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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Introduction to The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies , pp 2-4 Downloads
Introduction to The Regulation of Intelligence Activities under International Law , pp 1-30 Downloads
Introduction to the Research Companion to Construction Economics , pp 1-17 Downloads
George Ofori
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Corporate Board Decision-Making , pp 1-7 Downloads
Oliver Marnet
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Corporate Taxation , pp 2-3 Downloads
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Domestic Violence and Abuse , pp 1-7 Downloads
Mandy Burton, Vanessa Bettinson, Kayliegh Richardson and Ana Speed
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Economic Diplomacy , pp 1-29 Downloads
Peter Bergeijk and Selwyn J.V. Moons
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Employee Pro-Environmental Behaviour , pp 1-10 Downloads
Victoria K. Wells, Diana Gregory-Smith and Danae Manika
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies , pp 1-25 Downloads
Jonathan M. Scott, Paresha Sinha, Jenny Gibb and Michèle Akoorie
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Ethical Consumption , pp 1-9 Downloads
Marylyn Carrigan, Victoria K. Wells and Karolos A. Papadas
Introduction to the Research Handbook on EU Competition Law and the Energy Transition , pp 2-13 Downloads
Leigh Hancher and Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry , pp 1-9 Downloads
Jorma Larimo, Pratik Arte, Carlos M.P. Sousa, Pervez Ghauri and José Mata
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Human Resource Management and Disruptive Technologies , pp 2-7 Downloads
Tanya Bondarouk and Jeroen Meijerink
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Law, Movements and Social Change: On "legitimate political discourse" in the global twenty-first century , pp 1-18 Downloads
Michael W. Yarbrough, Corey S. Shdaimah and Steven A. Boutcher
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare , pp 1-7 Downloads
Naomi Chambers
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Mental Health Policy , pp 2-13 Downloads
Christopher G. Hudson
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Post-Pandemic EU Economic Governance and NGEU Law , pp 1-9 Downloads
Federico Fabbrini and Christy Ann Petit
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19 , pp 1-17 Downloads
Helen Dickinson, Catherine Smith, Sophie Yates and Janine O’Flynn
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19 , pp 1-7 Downloads
Paul M. Pedersen
Introduction to The Rise of Algorithmic Society and the Strategic Role of Arts and Culture , pp 1-5 Downloads
Introduction to the Role and Responsibilities of International Business in our Contemporary World Downloads
Gabriele G.S. Suder
Introduction to the Roundtable on the economics of antitrust and regulation in the telecoms sector Downloads
Philip Lowe
Introduction to the strategy and methods of complex systems , pp 5-17 Downloads
Professor Yaneer Bar-Yam
Introduction to The Supermultiplier: A Cornerstone of the New Macroeconomics , pp 1-5 Downloads
Introduction to The Tokenised Economy and the Law , pp 1-11 Downloads
Introduction to the volume , pp 1-5 Downloads
Serdar Yilmaz and Farah Zahir
Introduction to the volume , pp 1-7 Downloads
Santiago Lago-Pe-as and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
Introduction to the water-energy-food nexus , pp 1-14 Downloads
Floor Brouwer
Introduction to theory , pp 10-11 Downloads
Introduction to Trade Policy Downloads
William Kerr
Introduction to Transit Oriented Development and Sustainable Cities: Economics, Community and Methods , pp 1-10 Downloads
Richard D. Knowles and Fiona Ferbrache
Introduction to University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems , pp 1-12 Downloads
Introduction to Unlocking Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Potential for Increasing Capacities , pp 1-13 Downloads
Iréne Bernhard, Urban Gråsjö and Charlie Karlsson
Introduction to urban food security in the Global South , pp 1-22 Downloads
Jonathan Crush, Bruce Frayne and Gareth Hayson
Introduction to Water Issues and Water Accounting in Southern Africa Downloads
Glenn-Marie Lange and Rashid Hassan
Introduction to Women's Entrepreneurship Policy: taking stock and moving forward , pp 1-13 Downloads
Colette Henry, Susan Coleman and Kate V. Lewis
Introduction to Work and Employment Relations in Southern Europe , pp 1-31 Downloads
Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez and Miguel Martínez Lucio
Introduction to Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy , pp 1-13 Downloads
Dirk Hofäcker and Kati Kuitto
Introduction Toshiaki Tachibanaki Downloads
Toshiaki Tachibanaki
Introduction – Human Capital and Agglomeration Downloads
Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and Roger R. Stough
Introduction, Part 1 , pp 2-6 Downloads
Introduction, Part 2 , pp 129-139 Downloads
Introduction, Part 3 , pp 299-302 Downloads
Introduction, the UK’s relationship to the EU, the aim of this book and policy conclusions , pp 3-25 Downloads
Introduction. A context-specific two-way approach to the study of innovation systems in developing and transition countries , pp 1-12 Downloads
Jana Schmutzler, Marcela Suarez, Alexandra Tsvetkova and Alessandra Faggian
Introduction. A Systemic Perspective: The Innovation Policy Dance Downloads
Stefan Kuhlmann, Philip Shapira and Ruud Smits
Introduction. Babel, Islamic finance and Europe: preliminary notes on property rights pluralism , pp 1-12 Downloads
Valentino Cattelan
Introduction/Editorial Foreword Downloads
Michael Faure and Xinzhu Zhang
Introduction: A Dissenter's View of the Development of Growth Theory and the Importance of Demand-Led Growth Downloads
Mark Setterfield
Introduction: a framework of analysis of the relationship between religion and public administration , pp 1-30 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-28
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