From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Concrete Steps Towards More Integrated Financial Oversight: The EU’s Policy Response to the Crisis

- Karel Lannoo
- Concurrency or Convergence? Competition and Regulation Under the Competition Act 1998 – Tom Sharpe QC, Chairman's Comments – Geoffrey Horton

- Tom Sharpe
- Condemnees: four types of incentives , pp 21-34

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- Condemnors: three behavioral theories , pp 13-20

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- Condillac, Etienne Bonnot, L’Abb6 de

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- Condition Constraints and Player Behavior in China’s Stock Market

- Huaiqing Zhu and Changfeng Pang
- Conditional heteroskedasticity in macroeconomics data: UK inflation, output growth and their uncertainties , pp 266-288

- Menelaos Karanasos and Ning Zeng
- Conditionality and unconditionality as strategies to prevent labour market exclusion , pp 34-50

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- Conditions for a Contribution by the Structural Funds to Real Convergence of the Recently Acceded Member States , pp 181-208

- Michael H. Stierle and Anita Halasz
- Conditions for monetary integration in East Asia , pp iii-iii

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- Conditions for the implementation of a biotechnology Cluster of Innovation in Colombia: a benchmark of best practices with German clusters , pp 341-373

- Christian Bruszies and Carlos Scheel
- Condominium living , pp 327-345

- Hazel Easthope and Sophie-May Kerr
- Condorcet and Equality of the Sexes: One of Many Fronts for a Great Fighter for Liberty of the Eighteenth Century , pp 127-141

- Peter Groenewegen
- Condorcet jury theorems , pp 140-160

- Bryan McCannon
- Condorcet, Marie- Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat de

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- Conduct of Business Regulation: A Survey of the UK Regime and a Comparison with the US, German and Hong Kong Approach

- James Smethurst, Wessel Heukamp, Jonathan Goodliffe and Royce Miller
- Conduct of business rules , pp 73-88

- Sergio Gilotta
- Conduct of hostilities and detention , pp 211-236

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- Conduct of proceedings - a practitioner’s perspective , pp 367-373

- Stratis Georgilas
- Conduct PhDMasters examinations , pp 114-115

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- Conducting Experimental Research on Organizational Routines

- Alessandro Narduzzo and Massimo Warglien
- Conducting Experiments in the Economics Classroom

- Denise Hazlett, Kathy A. Paulson Gjerde, José J. Vazquez-Cognet and Judith A. Smrha
- Conducting national money laundering or financing of terrorism risk assessment , pp 110-126

- Stephen Dawe
- Conducting qualitative research in criminology , pp 132-146

- Max Travers
- Conducting qualitative research in cultural anthropology , pp 35-54

- Katie Nelson and John Forrest
- Conducting qualitative research in education , pp 204-220

- Jennifer Gao and Radhika Chugh
- Conducting research ‘with’ and not just ‘on’ organisations , pp 135-142

- Carol Woodhams
- Conducting sexual and reproductive health and rights research amongst refugee women in sub-Saharan Africa: some ethical and methodological considerations , pp 291-303

- Tamaryn L. Crankshaw and Victoria M. Mutambara
- Conference attendance is also training , pp 112-113

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- Confidentiality Agreements and Non-Competition Clauses

- John Adams
- Configuration of the Korean market in transition , pp 86-113

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- Configurational comparative methods , pp 497-504

- Deborah Cragun
- Configurational social science , pp 252-287

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- Confirmation bias , pp 209-220

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- Conflict and Conflict Resolution

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- Conflict and Corruption

- John R. Hudson
- Conflict and Corruption in International Trade: Who Helped Iraq Circumvent United Nations Sanctions?

- Yujin Jeong and Robert J. Weiner
- Conflict and development , pp 140-168

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- Conflict in Space

- Vasilis Zervos
- Conflict in wage and unemployment determination in the UK

- Philip Arestis and Iris Biefang-Frisancho
- Conflict management in regional development , pp 50-60

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- Conflict of Laws and Choice of Law

- Erin O’Hara O’Connor and Larry E. Ribstein
- Conflict resolution and opinion pooling in city planning , pp 389-408

- Michael Batty
- Conflict transformation and positive peace , pp 320-333

- Tom Woodhouse, Yolanda Antin and Hiro Fujihara
- Conflict transformation futures , pp 240-257

- Ivana Milojević
- Conflict, contention and cooperation in China's new model of financial intermediation monitoring , pp 793-810

- W. Travis Selmier
- Conflict, Credibility and Asset Prices

- Gregory M. Dempster and Justin P. Isaacs
- Conflict, democracy and regional integration , pp 77-100

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- Conflict, Inflation, Distribution and Terms of Trade in the Kaleckian Model

- Mario Cassetti
- Conflicted Super Structures: Are Australian Investors Being Short-changed?

- Anthony Asher
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