From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- From Miracle to Crisis and Beyond: The Role of Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Asia , pp 225-252

- Hock-Beng Cheah
- From miracle to crisis and the mirage of the post-crisis reform , pp 86-113

- Cheng Few Lee
- From mixed data sources to multimethods and integrative mixed methods , pp 28-40

- Pat Bazeley
- From MoDo to Holmen: a conflictual merger process , pp 208-263

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- From MoDo to Holmen: a consolidation period , pp 264-284

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- From MoDo to Holmen: the building blocs , pp 155-207

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- From monetary integration to economic union , pp 65-84

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- From Monetary to Fiscal Policy Rule: A Matter of Adjustment or Choice?

- Thodoris Koutsobinas
- From moral awareness to academic integrity in Latin America , pp 28-39

- Pablo Ayala-EnrÃquez, Nathalia Franco-Pérez, Jean G. Guerrero-Dib and Gonzalo Pizarro-Puccio
- From moral panic to accountability: societal impact, evaluations, and bibliometrics in Iceland , pp 113-125

- Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson
- From multi-domestic hierarchy to network hierarchy , pp 36-45

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- From National Capital to Dismal Political World City: The Politics of Scalar Disarticulation in Brussels

- Stijn Oosterlynck
- From national welfare states to Social Europe: welfare attitudes in the context of European integration , pp 53-79

- Sharon Baute
- From national- to multi-level governance , pp 135-152

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- From nationalism to neoliberalism: confl ict and consensus in the history of Mexican economics

- Sarah Babb
- From network governance to metagovernance , pp 366-378

- Ralf Müller
- From networks of cities to systems of cities , pp 16-40

- Denise Pumain
- From New Political Economy to New Institutional Economics , pp 38-68

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- From No Technology to All Technology

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- From normal to postnormal futures , pp 184-191

- Jordi Serra del Pino
- From Notified Bodies to Surveillance Authorities , pp 89-107

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- From One Managerial Capitalism... to Another

- Pascal Petit
- From online hate speech to offline hate crime? Testing individual-level associations with a nationally representative sample of adolescents aged 15-17 , pp 250-262

- Markus Kaakinen, Teemu Vauhkonen, Janne Vepsäläinen and Pekka Räsänen
- From orange to cyber: the role of international business policy in creating “Startup Nation” , pp 226-242

- Tamar Almor and Daniel Berliner
- From outsourcing to crowdsourcing: Assessing the implications for Indian workers of different outsourcing strategies , pp 209-224

- Janine Berg, Uma Rani and Nora Gobel
- From overlending to crisis, to a new international financial regime? Lessons from the 1990s*

- Pier Carlo Padoan
- From Paris to New York: creativity and face-to-face networks in twentieth-century art capitals , pp 171-203

- R.D. Norton
- From paternalism to mutualism Eco-Leadership: the cultural transformation of healthcare , pp 793-817

- Simon Western
- From Path Dependency to Path Creation? Baden-Württemberg and the Future of the German Model

- Gerd Schienstock
- From patient to active agent: an institutional analysis of the Russian border town of Vyborg , pp 233-260

- Riitta Kosonen
- From philosophy to politics , pp 125-156

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- From policy measures to policy packages: a spatially, temporally and institutionally differentiated approach

- Eran Feitelson, Ilan Salomon and Galit Cohen
- From policy program implementation to public value creation , pp 58-76

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- From Policy-driven Opening to Institutional Opening – A Discussion on Policy-imposed Distortion in China’s Economic Development

- Youwen Zhang
- From political economy to political ecology , pp 25-50

- Joan Martinez-Alier
- From political incentive to blame avoidance: revisiting the 20-year trajectory of China’s environmental politics , pp 42-54

- Ran Ran
- From Possession to Property: Preferences and the Role of Culture

- Uta-Maria Niederle
- From Poujade to Jean-Marie Le Pen to Marine Le Pen: a populist lineage in France? , pp 106-116

- Annie Collovald
- From probabilistic risk analysis to resilience with network science: lessons from the literature and best practice , pp 99-116

- Mary Warner, Udit Bhatia and Auroop Ganguly
- From prosumption to produsage , pp 67-78

- Axel Bruns
- From Public Choice to Minskyan collective action: the case for macro rationality-based financial regulation , pp 321-337

- Faruk Ãœlgen
- From public interest to common interests , pp 116-137

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- From public-private partnership to infrastructure governance: meaningful change in narrative - or rhetorical sidestep? , pp 238-256

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- From Realpolitik of International Trade to the Geneva Consensus

- Shervin Majlessi
- From Regional Anchors to Anchoring

- Lisa De Propris and Olivier Crevoisier
- From regional production system to regional innovation system: evolutional changes of Suwa industrial region in Japan , pp 225-246

- Mitsuru Sato and Yoshiyuki Okamoto
- From Research to Policy: The Case of Environmental Economics , pp 31-50

- Wallace E. Oates and Wallace E. Oates
- From Risk Management to ‘Organized Irresponsibility’? Risks and Risk Management in the Mobile Telcom Sector

- Jennifer Blechar and Ole Hanseth
- From Say's Law to Keynes, from Keynes to Walras's Law: Some Ironies in the History of Economic Thought

- Antonio Carlos Macedo e Silva
- From scalability to cross-chain DeFi , pp 265-279

- Marcel Kaiser
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