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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Broken mirrors: towards holistic political economies of development, its discontents and alternatives , pp 2-11 Downloads
Franklin Obeng-Odoom
Broken windows policing and crime: Evidence from 80 Colombian cities , pp 55-87 Downloads
Daniel Mejía, Ervyn Norza, Santiago Tobón and Martin Vanegas-Arias
Brotherly battles at Brew Corp: “family firms should be forbidden by law” , pp 26-37 Downloads
Dagmar Y. Hattenberg, Erik Veldhuizen and Judith van Helvert
Brownfield infrastructures , pp 165-180 Downloads
Francesco Gastaldi and Federico Camerin
Brown’s later activities , pp 189-205 Downloads
BRRD/SRM, corporate insolvency law and EU State aid - the trifurcated EU framework for dealing with banks in distress , pp 238-258 Downloads
Michael Schillig
Brunei Darussalam Downloads
Rosnah Opai
Brunei Darussalam: Building an intellectual property system for a knowledge and innovation economy , pp 128-156 Downloads
Gabriel Garcia
Bruno Hildebrand (1812–1878) Downloads
Bertram Schefold
Bubbles, Crashes and the Psycho-Economic Forces Behind Them Downloads
Friedrich Kugler
Buchanan and Musgrave on Public Finance and Public Choice: A Review Essay , pp 171-182 Downloads
Buchanan and Tullock on law and economics , pp 115-124 Downloads
Robert Tollison
Buchanan, Hobbes and contractarianism: the supply of rules? , pp 17-34 Downloads
Geoffrey Brennan and Giuseppe Eusepi
Buchanan, James M Downloads
Buddha: a concise introduction with life stories for this audience , pp 22-39 Downloads
Buddhist Economics Downloads
Juliana Essen
Budget amendment offers toxin, not tonic , pp 208-209 Downloads
Budget constraints in French professional football: contrasting situations , pp 77-102 Downloads
Nadine Dermit-Richard and Aurélien François
Budget deficit and instruments of public borrowing in the Islamic system , pp iii-iii Downloads
Monzer Kahf
Budget Incentive Structures and the Improvement of College Teaching , pp 161-184 Downloads
Michael B. Paulsen and Edward P. St. John
Budget Reform in Italy: Importing ‘Enlightened' Ideas in a Difficult Context Downloads
Francesco Stolfi, Chiara Goretti and Luca Rizzuto
Budget Reform in Japan: Continuous Efforts but Still a Long Way to Go Downloads
Masahiro Horie
Budget Reform in The Netherlands: Sadder but Much Wiser Now Downloads
Jouke de Vries and Ton Bestebreur
Budget Reform in the United Kingdom: The Rocky Road to ‘Controlled Discretion' Downloads
Colin Thain
Budget Reforms in Denmark: Unheralded but Nevertheless Effective Downloads
Lotte Jensen and David Fjord
Budget Reforms in Spain: Anything Else Beyond Budget Discipline? Downloads
Xavier Ballart and Eduardo Zapico
Budget Reforms in the United States: A ‘Perfect Storm' for a New Wave of Deficit-Reduction Reforms Downloads
Alfred Tat-Kei Ho
Budget-Smudget. Why Balance What, How, and When? , pp 1-8 Downloads
William Vickrey
Budgeting and public debt within a system of cooperative democracy , pp 84-110 Downloads
Budgeting in New Zealand After the Reforms: From Radical Revolutionary to Cautious Consolidator Downloads
Richard Norman and Derek Gill
Buffer stock approaches to inflation control , pp 186-195 Downloads
William Mitchell
Build links with an organisation that you wish to help , pp 227-228 Downloads
Build your own regional integration indicator system , pp 460-489 Downloads
Philippe De Lombaerde
Build, deconstruct, reconstruct an entrepreneurship tool in a Freirian pedagogical approach , pp 292-307 Downloads
Alain Fayolle
Build-up of a Hydrogen Infrastructure Downloads
Martin Wietschel, Philipp Seydel and Michael Ball
Build-up of a Hydrogen Infrastructure in Europe Downloads
Martin Wietschel, Philipp Seydel and Christoph Stiller
Building a Central European Exchange Alliance Downloads
Stefan Zopotocky
Building a consequentialist framework , pp 181-196 Downloads
Building a milieu for city marketing and branding , pp 90-108 Downloads
Building a policy relevant resilience measure: beyond the economic perspective , pp 143-170 Downloads
Peter Benczur, Elisabeth Joossens, Anna Rita Manca, Balint Menyhert and Slavica Zec
Building a social compass , pp 197-205 Downloads
Building a special place in Europe-Asia trade: EU-Singapore commercial relations , pp 352-366 Downloads
William Kerr
Building a successful data science ecosystem using public cloud , pp 165-178 Downloads
Mohammad Mahmudul Haque
Building a sustainable career: the role of work–home balance in career decision making , pp 223-238 Downloads
Sara De Hauw and Jeffrey H. Greenhaus
Building a Syngas Infrastructure: Translating Inverse Properties into Design Recommendations Downloads
Paulien M. Herder and Rob M. Stikkelman
Building Aboriginal Economic Development Capacity: The Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers Downloads
Robert Anderson, Scott MacAulay, Warren Weir and Wanda Wuttunee
Building an economics department , pp 64-84 Downloads
Building an Entrepreneurial University: A Case Study Using a New Venture Development Approach Downloads
K. Mark Weaver, Robert D’Intino and DeMond Miller
Building an entrepreneurship education program in a technology-rich environment: Virginia Tech’s entrepreneurship ecosystem , pp 267-276 Downloads
Chien-Chi Tseng, David M. Townsend, Ron Poff and Devi R. Gnyawali
Building an industry through State aid and energy auctions: solar power , pp 324-346 Downloads
Hugo Talbot and Nicole Robins
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