong
- Policy Implications of Dynamic Globalized Freight Flows in Europe

- Roger Vickerman
- Policy Implications of Dynamic Globalized Freight Flows in North America

- Mark Maggio and Roger Stough
- Policy Implications of Top-down and Bottom-up Patterns in E-Government Infrastructure Development

- Anne Fleur van Veenstra and Marijn Janssen
- Policy Implications: How to Facilitate the Structural Adjustment and Renewal of Advanced Societies?

- Timo J. Hämäläinen
- Policy in the Absence of Theory: The Coming World of Political Economy without Keynes

- Steven Kates
- Policy Instruments

- Gesine Bökenkamp, Wan-Jung Chou, Olav Hohmeyer, Wouter Nijs, Alistair Hunt and Anil Markandya
- Policy Issues in Market-Based and Non-Market-Based Measures to Control the Volatility of Portfolio Investment

- Edmond Valpy Knox FitzGerald
- Policy Learning as a Key Process in the Transformation of the Chinese Innovation Systems

- Shulin Gu and Bengt-Åke Lundvall
- Policy Liberalisation and US Integration with the Global Economy: Trade and Investment between 1980 and 2006

- Gary Hufbauer and Matthew Adler
- Policy measures for the promotion of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in low-tech industries , pp 218-238

- Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen and Isabel Schwinge
- Policy Measures to Support the Emergence of Localised Industrial Clusters , pp 325-350

- Thomas Brenner
- Policy mixes for sustainable innovation: conceptual considerations and empirical insights , pp 165-185

- Karoline S. Rogge
- Policy of current account deficit , pp 123-130

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- Policy on Business Networking in Ireland: A Review and Prospects for Evaluation

- Helena Lenihan and Roger Sugden
- Policy on Care: A Help or Hindrance to Gender Equality?

- Susan Himmelweit
- Policy options for tackling the informal economy: objectives and policy measures , pp 160-180

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- Policy Options for the Latin Arc

- Roberto Camagni
- Policy Options of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Control in China , pp 213-232

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- Policy Perspectives on Financial Integration After the Crisis

- Ignazio Angeloni
- Policy Prescriptions for Global Education , pp 157-169

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- Policy reform packages

- Bruno De Borger, John Peirson and Roger Vickerman
- Policy Reforms for Venture Capital in Europe

- Fabio Bertoni and Annalisa Croce
- Policy Research , pp 275-278

- Joseph Finger
- Policy Responses at the Local Sphere of Government: Complexities and Diversity

- J.G. Nel
- Policy Roundtable: Life as Neighbor to an Economic Giant – Issues and Options

- Wendy Dobson, Grant L. Reuber and Andrei Sulzenko
- Policy scenario analysis: small countries in a European perspective , pp 118-141

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- Policy Scenarios for the Province of Barcelona

- Joan Trullén
- Policy spree or policy paralysis: an evaluation of India’s efforts at encouraging firm-level innovative activities , pp 316-344

- Sunil Mani
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